advice on moving to more Islamic minded country


Junior Member
I am an American revert still living in the U.S. It bothers me at times---it seems like the people here are just dead set on opposing Allah and his good intentions and want to be friends with the devil.

I have thought about moving to a more Islamic minded nation and have saved up lots of money to possibly do so.

Here is potentially some problems:

--I only speak and read English fluently. I speak a little Spanish but not much, though I can remember enough words in print to understand what is said in a Spanish newspaper.

--I have a bachelors degree in History with some graduate work in History and Education. I did not complete the masters though.

--I have a lot of retail management experience but that probably will not help too much.

--with the wars Bush started I am scared I would be looked at as a spy.

Any advice?

I know all things are possible with Allah.

I was thinking of maybe trying teaching school in Gambia, Senegal, or some other African country with a large English speaking population. They are also mostly Muslim too.

I have this kaffar that hates our religion so much he has even said he'd pay my way out of the country just to get rid of another Muslim. I do not need his money but this just shows the mindset of so many who have given themselves over to Satan.


to Allah we belong

i'll advice you to study the job prospects in gulf region (saudi arabia, uae, qatar ,etc).

they are good to practice Islam and have good std. of living as well alhumdulillah.

but pray salah istikhara before making any decision.


Junior Member
Salam Alaycom bro/sis,

Speaking of my experience about Qatar, it is a good Muslim place to live in. English is spoken everywhere subhanallah even though it's an Arab country. You speack english in Markets, resturants, centers and more likely everywhere. Plus, there are many english schools to apply for a job. Actually English is taught in all schools in Qatar as English language is also obligotory in Arabic schools. Everything is preperad for non-arab. So I don't think there are any problem for english speakers. Furthermore, Qatar is a multicultural country. Many people from all around the world. I'm not Qatari and I don't feel that i'm a stranger in their land.

To know more about Qatar, check this out:

---Oh the Athan is just calling for prayer. I just love that feeling. A mosque right beside your house. Mashallah! :)


Junior Member
I have this kaffar that hates our religion so much he has even said he'd pay my way out of the country just to get rid of another Muslim. I do not need his money but this just shows the mindset of so many who have given themselves over to Satan.

Sorry, who are you talking about?
Who wants to pay your way out?



Junior Member
From what I hear from friends who've worked abroad, as long as you have the right paperwork to get into the country, it is a piece of cake to find a job teaching English. I know several people who've done this all over asia and the Middle East. You don't even need teaching experience, and if the jobs are at a higher end school, they sometimes even pay for your room and board. It's an easy job and it pays well.


Junior Member
well, both my brothers are British, they have lived in Uk all their lives untill recently- they moved to Saudi and alhamdulilah they love it-they moved because of the same reason you are thinking of moving.

there is no barriers there- you can easily get a good job in Saudi or Qatar with English as your language. there is such a potential to help the Muslims in these countries and job satisfaction, housing, sunshine and no taxes all under the same umbrella :)

I get diorientated here in the west sometimes and I always question myself- is this what I wish for my children, but everything is according to Allahs plan.

If you do decide to move, remember Istikhara, istikahra, istakhara

Best of luck