Why so shallow??


New Member

I want to share some of my thoughts, so bare with me inshaAllah

Why is it that we focus so much on looking Muslim instead of behaving like one? What does wearing jilbaab or having a beard mean if the person lacks basic manners?

Why is that we emphasize the Sunnah when it comes to clothing, but we leave all the stuff about having a good akhlaaq etc.?

I am not suggesting that we should leave the Sunnah when it comes to the outside appearance, wal 3iyadu billah! But how come we don't care about what comes out of our mouths and how we approach others?

How come it is so hard to find good friends that are loyal when they are with you and when they are not with you? Alhamdulillah I stick to the little circle of friends I have, but it is still sad that we Muslims can't even trust each other. Where is the sincere brotherly/sisterly love?

How come we don't make excuses for other Muslims when they only are acting according to their knowledge? Why not take that person aside, one on one, and give a heart-felt naseha?

I don't mean to seem pessimistic. I am proud of the ummah with all of it shortcomings and I am not free of these thing I have mentioned. It is mere speculation on my part. :muslim_child:


Assalaam walaikum,

When we stress dress code it is simple. It is a very physical reminder to us about what and who we are. When I am in "dress code" mode I am less likely to fall into the temptation to sin. And trust me it is easy to do so, even with the physical reminder right next to my skin.
I am not a hijabi to impress anyone. I wear hijab out of my love and fear of Allah.
Were I blessed with marriage; the honor would be doubled.

It is a fundamental step in developing myself to be correct.

We must emphasize dress...it is a great visual to know there are other Believers out there.


Junior Member
wa'alaikum assalaam wa rahamthulahi wa barakathuhu

what the sister means is that we should follow the sunna both in dressing and in manners...am i right...

may Allah reward you my dear sister...this is a very good reminder for us, to behave well while in the forum and in the real world too...

jazakAllah kahir for this dear sister


New Member
wa'alaikum assalaam wa rahamthulahi wa barakathuhu

what the sister means is that we should follow the sunna both in dressing and in manners...am i right...

may Allah reward you my dear sister...this is a very good reminder for us, to behave well while in the forum and in the real world too...

jazakAllah kahir for this dear sister

Yes brother this is what I mean. I also wear jilbaab alhamdulillah, but what we should also correct our akhlaaq and not only be content with "looking" like a muslim. Hope it makes sense :)


Assalaam walaikum,

But you can not judge those who wear hijab.

It is internal. We have to strive. Wearing hijab is the beginning of the struggle.


Assalaam walaikum,

No sister...

Read this: the author of this post suggests that there is more to faith than hijab. We need to look at more...

She is equating hijab fashion and stating there is more to piety.

I am stating hijab is a prerequisite for the body/mind to start on the path of piety.
It is sunna as is a beard..

why argue with Sunna.? Why is anyone arguing with Sunna...should you chose not to do it well that is up to you..but do not argue with it.


revert of many years
Assalaam walaikum,

No sister...

Read this: the author of this post suggests that there is more to faith than hijab. We need to look at more...

She is equating hijab fashion and stating there is more to piety.

I am stating hijab is a prerequisite for the body/mind to start on the path of piety.
It is sunna as is a beard..

why argue with Sunna.? Why is anyone arguing with Sunna...should you chose not to do it well that is up to you..but do not argue with it.

oik soster maybe imisttok what you wrote but istill think we cannot judge somone by theri looks


Assalaam walaikum,

Sister..it is not about us judging them. It has nothing to do with us..it is the individual seeking to please Allah. You do what the Pious Predecessors did. It has nothing to do with others.

As I have written in other posts...I do not wear hijab to please any human being. I could care less.


New Member
Assalaam walaikum,

Why argue with Sunna.? Why is anyone arguing with Sunna...should you chose not to do it well that is up to you..but do not argue with it.

Wa aleykum assalam wa raxmatullah wa barakatuh ukthii.
Who is arguing with the Sunnah?


Assalaam walaikum,

Did not the mothers of the believers start to cover? Is it not from them that we get the need to cover after the revelation.

Did not Aisha sit behind a curtain and had two veils with one opening when she gave knowledge?

If there is revelation and then we have evidence from hadith what else do we need sister.


The hijab is a Fard.

The Umm al Mumineen covered after they heard the ayah pertaining to how it's obligatory for Muslim women to cover. Calling it a Sunnah alludes to it being recommended and not necessary.

And it is very much indeed necessary.


Assalaam walaikum,

Oh I see what you are saying...yes, I am in agreement with you Sister.

No, I understood it be fard as it is in the Quran..so I thought it was a no-brainer.

I am having a hard time with this thread. Yes, faith is much deeper than wearing something to represent faith. But, it is a beginning.

Let us not worry about how shallow a person is..let us lower our gaze to please Allah.


as salam 'alaykum

there shouldnt be any ikhtilaf about the fardh and wajib.

the belief and the faith is a matter between him/her and Allah

why we take this issue, when it comes to following the religion?
of course, no matter what cause we show, no matter what analogy we present, it is not justified to give an excuse of faith, because it is something between him and Allah. and not any of the fardh or wajib depends upon the level of faith, if so then may be many of our salah, siam and hajj or others are not accepted.

of course faith is a matter between him/her and God. but that doesnt give him, her to show this reason and escape the fardh.

now comes the Sunnah:
how can we say, without sunnah we can be successful?
is there any other option for muslims?

wa-llahi sunnah the more you are into it, the more you are into good character, the sunnah is the initiation of good manner and akhlaq.

now one may say I have seen people with beard and using miswak doing bad things, this and that.........
does that mean, the Wajib and sunnah shouldn't be followed?

is that can be excuse even?
they say:
it is better to have good faith, eman than being like this.
why dont you follow the Rasul Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam and his companions, who said to follow those who wearing beard and using miswak does bad thing?

i just dont understand the logics.

these actually shows nothing but hawa
lame excuse.

wa-llahu a'lam


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikkum,

Think about how much the Prophet SAW and the companions sacrificed for this faith. How much blood was shed for Islam. How much pain the Prophet SAW went through when each ayah was revealed to him. Do you think all this was revealed to him through Jibreel A.S so that we could just ignore them as we wish.

We think about our comfort, our political correctness according to the society. We make us look so that the society is pleased. But do you think Allah will be pleased.

One reason why I keep beard and try to follow the Sunnah to my best. One simple reason. I love my Prophet SAW. If at the day of Judgement, if Allah rewards me the Jannah, will I be facing the Prophet SAW at the doors of Jannah with a beardless face? He will be really sad if he sees that. And I can't take that. Every single thing I do is to get ready to meet my creator and the man who showed me the way. I think only that will make some justice to all the blood that was shed by the Sahaba and some much trials they had to go through. I cannot let them go ignored.

I hope that makes sense.


Assalaam walaikum,

Yes, brothers you are correct.

Nothing more needs to be stated. And as a sister...the same applies...I do it to make it easier on myself...common sense....


Assalamu Alaikkum,

Think about how much the Prophet SAW and the companions sacrificed for this faith. How much blood was shed for Islam. How much pain the Prophet SAW went through when each ayah was revealed to him. Do you think all this was revealed to him through Jibreel A.S so that we could just ignore them as we wish.

We think about our comfort, our political correctness according to the society. We make us look so that the society is pleased. But do you think Allah will be pleased.

One reason why I keep beard and try to follow the Sunnah to my best. One simple reason. I love my Prophet SAW. If at the day of Judgement, if Allah rewards me the Jannah, will I be facing the Prophet SAW at the doors of Jannah with a beardless face? He will be really sad if he sees that. And I can't take that. Every single thing I do is to get ready to meet my creator and the man who showed me the way. I think only that will make some justice to all the blood that was shed by the Sahaba and some much trials they had to go through. I cannot let them go ignored.

I hope that makes sense.

As'alaamu Alaikkum

Nicely put bro.


Junior Member

I want to share some of my thoughts, so bare with me inshaAllah

Why is it that we focus so much on looking Muslim instead of behaving like one? What does wearing jilbaab or having a beard mean if the person lacks basic manners?

Why is that we emphasize the Sunnah when it comes to clothing, but we leave all the stuff about having a good akhlaaq etc.?

I am not suggesting that we should leave the Sunnah when it comes to the outside appearance, wal 3iyadu billah! But how come we don't care about what comes out of our mouths and how we approach others?

How come it is so hard to find good friends that are loyal when they are with you and when they are not with you? Alhamdulillah I stick to the little circle of friends I have, but it is still sad that we Muslims can't even trust each other. Where is the sincere brotherly/sisterly love?

How come we don't make excuses for other Muslims when they only are acting according to their knowledge? Why not take that person aside, one on one, and give a heart-felt naseha?

I don't mean to seem pessimistic. I am proud of the ummah with all of it shortcomings and I am not free of these thing I have mentioned. It is mere speculation on my part. :muslim_child:

wa'alikum assalaam wa rahmathulahi wa barakathuhu

the sister was not talking about leaving the sunna,i think...she was just saying that we should follow the sunna not only in outward appearance but also in our behaviour towards others ;and that we must watch what we say...

this is what i understood...who was talking about leaving the sunna...it seems to have been a long talk when i dont think she meant that at all...and Allah knows best

assalaam alaikum