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    حياتنا في هده القصة

    في يوم من الأيام كان هناك رجلا مسافرا في رحلة مع زوجته وأولاده وفى الطريق قابل شخصا واقفا في الطريق فسأله من أنت'؟ قال أنا المال فسأل الرجل زوجته وأولاده هل ندعه يركب معنا ؟ فقالوا جميعا نعم بالطبع فبالمال يمكننا إن نفعل اى شيء...
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    Le système moral de l’Islam

    :astag:L’Islam a établi un certain nombre de droits fondamentaux, valables pour l’humanité toute entière et qui doivent être observés et respectés en toutes circonstances. Dans ce but, l’Islam fournit, non seulement des garanties juridiques, mais aussi tout un système moral très efficace. Ainsi...
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    convaincre une chretienne de l'islam

    assalamualikum wa rahmatu allah wa barkatuh , j'ai une amie chrétienne ,j'ai essayé de parler avec elle de l'islam mais elle a des arguments solides et elle m'a dit que je ne croie pas que quelqu'un pt me convaincre de laisser ma religion car je suis trés croyante et j'ai vecu des jours...
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    assalamoalikom if someone has the residence in canada and he still a student ,can he brings his wife easly?he wanna be married. wa jazakomolaho khayra
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    assalamulaikum , My probleme is :i've knew a man from marige website and he is verry mutadayin and has good beheviours mashalah.But i'm afraid that be 7aram i said it to him and he said that he doesn't have another way for marriage he is from usa ,in reality i want him.i'm confiused about...
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    studing in canada

    assalamoalikom i'm a moroccan girl and i want to continu my studies in canada inshalah .i want to know if i can studie there even if i'm wearing khimar(a long hijab)o wearing niqab ,and do i will have difficulties there? if someone live there i ask him or her to help me .and thanks for all:shake:
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    searshing for sisters friends

    assalamoalikom i'm searshing for sisters friends to change ideas and help each other to understand better our dines inshalah .
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    need advice

    salamualaikom I am compulsive eater i want to knew if i have sins when i eat lot because allah say:(That wasted were the brothers of devils ) please help me and if someone have some advice to cure of this desease i will be greatful to him
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    salamualikom im a new member imnery glad to be that .iwant to increase my faith by exchanging indea with girls muslims