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  1. E

    Is it permissible to watch the Olympics????

    selaamu 'aleykum The olympics obviously have polytheistic routes dating back to the Greeks? Therefore is it permissible in Islam to watch the Olympics ????? If anyone could find any info that'd be great. wa selaam
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    Climate Change and Its Possible Disaster

    Glory is to Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) The Originator Of All Existence, The Lord Of The Universe, The Creator- that -was- Uncreated, The Most Glorious King. May He Give peace To the Muslims and shower his blessings upon His Final Prpohet Muhammed (sallalahu 'aleyhi wa selaam). May He...
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    :salam2: Could anyone here please explain what the word Taqwa means. I Know I should know this stuff ...... I never asked before because I thought it would be stupid or embarrasing asking. Now I realize the real stupidity would be if you never asked at all. could someone please tell...
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    Does anyone here speak aramaic??

    Selaam 'aleykum Does anyone here know how to speak aramaic????? ( modern day Syriac Dialects or Chaldean -Iraqi dialects)??????? :wasalam:
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    Nafl Prayers???

    Es-Selaam 'aleykum I need help brothers and sisters. My question for you is is permissible to pray Nafl Prayers anytime or is there any restricted times? Thank you :jazaak:
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    male head covering?????

    selaamu 'aleykum any of you brothers here wear a muslim skull cap or any other form of headcovering? As a covert to islam (elhamdulillah) I've been thinking of wearing one. Just as women have the hijaab I think it's also important for men to dress modestly as well. I've been...
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    wearing pants below the ankles?????

    selaam brothers and sisters, UHHHH, I was wondering..........:confused::confused:......... You know how there is a hadith that says it is haraam to wear pants that go below the ankles....:confused:.. that's nice...but What are you supposed to do If you live in a live...
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    Changed my username!!!!!!!!!!!

    selaam brothers and sisters, Hey guys,:SMILY139: You may have known me before as croatian/conv.... .but that username is a peace of garabage,:angryred:so I decided to change my username to something that sounds a bit more Islamic... .:salah: For those of you who don't know who I am...