Video a man,maybe sikh converting to islam


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As-salaamu `alaykum.

Jazaak Allaahu khayr. FYI, I'm pretty sure he isn't a Sikh man though.


Junior Member

To the above poster,


Hope you are doing well. There are a ton of threads and comments here about Islam and Christianity.

The fact that you don't know for yourself even ONE good reason for Islam over Christianity shows that you dont know anything about Islam in the first place.

One of this site's aims is to help clear misconceptions that people have about Islam, so I strongly suggest that if you really are interested in learning anything here or finding out the truth, then start reading the posts here on your own and ask Qs as you go along about the religion itself. Otherwise, go somewhere else with your debating-its not like anyone's forcing you to convert or anything.

Let this serve as a personal caution however, that if someone isn't really sincere and humbly intending on finding out the truth from falsehood, then obviously they'll never really find it unless Allaah wills it to happen either way.

I pray that InshAllaah the sisters and brothers are not pulled into a whirlpool of pointless debating.

If the above questioner really is truthful and sincere on finding out the truth, then I apologize for coming across a tad too strict and may Allaah guide you to His straight path, Ameen. Otherwise, an ignorant person who has already made the decision to close up their heart, does not deserve the knowledge that Allaah has blessed us with.

SalaamualikumwerahmetAllaahewabarakatuh to all my sisters and brothers.


Junior Member
Nice and sweet reversion clip, always good to see another soul become guided on the straight path, keep more of these videos coming.


Junior Member

To the above poster,


Hope you are doing well. There are a ton of threads and comments here about Islam and Christianity.

The fact that you don't know for yourself even ONE good reason for Islam over Christianity shows that you dont know anything about Islam in the first place.

One of this site's aims is to help clear misconceptions that people have about Islam, so I strongly suggest that if you really are interested in learning anything here or finding out the truth, then start reading the posts here on your own and ask Qs as you go along about the religion itself. Otherwise, go somewhere else with your debating-its not like anyone's forcing you to convert or anything.

Let this serve as a personal caution however, that if someone isn't really sincere and humbly intending on finding out the truth from falsehood, then obviously they'll never really find it unless Allaah wills it to happen either way.

I pray that InshAllaah the sisters and brothers are not pulled into a whirlpool of pointless debating.

If the above questioner really is truthful and sincere on finding out the truth, then I apologize for coming across a tad too strict and may Allaah guide you to His straight path, Ameen. Otherwise, an ignorant person who has already made the decision to close up their heart, does not deserve the knowledge that Allaah has blessed us with.

SalaamualikumwerahmetAllaahewabarakatuh to all my sisters and brothers.

M Saeed - Nice answer brother... Alhamdulillah.

Stevehauk - A statement like "Give me one good reason to vote for Mccain and I will give u hundreds to vote for Obama (or the other way round)" will only create controversy and people will believe what they want to beleive. Saeed is right that you should first read the posts to acquaint yourself better about Islam and then ask questions. You will InshaAllah (which means God-willing) find your own answers/justifications.

Peace to you.


Junior Member
^ I will not doubt your word about your sincerity seeking the truth since that is what you claim and InshAllaah this is shown in your future actions.

Since you are seeking the truth, then InshAllaah start reading some of the threads here and InshAllaah the members on this board can help you along the way. Search for the basics of Islam, what the religion teaches and what it means to be a Muslim.

Alhamdulilah there are alot of resources here and recommendations to other sites, that are not false or anti islam.

Go to and under literature, you can request a free copy of a reliable Quran InshAllaah. If you have specific questions as you read, then please do post them and InshAllaah people will answer them for you.

And I apologize, but I have to say this-if at the end you only want to give people reasons to convert into Christianity, then stick to Christian boards and answer new members' questions and concerns over there.

May Allaah guide you on His straight path, Ameen and InshAllaah you find what you are looking for. Take no offense to anything I say please. Take care and all the best to you in this life.


Striving for Paradise
Msaeed I believe I am a honest truth seeker. I have not closed up my heart, but you have not given me any reasons to accept Islam over Christianity yet either. And you're right I have not studied much on Islam or the Koran.

Hello Steve,
Islam provides the best and the most satisfying answers to the questions regarding who created this universe and us, why we are here on earth and what will happen to us after we die. It gives clear guidance on how to achive salvation in the next life.

There are many many discussions on this board regarding comparison between Christianity and Islam. here are some link:

Hope some of these threads will help you in getting the answer. But the best answer you will get is by reading the Quran.
