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  1. Renee

    About changing name

    Salaam I have started to think about changing my first name to a muslim name but I don't know what name to choose. Is there any sites with names I could check out?
  2. Renee

    I have just taken my shahada now

    Salaam aleykum brothers and sisters I'm grateful for the help of sister Revert2007 alhamdulillah but I'm actually a muslimah now!! Can you believe it?
  3. Renee

    I have made my final decision now

    Last weekend I couldn't handle the enormous pressure and nagging about converting so I decided to go off-line and taking a time-out as they say in sports. I haven't thought much islam during these days at all, except for one of the friends I have made here. Last time we talked I assured her of...
  4. Renee

    Faroukh Bulsara

    It's been a lot about dead rockstar Michael Jackson on various islam sites lately because he seemed to have reverted a few months before he passed away. Freddy Mercury on the other hand died already 1991 and I have known for a long time his real name was Faroukh Bulsara which sounds arabic and...
  5. Renee

    Looking for sisters where I live

    Salaam Aleikum I'm new to this site and joined only yesterday. I haven't reverted yet and I want to learn to meet new friends first where I live. I just don't feel like reverting online or over phone but want it to happen in real life. Or else I will just fall back into my old life. Since it...
  6. Renee


    I don't know if anybody can help me out here but I guess I have nothing to loose. You see, there is a great irony to the situation I'm in. It so happened that I used to be quite an islamophobe not long ago, buying into stuff about muslims being terrorists and the veil is oppressive and such. You...