A Blessing or A Trial?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته​
Here is a poem that speaks about three different kinds of relations between parents and their children, separated by ***. “they” == parents and “he” == their child

A Blessing or A Trial?​

It is indeed Allah’s extremely great favor
A blessing, parents will, their entire life savor
A mother can’t stop smiling at the thought
A father’s excitement is, in its place, ought

They take heed of their child intensely
He is the one who would complete the family

In their decision, he is of highest priority
He is more valuable then all their property
He feels the warmth of their speech
And maintains a comfort level with each

He obeys them just as the Creator has commanded
Never were they harsh in what they demanded
It is this wonderful feeling of bliss and solace
That constantly, carries on life at a steady pace

Yes! there are some who, from their child turn off
When earning good deeds is all he thinks of
Whose guide is his own Lord, most Merciful
How do they not feel, they need to be grateful

Doesn’t he deserve their rightful love & care
When going against his Deen, he doesn’t dare
He is fairly knowledgeable at his young age
But in this fleeting world, they want him to engage

Yes! there are some to whom life means grief
As they see their child doing severe mischief
That would take him far away from ALLAH’s Mercy
Their painful eyes filled with tears, can’t he see?

Doesn’t he see them drown in their own tears?
Why it is, that he is ignorant of their fears?
Their counsel sounds like waves painfully touching the shore
But he carelessly wipes off their earnest words with a lour

May ALLAH elevate those parents place in Paradise
who have nurtured their child with traits, gentle & wise

May ALLAH forgive & guide those parents who may have sins piled
As they have never tried understanding their righteous child

May ALLAH give those parents patience as strong as mountains
whose child’s disobedience has been the core of all their pains

If its good, its written by: me :)
And if its not good, its still written by: me :D



make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum:)
tabarakaAllah, it's beautiful:) very talented:D ZadakaAllah.
JazakaAllah khairan for sharing dear:D
Allah hafiz now and always:)


Muslim Unity...
:salam2: sister
MashaAllah its good!!
jazakallahu khaiyr for sharing it with us all
sis Nadia :)
it is beautifuuul MashaAllah


TRUST in Allah [SWT]
assalamu alaikum.

masha'Allah, it's goooooood! jazakallah khair for sharing, sister. and how come there are alot of you who are so good at poetry, ayeeee? =D keep up an awesome work, in'sha'Allah!


Wa Alaikum as Salaam,
Thank u sooo much sis Allah's Servant, ruki4eva and Nurain.........:)........i am glad u all liked it!


assalamu alaikum.

masha'Allah, it's goooooood! jazakallah khair for sharing, sister. and how come there are alot of you who are so good at poetry, ayeeee? =D keep up an awesome work, in'sha'Allah!

Wa Alaikum as Salaam,
thanks alot sis!!
well sis, every person has some talent....u just need to search for it inside u and give it a push..:)
i dont mean i am talented but i just gave it a try... i tortured my brain as i was rubbing it too hard :D poor thing.....hahaha....


Muslim Unity...
Wa Alaikum as Salaam,
Thank u sooo much sis Allah's Servant, ruki4eva and Nurain.........:)........i am glad u all liked it!

you are welcome my dear sister
MashaAllah you have written it so well!!
im glad your glad Adhak Allahu sinnakii ukthii
keep smiling :)


Well, it is good, siser Nadia! Jazaaki Allaahu Khayran.

Trials are blessings if one passes them but are a punishments if one fails them! We can turn every test of faith into a blessing with our attitude toward it.

Same thing with bounties. They are not always blessings! Only we are thankful they are. If we misuse or abuse a gift from God we turn it from a blessing to a curse.

Jazak ALLAH Khair, you are absolutely right!

the way we look at things or matters and deal with them is very important. we are given some things as obvious blessings but we never know what it turns out to be....it could be a trial, a punishment or remain a blessing!!!
we are indeed thankful to ALLAH in every situation!!

brother, couldnt think of any other title :) it just came to my mind and i posted :)