Allah’s Punishment On The 200,000 US Forces!


Junior Member

"A big nation is a nation that honors its soldiers", however, this expression is not happening in America because the US government is obviously not looking after the welfare of the hundreds of thousand of war veterans who were returning from the battle fields in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Aaron Glantz, a journalist focused his reports on the fate of the American war veterans who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, revealed that currently there are around 200,000 Iraq and Afghan war veterans that had become jobless.

"Every night, 200,000 individuals who used to put on the uniforms and served the country, sleep in the streets as they are homeless," Glantz said.

He continued, "Imagine you are coming back from Iraq in a state of experiencing a post-trauma stress, suffering a mental injury, brain disruption or physical brain damage due to roadside bomb explosions. But the first thing that you have to do after returning is to be forced to fill in a 26 pages document to explain of how you could be injured, have you obtained a supporting statement from your friend in the battle filed and from your commanders (as a witness)."

According to Glantz, the US soldiers who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and suffered what they called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) must prove that the injury and trauma they had suffered was really caused by war, not other normal accidents.

Glantz said that it was not only the Iraqi and Afghan war veterans who found it difficult to obtain compensation and health assurance, the same thing was also experienced by the Gulf War veterans that occurred in 1991. The American authorities instead conveniently called what is referred to as 'Gulf War Syndrome' suffered by the US forces, as non-existent and could not be diagnosed.

Glantz criticized the government of Bush as someone who had inflamed the war in Iraq and Afghanistan , but deserting the fate of its troops. "We could not forget the Iraqi and Afghan war veterans who had just returned into the midst of society. If we do not handle it now, the US would see the ever increasing statistic of its soldiers who are under stress, suffering mental disturbances and in the end committing suicide," Glantz stated.

Other than the 200,000 Iraqi and Afghan war veterans who had become vagrants, Glantz told that there are around 300,000 war veterans in the US that suffer the symptom of PTSD.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I pity these soldiers though they brought a lot of suffering to Iraqi and Afgans. But they deserved this though their sufferings are nothing compared to Iraqi and Afgans.