A Question I need answers.


New Member
I am recently looking to becoming a Muslim, but most of my friends are heavy drinkers, and commit sins, how can I avoid these things and still be friends with them or am I to make new friends in Islam. I am worried if I continue to be friends with them they may try to make me do things I don't want to do. Can anyone help me with this issue. I am open to any comments or answers.


I am recently looking to becoming a Muslim, but most of my friends are heavy drinkers, and commit sins, how can I avoid these things and still be friends with them or am I to make new friends in Islam. I am worried if I continue to be friends with them they may try to make me do things I don't want to do. Can anyone help me with this issue. I am open to any comments or answers.

You have answered your own question

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “The likeness of a good companion and a bad companion is that of a perfume seller and one who works the bellows. With the perfume seller, either he will give you something or you will buy something from him, or you will notice a good smell from him, but with the one who works the bellows, either he will burn your clothes or you notice a bad smell from him.” Narrated by Muslim, no. 2628.

My advice for you is to make not just muslim friends , but also pious brothers or sisters. This will be of benefit to you


New Member
First of all welcome to TTI and also to ISLAM.. well i know how much difficult to b away from all ur friends. however u have to strive to b away from all the bad companions..if u need friends insha ALLAH u can find ppl from TTI.. it is not easy to get over ur old friends.. so this has to go through a transition.... which means try to avoid them when they phone u o call u to go out.. mmm then spend more of ur free time in doing something worth..for e.g. try to read quran and hadeedth etc..
Moreover ur intention is vital, therefore b firm wit ur intention n insha ALLAH things will follow u..
if u need to contact me u can pm me as well



Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Glad to c someone who has to courage to c and accept what truth is. Friend all this ur friends will not come to safe u from hell fire it will be only ur love towards Allah and ur good deeds that will safe u from Hell fire. Insha Allah when u accepted Islam and for the sake of Allah if u leave ur friends then insha Allah Allah will replace it with better then them insha Allah. In my view u dont need to leave your friend if u think that u can control urself and their company will not deviate u from the path of Islam. If u think their company will mislead u, then its better to leave them and protect ourself from the rath of Allah. This are only my views rest Allah knows the best. Pleaase correct me if I m wrong for the sake of Allah and remember me in ur duwas.

If u thought of reverting to Islam then do not delay it as we dont know what will be the next moment. May Allah help and guide u in over coming all the problems u facing for the sake of Allah. Ameen.

Allah Hafiz.



As you start your new journey you will meet people who are similar to you...looking for the same things in life...your old friends will walk down one road and you will walk down another..

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
Brother Stephen, i'm so glad Allah has guided u to the right path , but to make ur repentence complete, u have to give up ur past life & all that's related to it , including ur old friends.There's a hadith about a man who killed 99 people & wanted to repent, He sought the advice of a monk who told him he can't repent after killing so many people. The man got furious & killed the monk,thus killing a 100 people.He then went to a scholar who told him he can repent on condition that he leaves that country with its evil guys.On the way to another country full of good guys, the man died.The angels of torture wanted to take him to Hellfire for killing 100 people & the angels of
mercy wanted to take him to Paradise for his repentance.Finally, they agreed to measure the distance between his body & the two lands.If his body would be found closer to the land of evil people,he would be taken to Hellfire. If the body was closer to the land of good people , he would be taken to Paradise, At this point, Allah ordered the land of good people to get closer to the body and the man was taken to Paradise because of his repentance & his true intention to give up his old life of sins. The story is of course symbolic showing that:
a- Allah accepts anybody's repentence even after a life full of sins.
b-Repentance involves giving up anything related to one's previous sins
May Allah bless u & guide u to the right path.

Sister Hassana


Junior Member

If they are commiting sins then it's better to stay away, maybe not completely though. Some of my best and most dearest friends are non-muslim, but i know where to draw the line; if they sin or drink etc. then i don't stay with them while they do that and i make it clear that i cant be around them when they do these things. They more or less understand and respect my religion.

We all go to our own grave, so don't let other poeple drag you down, as you may regret it.

All the best. :hijabi:
Salaam Steve,

I hope to embrace you as a brother in Islam inshallah (God willing).

Scientifically & psychologically it's proven that the "type" of person you elect as your friend(s), you'll mirror and imitate their behaviors & lifestyle.

One thing I'm learning is that the more pious I become the more non-Muslim friends I lose, it's inevitable. Islam came as a stranger. Something different. Something unique. Strangers belong with strangers. You'll feel this inside your heart as you continue on your path of Truth.

Choose your friends carefully Steve. Wrong friends can lead you astray and towards the path of destruction. They won't be there in your grave. They won't be drinking with each other. It's a lonely place.

May Allah guide you on the right path and help you in your decision making.


Junior Member
Wow I'm so glad your thinking of becoming Muslim masha'allah. May Allah guide us all to the straight path!

Anyway, I'm in a similar situation. My best friends who are all Muslim commit sins openly and tell me about it but the only way I've tried not to be influenced by them is to not talk to them ALL the time or hang out ALL the time. Seriously I see them a couple of times a month and it's really really helped me become more God-concious and even religious alhamdulillah. So speaking from personal experience I advise you to only talk and hang out with your friends every now and again but not all the time as Allah has warned us that this life and this world is a distraction and an illusion and I think being with your non-muslim friends all the time will distract you from what's most important. Also what they do and how they live their life may appeal to you and this is very dangerous because its so easy to turn away from the right path if your still not quite there yet.

I know it's different for you as your friends are non-muslim so I'm not sure that they would understand and they may even get offended. Don't separate from them unless you really feel that they are influencing you. I've even separated from my bestest friend because I truly believed that I was subconciously somehow getting influenced in a bad way and alhamdulillah it's the best decision I've made and I'm so happy for doing that.

Also don't be upset if you see your friends sinning and don't be judgemental because it is very easy to be and it's also one of the worst things because your friends will dislike you. I NEVER judge my friends no matter what they do and they know that that's why we are still so close yet so far. And that's a good thing! I'm not saying you will but it's just a piece of advice form experience.

Jazakallahu khayr and let us know when you have made your shahada insha'allah!