Advice from my reverted brothers and sisters!


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum brother and sisters,

As many of you may know, I have been Muslimah for abt 3 almost 4 years alhamdullah! I am very happy in Islam masha'Allah, but the envirement in which I live is making it hard to be ME! So! My mom, a Christian is not happy with this, and I mean she is very angry about this, and I'm not the best example of a Muslimah, really, I'm not.

I want to ask the reverts, the scholars, and any one who has the similiar experience with dealing with non-Muslims (esp. Christians, and people who want u to abandon Islam so they can be happy...

I'm not set out to make anyone unhappy, believe me, I love to see happiness in the faces of everyone around me-Muslim and non-Muslim.

I refuse holy communion and my mom is against me as a Muslim. So what do I do now???

I am not even close to perfect, or even a good Muslim, but I am willing to do better inshallah. I take Allah (SWT) over everything and everyone inshallah but my mom is not happy with me being a Muslim and I will not change. She see's Islam as a rebellion, I see it as my way to freedom. :ma:

Well, she asking me when I'm leaving, moving out, but I really don;t wanna go in too deep. I have school work to do now, so please respond to this inshallah. :girl3:

Salam, :SMILY149: I'm still smiling!

your sis in Islam forever and ever,

Sakeena :hearts:

Please make du'aa for me inshallah... :tti_sister::


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

May Allaah aid you for your affair. The problem you mentioned also affects Muslims who turn back to Islaam, whilst their parents are still geared away from the deen. We should try to show the best of character, although I know it can be very difficult. Especially when you are so use to conducting yourself in a certain way, when they annoy you with their comments you only respond worse.

Sister there are some books and collections of ahaadeeth that are very beneficial, which if studied and acted upon, will surely improve your character. Genteness and Kindness are essential characteristics that we should possess. If you can, get hold of the book, Riyaad us-Saaliheen, maa shaa Allaah it's an excellent book.

Wa`alaykum us-salaam



MashAllah , i always thought you were born muslim.

I believe what you are facing is a very common problem among reverts. My advice is for you not to talk about islam with your parents but show them what changes in your behaviour Islam has bring about. InshAllah later your paernts will cool down . It takes time and do not rush into things

May Allah help you


Junior Member
I made some bad choices before, and I don't know how to ask my mom to forgive me, but it was not my intention to offend her, I can't do communion cus its bad it haram, sinful and I want to do the right thing, but she puts me down sortta or at least I feel that way after she yells at me...:girl3: Also, I don't know where to get this book?? I have to focus on my studies, but Allah is first and foremost in my life and she treats it like dirt!


Junior Member
I have to be Christian living in her home, and if I stay Muslimah (which I am forever) she will only be harder on me.

I'm trying to be calm, be Sakeena, but I'm going nuts!!!! :angryred:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Be patient, inshaa' Allaah remember that the companions had to put up with far worse than what we do/will. Here are the books, as for the last one (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad), then I suggest you look for the notes on the narrations that are floating somewhere in these forum if you do buy it! Let me know if you can't find them.

I'm also studying, we need to strike a balance between school studies and studying the deen, reading a handful of ahaadeeth is beneficial, yet little.


Sister in Islam
Salaams sister Sakeena,

First of all can I congratulate you on being a strong muslimah...nearly 4 years of being tested and you are still faithful to the deen :)

My mother hates me being Muslim and the best way for me to deal with this is to not discuss religion with her EVER! You need to be frank with her and say 'mum I love you, you gave me life and I will always respect you. However we are going to have to agree to disagree on the subject of religion'.

Maybe you can also ask her to respect your beliefs as much as you respect hers?

Is there no way of moving out or considering marriage (I am not sure of your age)???



Junior Member
Be patient, inshaa' Allaah remember that the companions had to put up with far worse than what we do/will. Here are the books, as for the last one (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad), then I suggest you look for the notes on the narrations that are floating somewhere in these forum if you do buy it! Let me know if you can't find them.

I'm also studying, we need to strike a balance between school studies and studying the deen, reading a handful of ahaadeeth is beneficial, yet little.

Asalam alaikum sister, thanks so much sis!:hearts: this a big help masha'Allah! I'll look into that inshalah!!! :)


Junior Member
Salaams sister Sakeena,

First of all can I congratulate you on being a strong muslimah...nearly 4 years of being tested and you are still faithful to the deen :)

My mother hates me being Muslim and the best way for me to deal with this is to not discuss religion with her EVER! You need to be frank with her and say 'mum I love you, you gave me life and I will always respect you. However we are going to have to agree to disagree on the subject of religion'.

Maybe you can also ask her to respect your beliefs as much as you respect hers?

Is there no way of moving out or considering marriage (I am not sure of your age)???

Walaikum salam dear sis, :hijabi:

thanks so much for replying to my issue lol. Hmm, that chould work, but she always talks abt Christianitylol so I'll say 'no comment'-lol! Insha'Allah, I am 18 years old, my mom told me that I can leave, get married or whatever I want, but I'm still in high school and I really need contacts inshallah... no net after high school at home, thanks sis. Is marriage more important than college or is it a personal choice?? I know marriage is important in one's life (esp. in Islam alhamdulilah.) What did you do sis? Anything I should know, like mistakes what not to do, etc? Marriage...I dunno... :girl3:




Junior Member
Salam, sorry brother, hehe didn't check to see if y are a boy or girl lol. So you buy those books online here? How much are they inshallah? If I purchase them, will it benefit TTI as well as myself inshallah?? :)


Sakeena :hearts:


Junior Member
Brother Al,

I don't know where to find them on these forums lol big forums

hehe, can you direct me to them inshallah, please? :)


Sakeena! the pink hijabi girl lol


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum brother and sisters,

As many of you may know, I have been Muslimah for abt 3 almost 4 years alhamdullah! I am very happy in Islam masha'Allah, but the envirement in which I live is making it hard to be ME! So! My mom, a Christian is not happy with this, and I mean she is very angry about this, and I'm not the best example of a Muslimah, really, I'm not.

I want to ask the reverts, the scholars, and any one who has the similiar experience with dealing with non-Muslims (esp. Christians, and people who want u to abandon Islam so they can be happy...

I'm not set out to make anyone unhappy, believe me, I love to see happiness in the faces of everyone around me-Muslim and non-Muslim.

I refuse holy communion and my mom is against me as a Muslim. So what do I do now???

I am not even close to perfect, or even a good Muslim, but I am willing to do better inshallah. I take Allah (SWT) over everything and everyone inshallah but my mom is not happy with me being a Muslim and I will not change. She see's Islam as a rebellion, I see it as my way to freedom. :ma:

Well, she asking me when I'm leaving, moving out, but I really don;t wanna go in too deep. I have school work to do now, so please respond to this inshallah. :girl3:

Salam, :SMILY149: I'm still smiling!

your sis in Islam forever and ever,

Sakeena :hearts:

Please make du'aa for me inshallah... :tti_sister::


first of all Mashallah to your effort for Islam and don,t worry its just a test and in the end it can change in some thing beautiful but for all that you have to be patient sister ......patience does not mean to be worried but to be calm ....patience does not mean to be stress out but to be calm.....

If what she order you to do is haram then just disregard her order nicely....if words are necessary then with few words but if being quite is the answer then answer her with silence....

deal with her gently....don,t tell her Islam but show it to her and don,t be worried about it.... one day your patience and gentleness and devuotion to your religion will make her use the right words.....she can not be angry forever and her kuffer at all times cant be strong.....but if you are fighting with her always then she will not be able to think of the right things and will always be fix on the Islam part to blame the fight....but if there is no fight then she will have to think at one are a day you have to get married and move out with your husband and then your mother will be left with a silence in her home.... if you left her faithless then she will always be lost but if you leave her with memories where a Muslim daughter always take care of her and was always good to her....then she may also come to the right path but thats only done if she will have fine memories ..... so be patient sister and expect good things from Allah for her and also for your self....Inshallah thing will change for the best....



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Salam, sorry brother, hehe didn't check to see if y are a boy or girl lol. So you buy those books online here? How much are they inshallah? If I purchase them, will it benefit TTI as well as myself inshallah?? :)


Sakeena :hearts:

If the books benefit you and your character, then it should reflect on you even as you write on TTI, which in turn should have a positive effect on the members who benefit through you.

Allaah knows best, but the character is known to rub off on to people.

Yes I have bought from, maa shaa Allaah I have benefitted from them. They are based in Canada but hey I live in UK, they delivered to me in a matter of a few days! Please note, in case you haven't realised, I provided 2 links for Riyaad us-Saaliheen, one pocket-sized and abridged, the other the full thing which certainly won't fit in a pocket.


New Member
assalamualikum sister

First of all sister how u became a muslim, tell us ur story.Who told u about islam bcz u r still a young girl.I'm really amazed how u r defending ur self and islam.I pray to Allah to give u strength and patient and lead u to the right path.


Here to help
:SMILY259::salam2: besmellah
i say try and guide them to islam ,thets my advice!
and show them how beutiful this religeon is
inshalah i works


New Member
sis if i were you.....

sis if i were you i wouldnt consider using marriage as a gateway out of your parents home you shouldnt enter marriage under any stressful circumstances take your time and seek a good suitable brother who will take care of you and respect you only when YOU FEEL READY.. and you WANT marriage as for your mom a lot of us have been there and like i noticed another sis advised you the best thing is to avoid all debates and arguments regarding religion with your mom she will see by your actions that islam is beneficial to you eg when she sees other girls your age out drinking till early hrs and having numerous boyfriends and even getting pregnant stay respectful to your parents that is their right evenutually allah will ease this hardship for u inshallah i heard of a sis whos mum was sooooo against her daughter becoming muslim she started to read the quraan in order to compare it to the bible to aid her in convincing her daughter to revert and ended up taking shahada herself!
so be patient inshallah


Be A Stranger
Assalamualaikum dear Sister Sakeena,

MashaAllah, I really do admire your will to stay strong in Islam.

Sister, remember Mus'ab ibn Umayr. He was a wealthy kid, who has everything. His mother was well known among the people in Makkah. They worshiped idols. But then one day, Mus'ab heard the recitation of the Quran and was overwhelmed by it. He met the Prophet s.a.w and accepted Islam.

He kept his reversion a secret as he was afraid of his mother who is a strong and fierce woman. But word got to his mother. She was furious. Mus'ab did not enter a debate with his mother on worshiping idols but he recited the verses hoping that his mother would understand. Mus'ab mother wanted to beat him but then, decided to lock Mus'ab in his own home like a prison.

He got an opportunity to escape and he fled. He gave up everything, his wealth for the sake of Allah s.w.t. MashaAllah.

Here are more details on Mus'ab ibn Umayr:

I hope Sis that you continue to stay strong. Be careful with your words. Show the best example of a Muslim. Remain constant in your deen. I will make dua for you that Allah s.w.t will make it easy for you and strengthen your Imaan.

Take care. :hijabi:

P.S: You can find books here where you can download it:


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum guys,

these suggestions aren't helping me!!! You tell to give her dawah when she doesn't wanna listen and I don't wanna listen to her kuffar! Perhaps marriage, perhaps not! Just forget it, I'LL decide for myself! I think she wants me to move soon, but where can I go?! Whatever, i'm out :SMILY23:


Asalam alaikum guys,

these suggestions aren't helping me!!! You tell to give her dawah when she doesn't wanna listen and I don't wanna listen to her kuffar! Perhaps marriage, perhaps not! Just forget it, I'LL decide for myself! I think she wants me to move soon, but where can I go?! Whatever, i'm out :SMILY23:

Dont worry, inshAllah sisters will help whenever you need them.....