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    a beautiful hadith

    'A Beautiful Hadith' i recived this hadith last nite in my email read it, it is realy beautiful!:hijabi: >>Rasulullah (Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam) said: >>"When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there >>stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the...
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    :hijabi: asalaamu alakum, i was woundering if anyone could tell me websites or places where i can find events for islamic talks in london (UK), i realy want to go to some talks as it helps me feel at ease being around muslims under one roof talking about islam. i also have a friend who...
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    :salam2: salaam there is this website my cousins and his friends go to its called ***Removed*** its bascally a spiritual website. i was with them today and they ask random questions to this (spirit) which i belive is a jinn (please correct me if am wrong). wen my cousins asked it...
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    aslaamu alakum brothers and sisters

    salaam, hi my name is Layla and am from london, lately i have been thinking about marriage ALOT as i just turned 20, am a practicing muslim alhamdulillah, but i feel i am ready to get married to lower my gaze, i have heard marriage is like 50% of the deen (religion) and i wont to complete that...
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    asalaamu alakum

    salaam, i have a girl that works wid me, i only jus got to meet her at my work experience. she talks to me about islam subhanallah, as am a muslim mashallah, she seems soooo interested in the deen and is thinking about reverting inshallah. i want to help her inshallah, am not the perfect muslim...
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    asalaamu alakum

    my name is fahima :hijabi: , am a practicing muslim, living in a westernised country i sometimes find it hard to emprise islam but inshallah:tti_sister: i pray for allah to guide me to the right path :salah:. i just found out about this website and mashallah its fantastic, it brings the...