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    6 imams removed from Twin Cities flight

    MINNEAPOLIS - Six Muslim clerics removed from a US Airways flight said Tuesday they were victims of discrimination and called for a boycott of the airline. The imams were removed from the flight to Phoenix on Monday night...
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    African Missionary finds Truth in Islam Despite Unbearable Hardships

    African Missionary Ends at Islam African Missionary finds Truth in Islam Despite Unbearable Hardships The nuns looked so clean and smart in their starched white habits. They looked like the saints in the pictures that hung on the wall of every classroom, and I dreamt of the day I...
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    From Buddhism to atheism to Islam, the story of a Chinese Muslim.

    Aishah Ong From Buddhism to atheism to Islam, the story of a Chinese Muslim. Aisha Ong (Malaysia) From Buddhism to atheism to Islam, the story of a Chinese muslim. Islam has done me a world of good I was born a Buddhist but I was not taught anything about Buddhism, its...
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    'upright moral character' excerpt from book

    From an appendix in the forthcoming publication (in shaa' Allaah) "UPRIGHT MORAL CHARACTER: A Concise Guide to Attaining Dignified Islaamic Character" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have Mercy on him): quote: ...The shaykh (may Allaah have Mercy on him) would...
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    The jealousy of the man for his wife

    The jealousy of the man for his Wife (Supporting the rights of the believing women-Umm Salamah As-Salafiyyah) 'Iyyaad and others said that it (jealousy) is taken from the verb to change , as in changing the heart and arousing anger. The reason for it being that is it shares something...
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    You have a huge wealth of blessings

    You have a huge wealth of blessings: My sister, verily with every difficulty there is ease (Qur'an 94:6); after night comes the day. The clouds of worry will be blown away, the darkness of distress will be dispelled, and calamities will come to an end, by Allah's leave. Remember that you...
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    you can be the happiest woman in the world.. (insha Allah)

    Assalamu alaykum, Ive recently started reading a book that was recommended, so far Im realy enjoying it, so thought I'd start sharing some with you insha Allah. You can be the happiest Woman in the world A treasure chest of reminders Dr.A'id Al Qarni Think about it....... 1. Be...
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    Journey of a Lifetime: My Way to Islam

    Assalamu alaykum, Masha'Allah a nice story of a sister embracing Islam. Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. My journey to Islam alhamdulilah began after September 11, a time when many who had never heard of Islam were becoming more...
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    Australian convert speaks of her journey to Islam.

    From Lycra to Niqab: Coming Home to Islam Australian Convert speaks on journey through Jewish roots, to the Jehovah Witnesses to finding a natural inclination to Islam [B]Aliyah Jacobs (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Giver of...
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    The man beautifying himself for his wife......

    The Man Beautifying Himself for His Wife & Helping Her With Housework[/B] by Umm Salamah as-Salafiyyah (an Excerpt for her book Supporting the Rights of The Believing Women) The Man Beautifying Himself for His Wife Allaah says: (Translated to mean)...
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    7 tips for improving your relationship with the Qur'an

    7 tips for improving your relationship with the Qur'an Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Qur'an? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the...
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    Why the shame??

    Masha'Allah nice poem. Poem written by : Maryam Elbenhawy I'm eyeballed from head to toe I notice this everywhere I go I look different because I am so I am a Muslim, and that's for you To know... I cover myself, including my face Others may see it as strong faith I follow...
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    The desire for the hereafter

    The Desire For The Hereafter Adopted from Imam Ibn ul-Qayyim’s "Al-Fawa’id" by Abu Aasiya( The desire for the Hereafter is not complete without renouncing this world, and renouncement from this world is not achieved except after: a) Looking at this world, and how...
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    Why our prayers and Dua'as are not answered

    Assalamu alaykum, Masha'Allah I have a poster with this wording on, subhanAllah makes you reflect upon yourself insha Allah. Why Our Prayers and Dua'as are Not Answered Why Our Prayers and Dua'as are not Answered Taken from Khushoo fis-Salaat (p.62) of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee -...
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    signs of weak iman and how to increase it

    Signs of weak Iman and how to increase it A very nice article contributed by brother AbuBanan. Signs of weak Faith: Committing sins and not feeling any guilt. Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran. Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat...
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    poem by shaykhul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah

    Assalamu alaykum, Masha'Allah excellent poem written by shaykhul-islaam ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullaah. When you wish to be pleased with a madh.hab for yourself By which you will obtain nearness and safety from the Fire Then make devotiion with the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah That has come...
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    contemplate your condition.......

    Contemplate Your Condition with Respect to Your Lowly Desires! By Shaikh Abdur Rahman al-Mu’allimee [1] Footnotes by Shaikh Ali Hasan al-Halabee 4. You and Your Lowly Desires (Hawaa) The Muslim contemplates his condition with respect to lowly desires (hawaa): Suppose it...
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    The virtues of the female companions......

    as salam 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah, This short reminder helps us to know and understand the potential of our mothers, wives, and daughters in studying and relaying knowledge to us and the masses of uninformed and ignorant women in our communities. So, dear Muslim brother and sister please read...
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    Intro to the book 'Supporting the rights of the believing women'

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, I said last week that I would try and post some information from the book 'Supporting the rights of the believing women' written by Umm Salamah As-Salafiyyah. Insha Allah I will start tonight by giving some information about Umm Salamah as told...
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    How a person becomes muslim

    All praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the universe. May peace and blessings of Allaah be upon Muhammad, His last messenger. The purpose of this hand out is to correct a false idea spread among those willing to adopt Islaam as their faith. Some people have a wrong notion that entering into the...