Ablution before bed for prayer.


TRUST in Allah [SWT]
Assalamu Alaikum! Insha'Allah, all is well for you and everything! =D

I've got a question about wudu. As far as many of us know, sleeping breaks wudu, yes? However, I came across some site and found the Hadith.

The Prophet said: When you go to bed, do wudu as for prayer [Sahih Bukhari and Muslim]

Am I misunderstooding something? :O


Junior Member
yes sleeping does break wudu but its better to enter sleep in a state of mental and physical puirty ( wudu ) then to not enter it in that fashion. Which is why the Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah Subhana wa tala be upon him , told us to make wudu before we sleep


TRUST in Allah [SWT]
Oh, I thought the same thing when someone told me about it, but I was really uncertain. Thank you for your reply, Brother. Jazakallah.