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    Why so shallow??

    Wa aleykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear sister.Yes that’s exactly what I meant:ma:. I just think some people misunderstood me. Kheyr inshaAllah
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    Why so shallow??

    Wa aleykum assalam wa raxmatullah wa barakatuh ukthii. Who is arguing with the Sunnah?
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    Why so shallow??

    Yes brother this is what I mean. I also wear jilbaab alhamdulillah, but what we should also correct our akhlaaq and not only be content with "looking" like a muslim. Hope it makes sense :-)
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    Why so shallow??

    :salam2: I want to share some of my thoughts, so bare with me inshaAllah Why is it that we focus so much on looking Muslim instead of behaving like one? What does wearing jilbaab or having a beard mean if the person lacks basic manners? Why is that we emphasize the Sunnah when it comes...
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    Assalamu Aleykum

    :salam2: I'm new here. Hope to benefit from this website inshaAllah
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    Imagine Waking up

    Allahu akbar! Jazaak'Allah kheyr for the reminder.