All pictures haram?? Need help fast...


Junior Member
Please, I' m on my way going to throw every picture away, but before I do please tell me anyone who knows the truth about this matter! Does the Haram concerning pictures includes every pictures or am I aloud to save pictures of my children when they are children for example??


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Please, I' m on my way going to throw every picture away, but before I do please tell me anyone who knows the truth about this matter! Does the Haram concerning pictures includes every pictures or am I aloud to save pictures of my children when they are children for example??

Just keep all pics away in a cupboard and ur fine inshaaAllaah...


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
However one must realise that although Ibn 'Uthaymeen was of the opinion that pictures are all halaal, this does not mean that sisters uploading their pictures is legit, that is obviously haraam due to the fitnah it creates...

Store them in a cupboard or something, where they are out of eyes reach, locked up somewhere, so as to not prevent the angels from entering in ones property.


1 Ummah under God
As'salaamu alaikum dear sister,

We know that image making is haram in Islam and anyone who does it will be asked to give live to what they created and then will be thrown in the hellfire.

With regards to photography with a camera. There is a difference of opinion on the matter. Conservative sheikhs like those of say they come under the same heading as well and thus haram. The less conservative ones like those of state that photography is not included in that same category. You can read the two scholarly opinions below and judge for yourself.

Also, something to keep in mind is that the Muslim should not keep any pictures of animate beings in his house, because they will prevent the angels from entering. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, see al-Fath, 10/380

So it would be good to be on the safe side and not have any animate pictures in one's house.

With that said, the same conservative site above,, also states that digital photography is ok so long as it is not printed into a hard copy. Digital data is nothing more than 1010101 at its rudimentary level and when you open a picture, all those numbers add up and show you an image but when you close it then all that data goes back to nothing more than 1010101s. So their reasoning is that on this basis you can have digital photos so long as they stay digital.

You can read more about that here:

So where does that leave you. What you could do is get a scanner and digitize all your photos and then burn them. This way you would have gotten all the images out of your house and at the same time have a digital copy that you can look at whenever you like. Good scanners are expensive, but you could get one and scan your pictures and then return it within the return time limit, and invest in a digital camera for any future photos.


Junior Member
Alhamdulillah for your answer! So I will save every photos I have on my children on the computer ( almost everyone) and remove the rest. Alhamdulillah.. :)