As-salaamu 'alaykum sisterrrrrrrrrrrr
How ARE you keeping..? Hmm..? i hope all is well inshaAllah
wassup...? *apart from the ceiling* lol
revising for my exma so im off now.. just thot id drop by and say salaam
missing u a lot these days.. sorri i hvnt been talkin to u on msn
just hav loads going no ATM u know..?
am so glas grad went good for u amshaAllah
so wat do i gotta call u now.. :tongue:
And ur probably looking for a job..? hmm.?
may Allah make it easy for u if u are... if not.. then cum and join me in my studies =D loOoOoOoOoOoOoll
Dream on me eh..? lol
hope ur feeeeeliinnngggg happi today inshaAllah
And its not annoyinh when u type looooooooooong lol... its wierd like me... so be wierdos together..?
luvya hun
Take care
And make dua my revision goes well inshaAllah.. im so glad schools ova for u... some ppl hav their exams in 17 days.. lol.. so pls make dua for me