a little help


New Member
salamo alaikom brothers and sisters, i have a problem i hope you can kindly help me with,and i am giving you a pre-warning its gonna sound very much like a rant-session because i am quite afraid for my faith..

i am 18 years old and live in new zealand...this country has so much liberty in faith and overall there is a majority of christians. now,as any teenager knows we all have our bad days, and my trainer at the gym keeps saying "you need to come to jesus he's the one that will save you".here's how today's conversation went:

me: i keep making promises to god to be better but i keep failing and now it feels like im failing myself
her: thats because you are over heeeere *draws picture* and god is way over there..and you need to accept jesus in your life to cross that divide..in the bible it said "the only way to get to the father is through the son"
then i thought to myself hang on a minute, what kind of a cruel and unjust god would sacrifice a good human being and make him bear allllll of humanity's sins? and more importantly,i didnt want to hurt her feelings so i didnt know what to reply to her...my faith is not in the dumps but neither am i incredibly strong willed. so brothers and sister: please take a second to pray god strengthens my faith, and PLEASE please share information about why islam is THE true religion and not christianity because the devil is starting to whisper things in my ear that im not liking and since i have little to no support in this country i hope you can understand my position.

if anyone can share info about god's love for his abed (servant)please do share,i would like to know our god (the one god) is our true source of love and compassion and that he is closer than i think he is...all i can remember is:

(bad paraphrasing of qur'an) "and i am closer to you than your main" artery (the main blood vessele...i dont even know its name in english lol) but how else can someone strengthen the relationship so that they can walk in the street and feel god is within them and with them and that he loves us instead of being a far away tyrant.any advice? and what shall i do with my trainer ?she's a sweet lady and she's so passionate about her religion its not fair to destroy her peace of mind.

thank you so much for any replies,i do hope you help because i feel like im being pulled away slowly from what feels home to me and what is the true faith.

jazakom illaho khairan. :D


If you are worried , you wouldnt be posting and it means you know islam is the right religion.

Avoid her ....


Junior Member
:salam2: opaline welcome to turntoislam. i would say one thing this is a test for you to endure brother. Its a test from allah to see how strong you are. your guy instructure cannot force down her religion on you . She simply cannot DO THAT . If would politely tell her this is a guy class not a theology class. or simply say i am not comfortable discuessing religion . dear brother i am pretty sure thier are other muslims who go to same school or college as you. brother be bold stay firm walk with grip and control cause no one has the right to walk over you i wish i was their with you.
well..looks like u have read the Quran a bit...n u r curious bcause u think its the rite religion....no offence but i never undestood how jesus can b father n then change into son.....confusing!