Allahu Akbar! ☪Madinah Salah 1443H Muharram/Safar/Rabiul Awal/ Rabiul Akhir/Jamadil Al Awal/Jamadil Al Akhir/Rajab/Shaaban/Ramadhan/Shawwal/Dhulqa'dah/DhulHijjah


Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Fajr
2 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 5 March 2022
(Surah Balad & Layl) ~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Khaalid al Muhanna.
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noor academy

Junior Member
Islamic studies are essential for kids because Islamic studies for kindergarten help them learn about the history and culture of Islam. It also teaches them about Muslims’ values, such as love, compassion, and Quran. Islamic studies also give kids a strong foundation in reading and writing to research different topics. This article will outline all you need to know about Islamic studies for kids.

Islamic studies for kids

Islamic studies for kids in the preschool stage help children understand the Koran and traditional Islamic beliefs.

This can include learning about Allah, the Quran, allusions to Islam in literature and other media, and practicing Ramadan or Hajj meditation.

Islamic studies for preschoolers are integrated into the curriculum in some educational institutions.

In others, it is offered as a separate class. It is most often taught by women who have been trained to teach young children.

In Islamic schools, students are taught essential words and prayers in Arabic.

This can include learning about Allah, the Quran, allusions to Islam in literature and other media, and practicing Ramadan or Hajj meditation.

In Pakistan and India, some madrasas for the low-income groups offer free education up to the high school level.

They also offer Islamic studies for preschoolers and primary education at no cost to parents.

How can I learn basic Islamic studies at home?

Islamic studies for kids can be learned at home by following a few simple steps. First, find a qualified Islamic scholar to teach you the basics of Islam.

Then, use resources such as books and internet articles to supplement your education.

Finally, regularly attend classes or mosque services to develop lasting connections with Muslim classmates and learn more about Islam’s history and culture.

By following this simple three-step process, you will be able to learn basic Islamic studies at home.

What is the Islamic studies syllabus?

Islamic studies for kids via their syllabus is a guide to help students prepare for Islamic religious education.

It provides specific instructions on the content and methods of Islamic religious education, including Quranic recitation, scripture reading, mathematical problems,

Surveying, and Land surveying practices in Muslim countries, historical events from the life of Prophet Muhammad up to modern times, Islamic history, and Islamic culture.

Islamic studies syllabus is designed to help students prepare for Islamic religious education. It provides specific instructions on the content and methods of Islamic religious education, including Quranic recitation, scripture reading, mathematical problems, Surveying, and Land surveying practices in Muslim countries, historical events from the life of Prophet Muhammad up to modern times, Islamic history, and Islamic culture.

How do I start Islamic knowledge?

Islamic Studies for kids study Islamic law, history, and culture. It can help children understand different aspects of Islam, from its origins to today.

Students learn about the Muslim faith and how it has shaped our world. They also explore important issues like freedom of speech, religion in public life, women’s rights, and more.

Islamic Studies for kids is not just the study of the Quran, Islam’s holy book. Students learn about the five pillars of Islam and how they play a role in a Muslim’s daily life.

Students also learn how to pray and how to fast during Ramadan.

Islamic Studies for kids also explores important Islamic figures like Muhammad, who Muslims consider Allah’s final Prophet.

Students learn about his background and his role in shaping Islamic history.

In addition, they explore the life of other significant historical figures, such as Ali ibn Abi Talib, one of Muhammad’s successors.

Students learn about the spread of Islam from its origins in Mecca and Medina throughout the Middle East and into Europe, Africa,

How do I introduce my toddler to Islam?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on the person and their goals and the Islamic studies lesson plans structure for kids.

However, some general tips that can help you start learning about Islam include:

1) Learning about Islamic history and traditions will help you understand why Muslims believe the way they do and how Islamic law has been applied in different contexts throughout history.

2) Reading Quranic verses can give you a deeper understanding of Muslim beliefs and practices.

For example, if you want to learn more about modesty or hijab (head covering), reading Quranic verses could be a great way to get started!

3) Join an online community of Muslims. Many online communities offer resources such as chat rooms, forums, blog posts, etc. This can be very helpful in getting started with Islam.

MUST READ: Virtues Learning the Hadith for Believer | Quran Oasis

What are the qualities of an Islamic studies teacher?

To come up with the proper Islamic studies lesson plan for kids and the child to Islam will vary depending on their circumstances and interests. However, some tips that may be useful include:

1– Encouraging your toddler to read religious texts and learn about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Islamic teachings. This can help them become familiar with what Islam stands for and develop an understanding of why Muslims follow them.

2 – Providing resources such as Quran verses or stories from the Koran for your toddler to understand Sharia law ( rulings made by Muslim clerics) more fully. These materials can also help teach them about Allah’s commands and prohibitions related to moral behavior. 3 – Introducing new foods or drinks specifically designed for children born into families who practice Islam might be an appealing option at first; however, it is essential not to overdo it so that they start growing accustomed to a strict lifestyle early on in their lives. What are the qualities of Islamic studies teachers?

3 – The first thing to do is choose a theme on which you would like your children to focus. For example, you might want them to learn about Islamic history or the life of one of the prophets. You could also choose a theme that focuses on a particular concept, such as Tawheed (monotheism), salah (prayer), shahadah (testimony of faith), or zakat (almsgiving). After choosing your theme, decide how much time you can spend with your children and then plan out how long it will take them to learn about it. For example,

if you want your children to learn about the life of Prophet Muhammad (s), it will take them several months, if not a year, to learn about all the events in his life.

4 – Before you start teaching them, decide what vocabulary you want them to learn. For example, suppose you’re going to teach them about the concept of monotheism. In that case, they will need to know what monotheism means, and they should also be able to understand how it is reflected in the Qur’an and Sunnah (the traditions and practices of the Prophet). Therefore, before teaching them about monotheism, make sure that they understand these terms. If you are not sure whether or not they have grasped a particular concept

, then ask them to explain it to you.

5 – Make sure that the material you are using is accessible for them to understand. You will find many Islamic books, such as the ones we have mentioned in the list of resources at the end of this book, written for children. If you are using a book that is not geared toward children, then make sure that it is not too difficult for them and understand what they are reading. Never underestimate their intellect! The most important thing is to make sure they know what they are reading, and so if you feel like there is something in a book or article or even a hadith (a saying or action of Prophet Muhammad (s) or one of

his companions) that they will not be able to understand, either skip it or explain it to them. You can always find a better book to read when they are ready for it.

6 – Make sure that the material you are using is exciting and relevant. For example, if you are teaching your children about the Prophet Abraham (a), then do not just talk about his life in general but make sure that you focus on how he had left his family and home behind to worship Allah alone. Or if you are talking to them about the story of Prophet Moses (a), make sure that you focus on how Allah had saved him and also how Allah had shown him many miracles to

Why are Islamic studies important?

Islamic studies for kids provide a strong foundation for understanding and defending the Islamic faith.

It also helps people develop critical thinking skills, essential in any society. Through Islamic studies, we can learn about our history and culture and those of other cultures.

Additionally, an Islamic studies lesson plan for kids allows them to understand better how others have interacted with Islam throughout the centuries and discover their thoughts on religious freedom and apostasy.

MUST READ: 5 Best websites to learn Islamic Studies online

This knowledge will help us respond to the challenges of the present day.

Which is the best Islamic app?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different people have their own preferences and opinions when it comes to the best Islamic app.

The best Islamic apps are the one that suits the individual and their needs. Different people have different preferences when it comes to apps, so there is no single app that is perfect for everyone.

However, some of our favorites include sunnahfoundation, amirandjihadfoundation, Muslim Arabs for peace websites, and Muslim-friendly websites.

However, some of the most popular and well-known Islamic apps include Quran App, Muslim Health App, Imam Uthman’s Prophecy app, and Imam Qari ‘Alī al-Munawi’s Quran Study & Commentary app.

salaata ( Prayer ), Fiqh ( jurisprudence ), Tafsir ( commentary), Hadith books /commentaries/, etc.

What are the branches of Islamic Studies?

Islamic Studies refers to the study of Islamic beliefs, practices, and institutions.

There are many different branches of Islamic studies, including history, theology, law, language arts and literature appreciation, political science, and international relations.

Islamic Studies study Islam and its history, literature, philosophy, theology, law, and more.

Islamic studies for kids online provides children with the opportunity to learn about Islam and its complex history. As they explore Islamic texts, videos, and activities,

they will understand how Islamic beliefs have shaped the character of people around the world.

Islamic studies for kids online is a curriculum of educational games and activities. It introduces kids to the history of Islam and its rich culture, and the impact it has had on the world.

The curriculum is divided into four main categories: Islam, Sacred Texts, Muslim Civilizations, and Muslim Life.

In addition, each class has several subtopics that contain activities and games designed to give kids a better understanding of how Islam developed into the religion it is today.

To understand Islamic Studies for kids, one needs to understand Islam. In Arabic, the word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’ or ‘surrendering.’ It refers to a mon

the monotheistic religion founded in the Arabian Peninsula during the 7th century.

The Islamic studies for kids curriculum are designed for kindergarten through fifth-grade children.

However, children with a basic understanding of the English language can also use it.

The activities within the curriculum are designed to stimulate critical thinking and promote a sense of Islam, its history, and its culture.

Islamic Studies for kids provides resources to parents who have children that attend public school. These resources include a guide on how to implement Islamic Studies in your child’s classroom,

as well as links to lesson plans that teachers can use. Islamic Studies for kids also provides a lesson plan on how to teach your child about Ramadan using the curriculum’s resources.


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noor academy

Junior Member
Allah has sworn By In Surah Asr, meaning that Allah has sworn by time, and he named it a chapter of the Quran, that: because time occurs in which human movements occur, from good and evil, obedience and disobedience, and turning to Allah and management, because of time the Muslim obeys his Allah or his disobedience. A Muslim must do a righteous deed in order to enter Paradise, which was prepared for the righteous, or Hellfire, which was prepared for the misguided.

Although Surah Al-Asr is a few verses, it has great words and meanings, as it urges us to be patient in dealing with people with kindness, and we pray for them in the back of the unseen.

What is Surah Al-Asr?

Surah Al-Asr is one of the few small surahs in the Quran, but its meanings are great.

Al-Asr(Arabic: سورة العصر, it’s meaning as( The Declining Day, Eventide, The Epoch, Time”) is the 103rd chapter (surah) of the Quran. It contains three ayat or verses.

Its Position in Juzʼ 30, No. of Rukus 1 and No. of verses 3.

Surat Asr is one of the earliest chapters of the Quran, that was revealed in Makkah, and is also the second shortest surah of the Quran after Surah Al-Kawthar.

El Asr Sura having just three verses is considered to be the essence of the Quran, as it is a tremendous means of salvation.

Lots of Muslims try to explain the whole of Islam in just a couple of hours or when creating a flyer, but it is difficult.

Surprisingly, the Quran summarizes the entire system of Islam and the basic concept of faith in a few words. Only Allah Almighty can do that.

According to some commentators, all the knowledge and objectives of the Quran are briefly gathered in Surah Al-Asr as it contains the Islamic ideologies and beliefs,

which result in attaining a state of rectitude and decency in all issues of life. and this short Surah leads Man to a total complete program for his happiness.

Imam al-Shafi’i said that although surah wal asr is very short and concise if people meditated on this Surah, they would be sufficient for them.

He meant that it would be sufficient for them to understand the Islamic ideologies and beliefs, its pillars, and etiquettes. He doesn’t mean that the Surah encompasses all details of the Shari`ah of Islam in any way.

Surah Asr helped even a disbeliever to realize the falsehood of one of the biggest enemies of Islam, namely Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab. It is narrated that `Amr ibn Al-As before he accepted Islam, visited Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab who asked him, “What has been revealed to your friend (Muhammad) during this time?”

Amr said, “A short and concise Surah has been revealed to him.”

After Amr read Surah Al-Asr to him, Musaylimah tried to imitate the Quran’s rhythm. What he produced were nonsensical verses where he claimed the Surah had been revealed to him instead.

Amr said to him, “By Allah! Verily, you know that I know you are lying.” What Musaylimah fabricated was not even convincing to an idol-worshipper of that time.

The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Asr: “By the time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.” (Quran, 103: 1-3)

Al Asr Surah contains about three important things:

  • Time shapes the advent of this universe to the day of judgment.
  • The Duration of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  • Salat-ul-Asr (Prayer of Asr).
Surat Al-Asr began with the Asr(the time) that Allah swore in asr surah for all of humanity with time because of its importance. And whoever does not use his time in righteous deeds that will benefit him in his life and in the Hereafter, then he is a loser, and those who do righteous deeds and are patient have a great reward.

surah al asr reading

surah al asr reading
surah al asr reading
To know more information about Al Asr Surah, such as the period of its revelation in terms of why and when it was revealed, as follows:

When was Surah Al Asr revealed?

Surah Asr is an earlier “Meccan surah”, which means it is believed to have been revealed in Makkah, instead of later in Medina.

According to some, it follows surah 94 in the chronological order of the Quran.

Imam al-Shafi’i said that although Surah Asr is very short and concise if people meditated on this Surah, they would be sufficient for them.

How important this Surah was in the sight of the companions can be judged from the tradition cited from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Hisn Ad-Darimi Abu Madinah, according to which,

whenever any two of them met they would not part company until they had surah al asr recitation to each other. (This narration is taken from Tabarani).

while the message of Islam becomes being offered in a short however pretty incredible manner so that the listeners who heard those verses once couldn’t neglect them even though they desired to, for they had been robotically devoted to memory.

Surah Al-Asr indicates that the most effective manner to salvation is with Allah, Glory be His. He decreed that each one man is at loss.

However, Allah exempted individuals who received those 4 developments or qualities.

  1. To have firm faith in one’s heart.
  2. To perform righteous deeds.
  3. To advise one another to follow the truth.
  4. To counsel one another to be patient in adversity.

Why was surah al asr revealed?

  • surah wal asr, Allah swears by (Time) wherein all of the deeds of man, be they excellent or bad, might be both rewarded or punished in each of this gift’s existence and the Hereafter.
  • Muslims must spread Islam. Whoever didn’t obey Allah was destroyed (People of Ad, Thamud, Lut a.s, Salih a.s, nuh a.s, etc).
  • Because Allah says that “man is at a loss”. Except who invites people to the truth and patience. And time bears witness to all these events (punishments from Allah).
  • Good deeds must be accompanied by good deeds to be accepted by Allah, and for Allah to accept them from the servant, they must be purely for the sake of Allah Almighty, since faith must contain your good deeds and without them, your faith becomes empty.
  • For Allah to teach us everything about the Noble Quran in brief and great words, and in the end, to feel happy when Allah is pleased with us.

Surah Al Asr arabic text

Surah Al Asr Transliteration

Surah Asr in English

قال الله تعالى في محكم التنزيل: {وَالْعَصْرِ * إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ * إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْر
[العصر1:3]. صدق الله العظيم.
  1. Wal’ asr.
  2. Innal insaana lafi khusr.
  3. Il lal lazeena aamanu wa ‘amilus saali haati wa tawa saw bil haqqi wa tawa saw bis sabr.
“By the Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy”.

What is the meaning of Surah Al Asr?

Name of Surat Al Asr, It is known as Surah Asr, the particular time of Asr is being sworn with the aid of carrying with it the truth that man is destined to be a loser. The best exception is for individuals who are given religion and do right deeds, and in addition, they promote “Haq”(truth) and demonstrate “sabr”(patience). This precise Surah of the Quran starts with the word “Asr ”(time) and ends with the word”sabr.

Explanation of Surah Al Asr:

1-By Time:

In this verse, Allah takes an oath on Time. Allah on occasion approves and strengthens His Verses thru vows; He on occasion makes use of the names of a few beings whilst He vows to signify the significance and cost of those beings for man.

So right here in this verse, Allah manifests the distinction of Time to make us apprehend that each second is substantial for fulfillment.

2-Verily Man is at a loss

When the Quran states conclusively that Man is in loss, it implies loss each on this global and withinside the Hereafter.

  1. Except for individuals who trust and do accurate works, and enjoin each other to fact and patience. In the 0.33 and closing verse of this Surah, Allah mentions the situations upon which our fulfillment and failure depend.
  • The first essential situation is Belief — perception in Allah and His Attributes, perception withinside the Hereafter and Reckoning, praise and punishment, the Divine Books, and the prophets.
  • The 2nd situation is the willingness to carry out righteous deeds. In the phrases of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Ref:- Jami at-Tirmidhi Vol 4, Book 10, Hadith 2389). Righteousness is ideal behavior, and sin is what fluctuates for your chest, and you will hate that the human beings observed it approximately you.
  • Thirdly, this verse asks us to enjoin each other toward reality and patience. In different phrases, we need to stay in isolation however as a substitute try and create a believing and righteous society through encouraging each other.
Thus, regarding the comprehensiveness of Surah Asr, Imam Shafi (RA) has very rightly stated:

If the people only considered this Surah well, it alone would suffice them for their guidance.

There are many hadiths that talk about the importance of Surat Al-Asr:

Hadith on surah Asr

Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There are two blessings in which many people incur loss. (They are) healthy and free time.” (Al-Bukhari).

Based on this hadith and Surah Al-Asr, it is clear that time is very precious in the sight of Islam. Being aware of the importance of time is a sign of one’s integrity, rational thinking, and complete faith. Many people kill time and waste it on nonsensical issues and in the end, they face much regret.

Amazingly, our fantastic Muslim predecessors loved time and in no way wasted it in minutiae or sheer play. They made nice use of time despite the fact that they had been very busy with learning, teaching, authoring, and guiding others. That is why our Islamic records are full of encyclopedic scholars. And despite the fact that this sort of student is uncommon these days, they’re very much needed.

One of the most important concerns that occupy your mind now after you know Surat Asr with its meanings is how I can recite it and memorize it as follows:

How to recite surah asr?

There is the perfect way to recite and learn Surah Asr, that’s online Courses on the internet.

If you couldn’t read Quran and want to learn Quran with Tajweed, you could learn it from online publications first, wherein you’ll be capable of reading Quran or any Arabic words,

then Quran Reading Course Online this route will offer you a very good workout how can examine well the Noble Quran and analyze all Quran signs.

With Tajweed Course online you’ll Recite al Quran with Tajweed thoroughly Insha Allah.

If you want to book a Hifz online route, the Best Arab instructors will train you that you could memorize al Quran with clean and speedy approaches and turn out to be a Hafiz Insha Allah then you could be part of the Ijazah online route and get Ijazah Certificate from Arab Sheikh.

And every surah of the Noble Quran has benefits, and Allah and our Messenger(PBUH) taught us when to recite Surah Al-Asr, and what are its benefits as follows:

When to recite Surah Al Asr?

  1. Surah Asr is very useful for everyone.
  2. Recite this Surah seven instances and breathe in the water and feed the stricken person.
  3. Reciting this Surah 11 instances after Fajr prayer is a supply of power to face reality and undergo hardships.
  4. When you simply say “salaam,” “good-bye,” “later,” or “see you” while you leave from friends, family, or a different company, you’re lacking out on a danger to exercise a lovely sunnah of the partners!
  5. Learn the way to recite surah al ‘Asr with tajweed and memorize it.
  6. Copy the partners and recite Surah Al Asr while you go away. Remind others to do the same, and exercise it with the children.
  7. Reciting Surah al-‘Asr Before Leaving a Gathering:
Abu Dawood (4859) narrated that Abu Barzah al-Aslami (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say when he wanted to leave a gathering: “Glory and praise be to You, O Allah, there is no god but You, I seek Your forgiveness and I repent to You.” A man said: O Messenger of Allah, you are saying something that you did not say before. He said: “It is expiation for anything that happened in the gathering.

Al Asr Surah benefits

  1. The man or woman who recites Surah Al-Asr in his normal prayers could have a shining face on the Day of Judgment.
  2. The reciters of this Surah might be affected by a person in adversity and might be taken into consideration the human beings of reality.
  3. If this surah is written after ‘Isha prayers and kept, it will likely be a protection from the tyrant ruler in whose presence one is brought.
  4. This Surah is great for growing the affection and concord among human beings.
  5. Recitation of Surah Al-Asr will increase staying power and steadfastness.
  6. Surah Al-Asr recitation motivates us to do the proper deeds, have staying power, and additionally propose to have the staying power with others.
  7. The major Emphasis of this Surah is on the significance of time, having robust religion in Almighty Allah, performing righteous deeds, calling every different to reality, and recommending every different closer to staying power.
Surat Al-Asr greatly emphasizes the importance of time and its repercussions on the existence of a Muslim, which is what lies in the Islamic Sharia.

Related question

Tafsir al ashr ibnu katsir

Surah Asr tafseer as in ibnu katsir:

  • وَالْعَصْرِ
Al-Asr artinya zaman atau masa yang padanya Bani Adam bergerak melakukan perbuatan baik dan buruk. Malik telah meriwayatkan dari Zaid ibnu Aslam bahwa makna yang dimaksud adalah waktu asar.

Tetapi pendapat yang terkenal adalah yang pertama. Allah Swt. bersumpah dengan menyebutkan bahwa manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, yakni rugi dan binasa.

{إِلا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ}

kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh. (Al-‘Asr:3)

Maka dikecualikan dari jenis manusia yang terhindar dari kerugian, yaitu orang-orang yang beriman hatinya dan anggota tubuhnya mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh.

  • {وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَق
dan nasihat-menasihati supaya menaati kebenaran. (Al-‘Asr: 3)

Yakni menunaikan dan meninggalkan semua yang diharamkan.

  • {وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ}
dan nasihat-menasihati supaya menetapi kesabaran. (A1-‘Asr: 3).

Yaitu tabah menghadapi musibah dan malapetaka serta gangguan yang menyakitkan dari orang-orang yang ia perintah melakukan kebajikan dan ia larang melakukan kemungkaran.

Demikianlah akhir tafsir surat Al-Asr, segala puji bagi Allah Swt. atas segala karunia-Nya.

Summary of Surah Asr

We have learned from Allah and His Messenger(PBUH) what time is and how important it is. Allah has sworn through it in a separate Surah in the Holy Quran in Surah Al Asr.

surah wal asr is the 103rd chapter of the Quran. It speaks of the truth that everyone is at a loss except they trust in Allah and do proper deeds. Losing time, oneself, and the passing of time is something that everyone revels in and we have to use this time nicely if we need to achieve the rewards of this existence withinside the Hereafter.

Obedience to Allah and His Messenger and following the Islamic Sharia is the way of salvation, which is that the matter ends with the believer doing righteous deeds, being upright and being affected, and ending up with his entry to Paradise.

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Junior Member
People, who have extra requirements than their income, Those who must pay zakat for who is eligible for zaka, but first what does zakah mean? We will discuss this. Let’s start.

8 ways for Muslim zakat, Allah put eight reception or ways to zakatt in The Quran to us person who is eligible for zakat as:

  1. The poor people or Al-fuqara as the Quran said. They are people that do not have enough money to cover their requirements.
  2. Needy people or Al-maskin as Quran said. They are people in necessary need of money.
  3. Administrators of zakat as charities organizations.
  4. Friends of Islam and new Muslims.
  5. who is in bondage as captives& slaves?
  6. who are in debt and couldn’t pay it. Person in adept considers one we who is eligible for zakat.
  7. Fi sabil Allah as Quran said or for the cause of Allah.
  8. who are passengers or travelers who have no or little resources that they call wayfarers?
All of these eight ways discuss who is eligible for zakat.

.إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاء وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللّهِ وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

What is Zakat?

Zakah (Arabic:الزكاة) is one of the obligations in Islam that mean people who have extra money than their requirements must give some of the money by the year to poor people or to who is eligible for zaka.

When Muslim people who have money exceeded their requirements give zakah to poor people or people who need money to enough their requirements for their family, This will purify the money that those people have.

Muslim zakat
Muslim zakat

How many types of al zakat are in Islam?

In Islam, we have two types of zakat

  1. Zakat Al-Mal or in the other means al zakat of wealth.
  2. Zakat Al Fitr ( that paid after fasting).

1- Zakat Al-Mal

Zakat Al-Mal (arabic:زكاة المال) is the type of Zakat when people have wealth like property, money, gold, silver, and any other wealth they must pay zakat for purifying this wealth. So they search for the person who is eligible for zakat and pay al zakat for him to purify him.

al zakat that paid for wealth is 2.5% of total wealth by the year as Islam said.

Not all people must pay zakat Al-Mal but when people exceed a special limit of wealth called Nisab they must pay Zakah Al-Mal.

Zakat Al-Mal hadith

Ali ibn Abi Talib reported: The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “If you have two hundred silver coins and a year has passed, five coins are due for alms. You will owe nothing until you own twenty gold coins. If you own twenty gold coins and a year has passed, half of a coin is due for alms. Whatever is extra should be calculated likewise.

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 1572

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

2- Zakat Al Fitr

Zakat Al Fitr (arabic:زكاة الفطر) is that all Muslims must pay at the end of fasting. This must be paid at the end of Ramadan month before Eid Al-Fitr so it is also called zakat or sadaqah Al Eftar regarding Eid Al-Fitr. paying for all adult members of the family.

it paid to poor people as cereals like rice, beans, wheat, and raisins. No problem paying it as money but must be paid before Eid Al Fitr to make poor people buy new clothes for the celebration of Eid.

zakat al Fitr hadith

(1) Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, obligated Zakah al-Fitr as purification of the fasting person from vain talk and misbehavior, as food for the poor. Whoever pays it before the Eid prayer, is accepted as Zakah. Whoever pays it after the Eid prayer, is part of voluntary charity.

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 1609

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Ibn Qudamah

(2) Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, obligated payment of charity at the end of Ramadan, a portion of dates or barely, upon slave and freeman, male and female, young and old among the Muslims. The Prophet ordered it to be given before people go out for Eid prayer.

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 1503, sahih Muslim 986

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

(3) Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: We would bring for Zakah al-Fitr a portion of food, or a portion of barley, or a portion of dates, or a portion of cheese, or a portion of raisins.

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 1435, sahih 985

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Al-Tirmidhi said, “This is acted upon by some of the people of knowledge. Their view is that a portion (sa’) of any food is valid; it is the opinion of Al-Shafi’i, Ahmad, and Ishaq. Some of the people of knowledge among the companions of the Prophet and others said a portion of any food is valid, except for wheat, for which is it permissible to give a half portion; it is the opinion of Sufyan al-Thawri, Ibn al-Mubarak, and the people of Kufah.”

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 673

(4) Al-Nawawi reported: Waki’ ibn al-Jarrah, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “Zakah al-Fitr is to the month of Ramadan like the prostration of forgetfulness is to prayer. It makes up for deficiencies in fasting just as the prostration makes up for deficiencies in prayer.”

Source: al-Majmu’ Sharh al-Muhadhab 6/140

How much does Zaka pay?

For Zakah Al-Mal

Islam obliges zakah as 2.5% of the total wealth that the person has at the year. When his wealth exceeds the Nisab he must pay zakat as 2.5% by the year. Nisab is equal to eighty-five grams of gold.

Zakat of wealth that the person has like:

  • Gold & silver.
  • Zaka on installment property.
  • Zakah on cash or credit.
  • Zakatt on vehicles.
  • Business and investments.
We should know that zakah, not paid for the wealth we used or consumed as

  • Education
  • Housing
  • Food
  • Clothes we have.

For Zakah Al-Fitr

Each member of the family must pay minimally about two kilograms of rice, wheat, raisins, and other cereals food staff.

May pay money equivalent to this amount of food.

The money paid is about seven dollars for each member.

How to calculate al zakat?

As we know Muslim zakat is paid after we reach the Nisab and zakat is 2.5% of your total wealth by the year but, how to calculate this? we will discuss below:

1- you pay zakat for your total wealth as zakah on inheritance, zakat on installment property, zakah on gold, and all wealth so you must first calculate your total wealth per year:

Total of your income per year = gold & silver+cash + investment property + debts owed to you + stocks & shares + saving fundus + your business.

2- Calculate your total needs and living-consuming expenses.

Total living-consuming expenses = your debt + expenses of your business + your living expenses.

3- Calculate the total wealth

Total wealth for zakat = all total wealth – living-consuming expenses.

This is wealth that you pay zakat for.

4- Find if your zakah wealth reaches the Nisab and if it reaches Nisab you have to pay the required zakah and search about who is eligible for zaka.

5- Calculate zakat you have to pay

Your zakat you have to pay = your wealth for zakat × 2.5 %.

After you calculate your total al zakat you will pay. you have to search about who is eligible for zaka and pay it for its right eight ways as our holy Quran said.

There are many Islamic books on al zakat that can help you understand and calculate your zakat and tell you who is eligible for zakat.

Zakat on livestock

Livestock that the people have are considered a wealth and must pay zakat for them. Zakatt on livestock is not paid until they reach a special threshold called Nisab. An animal that we used in work like horses & slaves not entered under livestock zakat.

1- Zakat on camel

No paid-for camel until they reach five to nine camels as below

  • From 5 to 9 camels, one goat or one cheap goat must be paid as al zakat and this goat must be after its first-year-old.
  • From 10 to 25 camels you must pay two goats or cheap for 10 to 14, from 15 to 19 camels you pay three goats or cheap, From 20 to 25 camels you pay four goats or cheap.
  • From 25 to 35 camels here, you must pay one female camel that passed its first year, if there is no female you pay instead of a male camel that passed its first two years.
  • From 36 to 45 camels you must pay one female camel with age from two to four years old.
  • From 46 to 60 camels you pay a female camel called hiqqa that is four years old and can carry loads and children.
  • From 61 to 75 camels you pay one female camel that is five years old.
  • From 76 to 90 camels you pay two female camels that have passed the first two years old.
  • From 91 to 120 camels you pay two camels that passed three years old.
  • More than 120 camels pay one female camel four years old for every 50 camels and one female camel between 2 years to five years for every forty camels.

2- zakat on goats

No paid on goats or sheep until they reach a specific threshold called Nisab that equals 40 goats or sheep.

  • From 40 to 120 goats or sheep you need to pay one goat or sheep that is four years old or pay one that is four years old.
  • From 120 to 200 goats or sheep you pay two goats or sheep.
  • From 200 to 300 goats or sheep you pay three goats or sheep.
  • After 300 goats or sheep, you pay one goat or sheep for every 100 goats in addition to the three before 300.

3- zakat on buffalo

You don’t pay until buffalo reach 30 battles or buffalo that are called Nisab.

  • From 30 to 40 buffalo, you pay one female buffalo that has passed two years old.
  • Forty and up to 40 you pay a female cow that is in its fourth year. up to 40 you pay one female passed two years old on each 30 and one female on its fourth year to each 40.

How do I calculate alzakat on gold?

Gold as any wealth you have calculated is al zakat by 2.5 % of your total gold but after you reach the threshold that is called Nisab.

Nisab of gold is equal to 87.48 grams and after this amount of gold, you have to pay al zakat.

If a gram of gold costs 62.28 $ you pay zakat for it as 2.5% × 62.28 $ = 1.557 $ this is zaka for each gram after you reach Nisab. Be careful when you pay your zaka you must find the true way and person who is eligible for zakat.

Benefits of zakat and sadaqah

Zakat & sadaqah has many benefits for Muslims as

  1. Making Muslims obey Allah and complete their Islam as al zakat is one of the obligations of Islam.
  2. Helping poor and needy people to raise their income to meet their requirements so the person who is eligible for zakat can live well.
  3. Making Muslims not love money as they spend it on al zakat although they hardly collect them.
  4. Make Muslims learn social solidarity as rich people help the poor and the person who is eligible for zakat in his hard life.
  5. Purify the heart of Muslims as they pay their zakah and their money with love to obey Allah.
  6. Zaka purifies the wealth that the people have as The Quran said :(O Prophet), take sadaqa (al zakat) out of their property-thou wouldst cleanse them and purify them thereby (Qur’an, ix. 103). And away from it (the Hell) shall be kept the most faithful to duty who gives his wealth, purifying himself.
  7. it is one of the ways to get entered Paradise as our prophet said: “those who use soft speech, spread the greeting of Islam, feed people and spend the night in voluntary prayer while the people are asleep.”
  8. Giving zakat prevents poor people from being thieves.


Zakat is one of our Islam obligations that help us to purify our money and purify our soul. Make Muslims help each other and learn the sense of operation with us. So all Muslims that have a wealth that exceeds the Nisab must ask who is eligible for zakat to pay it in the right way.

Do you want your kids to learn more about Islamic studies courses? Sign up for Rahman School’s ( online Quran school ) Islamic studies Online program and watch them dive deeper into the Quran science and learn the Holy Book of Allah.

Rahman School’s Arabic classes, Quran classes, Islamic studies class, Quran tajweed class, ijazah Quran and let your children learn the accurate Quran recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language.

Quran teaching in Rahman School is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with eLearning Quran;

Our Quran teacher, Arabic teacher, Islamic Studies teacher, tajweed teacher, ( Islamic school ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.

Online Quran tuition learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids. Rahman School offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online.

Rahman School experienced tutors( male teacher & female teacher ). They have many years of experience in Teaching Arabic online and Quran online to non-Arabic speakers.

Whether it’s Quran online, Arabic online, Tajweed, Ijazah, tajwid al Quran, and Islamic Studies. Rahman School has your back with professional Quran tutors who are willing to go further with your kids’ education. With an attractive interface and well-structured lessons,

Rahman School gives you and your children the chance to learn with al Rahman school who are going to be your kids’ new friends, accompanying them in their learning process and encouraging them to learn more.

Related Question

Can a mother give al-zakat to her son?​

Mother can pay zakat for her son if he does not have money. But a mother can not give her zakat for her son as he is not the kind of person who is eligible for zakat. In this case, the mother must help her son and give him money to spend but this money is not considered zakat for her.

Can I pay al-zakat to the mosque?​

The Quran set the ways of zakah and said who is eligible for zakat at surat Al Tawbah. Zakah is paid to persons, not a building or public buildings that do not belong to a specific person. Zaka has eight categories for the person who is eligible for zakatt. So it does not pay for mosques.

In one case called (fi sabil Allah ) this way of al-zakat is one of the eight ways of zakatt, zakat is given to people who are responsible for mosques and they give it to poor people and to the person who is eligible for zakah in their ways.

noor academy

Junior Member
People, who have extra requirements than their income, Those who must pay zakat for who is eligible for zaka, but first what does zakah mean? We will discuss this. Let’s start.

8 ways for Muslim zakat, Allah put eight reception or ways to zakatt in The Quran to us person who is eligible for zakat as:

  1. The poor people or Al-fuqara as the Quran said. They are people that do not have enough money to cover their requirements.
  2. Needy people or Al-maskin as Quran said. They are people in necessary need of money.
  3. Administrators of zakat as charities organizations.
  4. Friends of Islam and new Muslims.
  5. who is in bondage as captives& slaves?
  6. who are in debt and couldn’t pay it. Person in adept considers one we who is eligible for zakat.
  7. Fi sabil Allah as Quran said or for the cause of Allah.
  8. who are passengers or travelers who have no or little resources that they call wayfarers?
All of these eight ways discuss who is eligible for zakat.

.إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاء وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللّهِ وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

What is Zakat?

Zakah (Arabic:الزكاة) is one of the obligations in Islam that mean people who have extra money than their requirements must give some of the money by the year to poor people or to who is eligible for zaka.

When Muslim people who have money exceeded their requirements give zakah to poor people or people who need money to enough their requirements for their family, This will purify the money that those people have.

Muslim zakat
Muslim zakat

How many types of al zakat are in Islam?

In Islam, we have two types of zakat

  1. Zakat Al-Mal or in the other means al zakat of wealth.
  2. Zakat Al Fitr ( that paid after fasting).

1- Zakat Al-Mal

Zakat Al-Mal (arabic:زكاة المال) is the type of Zakat when people have wealth like property, money, gold, silver, and any other wealth they must pay zakat for purifying this wealth. So they search for the person who is eligible for zakat and pay al zakat for him to purify him.

al zakat that paid for wealth is 2.5% of total wealth by the year as Islam said.

Not all people must pay zakat Al-Mal but when people exceed a special limit of wealth called Nisab they must pay Zakah Al-Mal.

Zakat Al-Mal hadith

Ali ibn Abi Talib reported: The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “If you have two hundred silver coins and a year has passed, five coins are due for alms. You will owe nothing until you own twenty gold coins. If you own twenty gold coins and a year has passed, half of a coin is due for alms. Whatever is extra should be calculated likewise.

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 1572

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

2- Zakat Al Fitr

Zakat Al Fitr (arabic:زكاة الفطر) is that all Muslims must pay at the end of fasting. This must be paid at the end of Ramadan month before Eid Al-Fitr so it is also called zakat or sadaqah Al Eftar regarding Eid Al-Fitr. paying for all adult members of the family.

it paid to poor people as cereals like rice, beans, wheat, and raisins. No problem paying it as money but must be paid before Eid Al Fitr to make poor people buy new clothes for the celebration of Eid.

zakat al Fitr hadith

(1) Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, obligated Zakah al-Fitr as purification of the fasting person from vain talk and misbehavior, as food for the poor. Whoever pays it before the Eid prayer, is accepted as Zakah. Whoever pays it after the Eid prayer, is part of voluntary charity.

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 1609

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Ibn Qudamah

(2) Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, obligated payment of charity at the end of Ramadan, a portion of dates or barely, upon slave and freeman, male and female, young and old among the Muslims. The Prophet ordered it to be given before people go out for Eid prayer.

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 1503, sahih Muslim 986

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

(3) Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: We would bring for Zakah al-Fitr a portion of food, or a portion of barley, or a portion of dates, or a portion of cheese, or a portion of raisins.

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 1435, sahih 985

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Al-Tirmidhi said, “This is acted upon by some of the people of knowledge. Their view is that a portion (sa’) of any food is valid; it is the opinion of Al-Shafi’i, Ahmad, and Ishaq. Some of the people of knowledge among the companions of the Prophet and others said a portion of any food is valid, except for wheat, for which is it permissible to give a half portion; it is the opinion of Sufyan al-Thawri, Ibn al-Mubarak, and the people of Kufah.”

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 673

(4) Al-Nawawi reported: Waki’ ibn al-Jarrah, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “Zakah al-Fitr is to the month of Ramadan like the prostration of forgetfulness is to prayer. It makes up for deficiencies in fasting just as the prostration makes up for deficiencies in prayer.”

Source: al-Majmu’ Sharh al-Muhadhab 6/140

How much does Zaka pay?

For Zakah Al-Mal

Islam obliges zakah as 2.5% of the total wealth that the person has at the year. When his wealth exceeds the Nisab he must pay zakat as 2.5% by the year. Nisab is equal to eighty-five grams of gold.

Zakat of wealth that the person has like:

  • Gold & silver.
  • Zaka on installment property.
  • Zakah on cash or credit.
  • Zakatt on vehicles.
  • Business and investments.
We should know that zakah, not paid for the wealth we used or consumed as

  • Education
  • Housing
  • Food
  • Clothes we have.

For Zakah Al-Fitr

Each member of the family must pay minimally about two kilograms of rice, wheat, raisins, and other cereals food staff.

May pay money equivalent to this amount of food.

The money paid is about seven dollars for each member.

How to calculate al zakat?

As we know Muslim zakat is paid after we reach the Nisab and zakat is 2.5% of your total wealth by the year but, how to calculate this? we will discuss below:

1- you pay zakat for your total wealth as zakah on inheritance, zakat on installment property, zakah on gold, and all wealth so you must first calculate your total wealth per year:

Total of your income per year = gold & silver+cash + investment property + debts owed to you + stocks & shares + saving fundus + your business.

2- Calculate your total needs and living-consuming expenses.

Total living-consuming expenses = your debt + expenses of your business + your living expenses.

3- Calculate the total wealth

Total wealth for zakat = all total wealth – living-consuming expenses.

This is wealth that you pay zakat for.

4- Find if your zakah wealth reaches the Nisab and if it reaches Nisab you have to pay the required zakah and search about who is eligible for zaka.

5- Calculate zakat you have to pay

Your zakat you have to pay = your wealth for zakat × 2.5 %.

After you calculate your total al zakat you will pay. you have to search about who is eligible for zaka and pay it for its right eight ways as our holy Quran said.

There are many Islamic books on al zakat that can help you understand and calculate your zakat and tell you who is eligible for zakat.

Zakat on livestock

Livestock that the people have are considered a wealth and must pay zakat for them. Zakatt on livestock is not paid until they reach a special threshold called Nisab. An animal that we used in work like horses & slaves not entered under livestock zakat.

1- Zakat on camel

No paid-for camel until they reach five to nine camels as below

  • From 5 to 9 camels, one goat or one cheap goat must be paid as al zakat and this goat must be after its first-year-old.
  • From 10 to 25 camels you must pay two goats or cheap for 10 to 14, from 15 to 19 camels you pay three goats or cheap, From 20 to 25 camels you pay four goats or cheap.
  • From 25 to 35 camels here, you must pay one female camel that passed its first year, if there is no female you pay instead of a male camel that passed its first two years.
  • From 36 to 45 camels you must pay one female camel with age from two to four years old.
  • From 46 to 60 camels you pay a female camel called hiqqa that is four years old and can carry loads and children.
  • From 61 to 75 camels you pay one female camel that is five years old.
  • From 76 to 90 camels you pay two female camels that have passed the first two years old.
  • From 91 to 120 camels you pay two camels that passed three years old.
  • More than 120 camels pay one female camel four years old for every 50 camels and one female camel between 2 years to five years for every forty camels.

2- zakat on goats

No paid on goats or sheep until they reach a specific threshold called Nisab that equals 40 goats or sheep.

  • From 40 to 120 goats or sheep you need to pay one goat or sheep that is four years old or pay one that is four years old.
  • From 120 to 200 goats or sheep you pay two goats or sheep.
  • From 200 to 300 goats or sheep you pay three goats or sheep.
  • After 300 goats or sheep, you pay one goat or sheep for every 100 goats in addition to the three before 300.

3- zakat on buffalo

You don’t pay until buffalo reach 30 battles or buffalo that are called Nisab.

  • From 30 to 40 buffalo, you pay one female buffalo that has passed two years old.
  • Forty and up to 40 you pay a female cow that is in its fourth year. up to 40 you pay one female passed two years old on each 30 and one female on its fourth year to each 40.

How do I calculate alzakat on gold?

Gold as any wealth you have calculated is al zakat by 2.5 % of your total gold but after you reach the threshold that is called Nisab.

Nisab of gold is equal to 87.48 grams and after this amount of gold, you have to pay al zakat.

If a gram of gold costs 62.28 $ you pay zakat for it as 2.5% × 62.28 $ = 1.557 $ this is zaka for each gram after you reach Nisab. Be careful when you pay your zaka you must find the true way and person who is eligible for zakat.

Benefits of zakat and sadaqah

Zakat & sadaqah has many benefits for Muslims as

  1. Making Muslims obey Allah and complete their Islam as al zakat is one of the obligations of Islam.
  2. Helping poor and needy people to raise their income to meet their requirements so the person who is eligible for zakat can live well.
  3. Making Muslims not love money as they spend it on al zakat although they hardly collect them.
  4. Make Muslims learn social solidarity as rich people help the poor and the person who is eligible for zakat in his hard life.
  5. Purify the heart of Muslims as they pay their zakah and their money with love to obey Allah.
  6. Zaka purifies the wealth that the people have as The Quran said :(O Prophet), take sadaqa (al zakat) out of their property-thou wouldst cleanse them and purify them thereby (Qur’an, ix. 103). And away from it (the Hell) shall be kept the most faithful to duty who gives his wealth, purifying himself.
  7. it is one of the ways to get entered Paradise as our prophet said: “those who use soft speech, spread the greeting of Islam, feed people and spend the night in voluntary prayer while the people are asleep.”
  8. Giving zakat prevents poor people from being thieves.


Zakat is one of our Islam obligations that help us to purify our money and purify our soul. Make Muslims help each other and learn the sense of operation with us. So all Muslims that have a wealth that exceeds the Nisab must ask who is eligible for zakat to pay it in the right way.

Do you want your kids to learn more about Islamic studies courses? Sign up for Rahman School’s ( online Quran school ) Islamic studies Online program and watch them dive deeper into the Quran science and learn the Holy Book of Allah.

Rahman School’s Arabic classes, Quran classes, Islamic studies class, Quran tajweed class, ijazah Quran and let your children learn the accurate Quran recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language.

Quran teaching in Rahman School is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with eLearning Quran;

Our Quran teacher, Arabic teacher, Islamic Studies teacher, tajweed teacher, ( Islamic school ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.

Online Quran tuition learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids. Rahman School offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online.

Rahman School experienced tutors( male teacher & female teacher ). They have many years of experience in Teaching Arabic online and Quran online to non-Arabic speakers.

Whether it’s Quran online, Arabic online, Tajweed, Ijazah, tajwid al Quran, and Islamic Studies. Rahman School has your back with professional Quran tutors who are willing to go further with your kids’ education. With an attractive interface and well-structured lessons,

Rahman School gives you and your children the chance to learn with al Rahman school who are going to be your kids’ new friends, accompanying them in their learning process and encouraging them to learn more.

Related Question

Can a mother give al-zakat to her son?​

Mother can pay zakat for her son if he does not have money. But a mother can not give her zakat for her son as he is not the kind of person who is eligible for zakat. In this case, the mother must help her son and give him money to spend but this money is not considered zakat for her.

Can I pay al-zakat to the mosque?​

The Quran set the ways of zakah and said who is eligible for zakat at surat Al Tawbah. Zakah is paid to persons, not a building or public buildings that do not belong to a specific person. Zaka has eight categories for the person who is eligible for zakatt. So it does not pay for mosques.

In one case called (fi sabil Allah ) this way of al-zakat is one of the eight ways of zakatt, zakat is given to people who are responsible for mosques and they give it to poor people and to the person who is eligible for zakah in their ways.

noor academy

Junior Member
Before we learn, dear reader, what is the meaning of Bismillah, I would like to tell you that you should start Bismillah in everything and every work you do, so that you will be blessed in all your actions and add immense reward and barakah to all your work.

What is bismillah?

The Bismillah (Basmala) in Arabic as(بسملة), and also known by Bi-semi llah( بسم الله ), or Tasmiyah ( تَسْمِيَّة ).

Bismillah is the Islamic phrase in Arabic(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم), (bi-semi llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmi).

It is an important phrase in Islam and Muslims, as it has become in their daily routine before anything they start, such as daily auctions, new tasks, and in their prayers. It is the simplest supplication for Muslims to obtain blessings and barakah in all actions.

Muslims recite the Bismillah at the beginning of the Quran before each surah except one surah. All Surah in the Quran starts with these beautiful and comfortable words Bismillah.

Before we recite the basmalah, we must seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan(أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّٰهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيْطَانِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ).

“Ta’awwudh” (تَعَوُّذ) for the phrase “I seek refuge with Allah from the pelted Satan” (اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم, ʾaʿūḏu bi-llāhi mina š-šayṭāni r-rajīmi).

The basmalah is more widespread than the martyrs. It appeared in Arabic calligraphy as Islamic Arabic inscriptions in the fifth and sixth centuries.

Bismillah meaning

The meaning of Bismillah is(In the name of Allah), and is known as(Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem).

The Meaning of bismillah al Rahman al Rahim is that we renew our aim toward what we do, even though it’s a small act, and we consider something sincerely earlier than we act.

Bismillah means in English as follows

  • Bism» meaning(with, by, or name).
  • Allah» Arabic word meaning(God).
  • Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem are two of the 99 names of Allah, They are two attributes of God’s mercy and kindness
وَللَّهِ الأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا

From this meaning, we can get the translation of the Bismillah “By the name of God (Allah), the all-Merciful, the especially-Merciful”.

Bismillah in English Translation

Surahs of Bismillah help you to consider reciting those beautiful and comfortable phrases before doing any action on your day. As it’s also very big to apprehend the meaning of the Dua.

When you understand the Arabic language, you understand the meaning of this dua. Then you can recite the Bismillah with English translation to understand the meaning of this dua.

The translation of Bismillah in English is “in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful.”

When you are busy in your daily life, routine works. You need to recite these beautiful words or Dua before starting any task and anything. If you recite this dua, Allah will make your work easier for you and there is barakah in this work.

To get success in your life and after this life, make a habit of reciting this dua before starting any work in your daily life.

Other common Tasmiyah spellings

  • Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
  • Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.
  • Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim.
  • Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim.
  • Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim.
  • Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim.
You hear Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim(بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ) being that when Muslims recite before reading the Quran. They said during obligatory prayers (salat) before Surah Fatiha but it is Sunnah that this is recited silently in the reader’s head.

The basmalah is part of monotheism(Ta’awwudh) with Allah.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim in ARABIC

In Arabic this is written:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


There are lots of hadiths that emphasize the virtues and advantages of those who say the basmalah.

As follows:

Reciting Bismillah Before:

  • Eating:
  • Narrated Umm Kulthum: From ‘Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
When one of you eats food, then let him say: Bismillah. If he forgets in the beginning, then let him say: Bismillah Fi Awwalihi Wa Akhirih (In the Name of Allah in its beginning and its end.)

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference: Jami At-Tirmidhi 1858

In-book reference: Book 25, Hadith 75.

  • Umaiyyah bin Makshi reported:
“The Prophet was sitting while a man was eating food. That man did not mention the Name of allah till only a morsel of food was left.

When he raised it to his mouth, he said, Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu.

The Prophet smiled at this and said, “evil had been eating with him but when he mentioned the Name of Allah, evil vomited all that was in his stomach”.

— From Abu Dawud and Al-Nasa’i.

  • Wahshi bin Harb reported:
“Some of the Sahaba of the Prophet said, ‘We eat but are not satisfied.’ He said, ‘Perhaps you eat separately.’ The Sahaba replied in the affirmative. He then said, ‘Eat together and mention the Name of allah over your food. It will be a blessing for you.’

— From Abu Dawood

A tradition ascribed to Muhammad states.

  • Entering Your House:
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

I heard Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying, “If a person mentions the Name of Allah upon entering his house or eating, Satan says, addressing his followers: You will find nowhere to spend the night and no dinner.’ But if he enters without mentioning the Name of Allah, Satan says (to his followers); ‘You have found (a place) to spend the night in, and if he does not mention the Name of Allah at the time of eating, Satan says: ‘You have found (a place) to spend the night in as well as food.”‘

[Muslim] – Riyad As Salihin

Arabic/English book reference: Book 3, Hadith 730

All that is contained in the revealed books is to be found in the Qur’an and all that is contained in the Qur’an is summed up in the surat al-Fatihah (“The opening one”) while this is in its turn contained in the formula Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim (“In the name of allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”).

A tradition ascribed to Imam Ali states.


بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Bismillah calligraphy

In a commentary on the Basmala in his Tafsir al-Tabari, al-Tabari writes:

“The Messenger of Allah (the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Jesus was handed by his mother Mary over to a school so that he might be taught. [The teacher] said to him: ‘Write “Bism (In the name of)”.’ And Jesus said to him: ‘What is “Bism”?’ The teacher said: ‘I do not know.’ Jesus said: ‘The “Ba” is Baha’u’llah (the glory of Allah), the “Sin” is His Sana’ (radiance), and the “Mim” is His Mamlakah (sovereignty).

How to pronounce bismillah?

Pronunciation: {/bis.mi‿l.laː.hi‿r.raħ.maː.ni‿r.ra.ħiː.mi/}.


بِسْمِ ٱللّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ‎

  • {bi-smi llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmi}.
“In the name of allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate basmala.

_بَسْمَلَ‎ (basmala, “to say the bismillah”).

_See also

بِسْمِ اللّٰه‎ (bi-smi llāh).

Which surah in the Quran has 2 bismillah?

That is in surah Naml.

There are two instances of Bismillah in surah Naml due to Hazrat SULIMAN Writes letter to Bilkees whilst she turned into Queen of Saba at that time, and letter starts with Bismillah. So there may be instances of Bismillah in Surah Naml.

Chapter 27: The Ant (Al-Naml)‎

٢٧بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

In the name of allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

٣٠:٢٧إِنَّهُ مِن سُلَيمٰنَ وَإِنَّهُ بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

Q27:30 {It is from Solomon, and it is, ‘In the name of allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.}

which surah has no bismillah?

That is in surah Tawba which is known as surah Barat, That doesn’t begin with bismillah.

There are 114 chapters/surahs withinside the Qur’an. All surahs begin with bismillah besides surah Tawba. But the whole verse of bismillah is covered in surah Naml, this is lacking in Sura Tawba. This is why Surah Naml is called the Surah with bismillah.

Which sahabi wrote bismillah first?

The first person who writes Bismillah: Prophet Sulaiman AS.

How many times is bismillah repeated in the Quran?

It’s 114 times.

Note: each surah begins with the Basmallah except surat Al-Tawbah, one chapter

( Al-Naml)has the Bismillah twice, because the Holy Quran has 114 chapters then the Basmallah appears in total 114 times.

The Basmallah is supposed to be the whole one (Bismillah AlRahman AlRaheem) By the call of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

What do I have to respond to the basmalah?

There is no specific reaction to announcing the basmalah, it’s a stunning supplication to God and we are saying it earlier than beginning to do something so that our Lord blesses us with it and keeps us away from any harm.

Is saying Bismillah a good deed?

Yes, of course.

It is a great deed due to the fact it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet, can also additionally Allah bless him and provide him peace, and whoever follows the Sunnah of the Prophet will have an awesome reward with Allah.

In addition, God blesses you for what you do and continues far from demons and the entirety harmful. How stunning to recall God in each moment! Hence, Allah noted numerous of His Names as Attributes for His Name ‘Allah’. Similarly, Allah said:

وَللَّهِ الأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا

And all the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so name on Him via way of means of them.

How do we use Bismillah in a sentence?

  • What did we are saying earlier than you stated withinside the call of God earlier than beginning any movement similar to that it’s far a Sunnah earlier than you recite any surah of the Qur’an. And it’s also a yr from the beginning of eating.
  • And it is compulsory while any animal is slaughtered as its miles are slaughtered consistent with Sharia (halal).
  • We explored social media information feeds of Muslims to compile a listing of various methods one should use the word bismillah in an everyday context.

  1. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim alhamdulillah rabbil alamin (recited before beginning of a surah, in this case, surah Fatiha).
  2. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, La ilaha unwell Allah Muhammadun Rasool Allah… We stay in submission, however, there’s no assurance we can die in SUBMISSION (stated earlier than shahada).
  3. We will try again today. Bismillah. Good Morning!.
  4. Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem. Remember that this night can be our last night so don’t forget to praise Allah Tabara’kah Ta’ala Rahman as much as you can and be in Sujood and ask Allah Al Janna’ah In Sha Allah. Will you then misguide yourself and invest time with TV and Movies (here Dr. Abdul Jabbar Al Ahmed begins his message with the name of Allah).
  5. Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem.In the Name of Allah, the Most Blessed, the Most Merciful.Congratulations on choosing(begin with the name of Allah and then continue with their message).
To remind yourself for the Bismillah:

You can do it by downloading beautiful Images of Bismillah, the wonderful Bismillah pictures. There are different images of this dua available in Arabic and other languages.

Is it haram to say Allah in the bathroom?

Whoever sees it as hate, and whoever sees it as forbidden. Since remembering God withinside the toilet is disrespectful to the call of our God, you don’t want to say God withinside the toilet.

As the bathroom is the desired location for the devils, the bathroom has one character and isn’t always an area for the remembrance of God.

Saying Bismillah serves as a form of protection for us from jinns whenever we enter the restroom. Although for this, a Muslim is advised to go further by reciting the full dua for entering the toilet:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

“O Allah, I seek refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers.”

“Bismillah, Allahumma innee a‛oodhu bika minal-khubuthi wal-khabaa’ith”.

As for what he says when he comes out of the toilet: (Your forgiveness, praise be to God who has removed the harm from me and healed me).

Why do we say bismillah? And why is it important?

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim have three names of Allah:

  1. Allah is His most familiar name to indicate that all things happen only by the will of Allah.
  2. Rahman which means gracious. Allah is the only one who can keep things from destruction.
  3. Rahim which means merciful. Allah is the most merciful and it is only through His mercy that man can thrive or be successful.

Its importance:

  1. We start all our actions withinside the call of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Benevolent, to bear in mind that the whole lot is for His sake. We start in Allah’s call withinside the desire that we can be successful, rewarded, and blessed.
  2. Bismillah is a powerful word that completes our actions and provides monstrous praise and barakah to the whole lot that follows it.
  3. BY recite, ‘BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHEEM’ بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ (meaning, “IN THE NAME OF ALLAH), the benefit of the merciful), you’re consciously asking Allah to be with you all through the task, speech or movement which you are approximately to perform.
  4. Opening to Basmala approaches that we begin our action seeking help and blessings through the name of Allah.


Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:

“Every important word or matter that does not begin with the remembrance of Allah is maimed.”


That means that without starting with Bismillah, we deprive ourselves of blessing, goodness, and ease. Therefore, through pronouncing Bismillah we invite and welcome advantages and the assistance of Allah (SWT) to make things easy and good.

  1. Renewing our intentions
Saying Bismillah offers us the possibility to make clear our intentions so that our act is preceded with a clear concept of why we’re doing it. If we need to maximize our praise for any act, irrespective of how small, we want to assume via our purpose.


It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wasallam, say:

“Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.”

[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

  1. Essentially, whilst we are saying Bismillah we remind ourselves that the entirety is for Allah (SWT) alone. Our sustenance, futures, and akhirah lie with Allah alone.
  2. This word is at the beginning of the entirety we do as Muslims and the Holy Prophet (saw) has advocated us to recite the basmallah every time we need to begin anything, while insignificant as sitting on our shoes.
  3. When we are saying Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, we’re beginning with the call of Allah (swt). We are recognizing Him as our Lord and the cause we’re taking that action.
  4. Looking at the importance of Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim even from the Qur’an, we can see that apart from Surah at-Taubah, every single chapter of the Qur’an starts with bismillah. Every letter that the Prophet wrote in his lifetime started with Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim and this only further shows the importance of the phrase.
Related: Best Duas for Shifa.

  1. We are seeking His protection and mercy. This is sometimes the reason why people would say that if you cannot say the bismillah before doing something, then it shows that the act is probably haram and you shouldn’t be doing it.

The word Bismillah is one of the necessary words, and also you need to realize the Meaning of bismillah al Rahman al Rahim properly if you want to repeat it in your tongue and on your heart. Now you realize it’s that means and the way to write it and its that means in English, so there may be no excuse to repeat it.

In addition, it’s miles crucial to recite any surah withinside the Qur’an, so you need to say Bismillah earlier than you recite any surah.

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Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Maghrib
5 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 7 March 2022
(Surah ‘Adiyaat & Ma’un) ~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Justice ‘Abdul Muhsin al Qaasim .


Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Isha'
5 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 7 March 2022
~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Dr 'Abdullah al Bu'ayjaan.


Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Maghrib
6 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 8 March 2022
(Surah Qari’ah & Masad) ~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Judge ‘Abdul Muhsin al Qaasim .


Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Isha'
6 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 8 March 2022
(Surah Anbiya: Ayaah 97-112 & Infitaar: 13-19) ~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Dr 'Abdullah al Bu'ayjaan.


Masjid An_Nabawi, Madinah. Salahtul Fajr
6 Shaaban 1443H☪/ 9 March 2022
(Surah Muddathir) ~Salah led by the imam: Al Sheikh Judge ‘Abdul Muhsin al Qaasim .