3 Important Suras and 3 Strengths


Junior Member

The following story and message was relayed to me by a friend which I find it interesting and sensible. And I pray to Allah SWT that we learn something from this.. :wink:

Recently I was on the way to the mosque to perform salat Ishak when I saw from a distant away an old man with white beard and white jubah (long robe like dress) who was smiling at me. We greeted each other with the normal Salam when he came nearer to me and started walking together towards the mosque.

The old man started the conversation first by saying “ Of all the sura in the Quran there are 3 suras which I am particularly fond of and hold on to them dearly and strongly. I find the 3 suras to be exceptionally important and are significant in living the life of a Muslim today”

“ And apart from the suras I am also a firm believer that we Muslims must acquire 3 elements of strength to live through this life”

“ So my son, may I advise that you too should hold on to them and teach your spouse and children to abide by them closely”

“ The first sura is Al-Fatihah which apart from being a compulsory recitation during salat is also a form of supplication (dua) asking for Allah SWT help to guide us through a straight path”
.” Insha Allah, by holding the sura dear to your heart and revering it, it will open to us the helping door to all the goodness that we ask for and a path that will never lead us astray”

“ The second sura is the Al-Ikhlas which is sura tauheed for all Muslims. We must always stood steadfast believing in the oneness of Allah SWT and all our ibadah are for Him only. And remember that all the good deeds done will not accounted for by Allah if we are not Ikhlas (sincere)"

“The third is sura Al-Kafirun. In the current globalization trend our children must be taught to hold strongly to the message in this sura “
“ Because in this globlaized (borderless) world today, our children might find themselves studying or even working in foreign lands And if they hold to this sura closely and strongly, they will be safe, Insha Allah”
“They will be able to mix with people with varying faith and religion but will always be conscious of the verse “for you its your religion, for me its my religion” (Lakum diinukum Waliyadeen)

The old man went on “ The 3 elements of strengths a Muslim should acquire”

“ First, is strength of the mind. Muslims must acquire 'knowledge' including the modern ones involving technologies, economics etc as such knowledge is as essential as spiritual knowledge in order to live today”

“Second is strength of the heart. Heart is the Eeman (Faith). The heart of every Muslim must be solid and strong so that irrespective of the knowledge gained in this world, one always remembers that there is always a more powerful force (Allah SWT). When knowledge comes with Eeman (faith) only then the knowledge of Muslims will become alive and relevant. When our mind is strong but our heart is weak, that means the strength is imbalanced and the knowledge may put our Eeman at risk”

“ Third is physical strength. If our body is weak it will be hard to absorb knowledge into our mind. Even one may have the knowledge and Eeman, weak body may impede the learning process whci means the strength is imbalanced”

The old man then disappeared into the mosque. But before that he advised me to spread this message and wisdom to all other Muslims.:)

Jazaakallahu Khair for reading.


Junior Member
Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe,

Djazak Allahoe Ghair.

Thanks for spreading these beautiful words and knowledge.
I will also spread this message insha'Allah.

Wa salaamoe alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe.