
Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)

As Salam Alykum. Jibrahil [alai salam]once came to 2 prophet [s.a.w.s}n said Allah has given me the knowledge 2 count evry leaf on earth,evry fish in the sea,every star in the sky and evry particle of sand on earth,but there"s only 1 thing i cant count. Prophet {s.a.w.s} asked jibrahil {a.s}what is it?jibrahil {a.s}replied .....When 1 of ur Ummah recites Durood or salaams to u.the blessing Allah showers upon him becomes impossible 4 me to count.SubhanAllah.see how much Allah shower is thr whn we read Durood so pls I request u to read minimum 1 time Durood n send to all our muslims inshallah u get sawab e jariya Ameen


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)


In the field of Physics, there was a theory known as ‘Atomism’. That ‘atom’ is the smallest part of matter, which cannot be divided. This theory was propounded by Democrats, the Greek, twenty-three centuries ago. And it was also known to the Arabs - and the Arabic word for atom, is ‘Zarra’. But today, after science has advanced, we have come to know that though ‘atom’ is the smallest particle of matter, having the characteristic of the element - it yet can be divided, into electrons, protons, etc. So people may think that the Qur'an is outdated. The Qur'an does speak about ‘Zarra’, and says It is a minute particle, but nowhere does it say that it cannot be divided. In fact, the Qur'an says in Surah Sabah, Ch. No. 34, Verse No. 3. It says that… ‘When the unbelievers say that the hour will never come - tell them… it will surely come with the permission of the Lord who has the knowledge of the unseen, who has in His record, the minutest detail of an atom in the heaven and in the earth - and in His record is perspicuous things, smaller and greater than the ‘atom’. The Qur'an says therefore – ‘things smaller and greater than the atom’. So Qur'an is not outdated… it is up to date


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Today we know that the underground water, the springs, it is due to the seepage of the rain water. And the Qur'an says that in Surah Al-Zumur, Ch. No. 39, Verse No 21… ‘Sees't thou not that it is Allah who sends down rain from the sky, and seeps it in the sources in the ground - in the springs in the earth, and causes sown seed of various colours to grow’. The message is repeated in Surah Rum, Ch. No. 30, Verse No. 24… ‘Allah sends down rain - and the dead earth… He brings it back to life’. The Qur'an says in Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No 18, that… ‘It is Allah who sends down rain in due measure, we are able to store it, and We are also able to easily drain it’. The Qur'an says in Surah Al-Hijr, Ch. No. 15, Verse No 22, it says that… ‘We send fecundating winds, winds impregnating, and cause rain to descend from the sky, and give you water in due measure’. The Arabic word 'Lawaaqi' used here, is the plural of 'laqi' derived from ‘laqaha’ which means ‘to impregnate or to fecundate’. The winds carrying the pollen - they impregnate the cloud, and then rain falls. The wind causes the clouds to merge – there is condensation – there is lightning and rain falls from the clouds. The Qur'an describes the complete water cycle - how does the water evaporate, how it forms clouds, how it moves in the interior, how it falls down, how it flows back into the ocean in several places. In Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No. 43, in Surah Naba, Ch. No. 78, Verse No 12 to 14, as well as in Surah Rum, Ch. No. 30, Verse No 48. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No 43, that… ‘We send mountain masses of clouds’. What does the Qur'an mean by saying, ‘We send mountain masses of clouds’? Today if anyone has been travelling in an Aeroplane, he will realize that when the Aeroplane goes above the clouds, and he looks at the clouds beneath, he will see that the clouds appear as mountain masses. Qur'an has said this 1400 years ago. There wasn't a Aeroplane 1400 years ago. Qur'an describes ‘Hydrology’, and ‘Water cycle’ in several places in great detail.


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
GEOLOGY Today Geologists tell us, it is due to the ‘folding phenomena’, which gives rise to mountain ranges - and these mountains, they prevent the earth from shaking; they act as ‘pegs’ as ‘stakes’. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Naba, Ch. No. 78, Verse No. 6 and 7. It says… ‘We have made the earth as an expanse’, (Arabic) … and the mountains as stakes’. The Arabic word ‘Avtaad’, means ‘Stakes’, means ‘Pegs’ - which we have discovered today. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Jashiya, Ch. No. 88, Verse No. 19, as well as in Surah Naziat, Ch. No. 79, Verse No 32. It says… (Arabic) … 'We have made the mountain standing firm'. There is a book by the title 'The Earth' which is a very famous book - an authority in this field, which is referred by most of the universities throughout the world, in this subject. One of It is authors, name is Frank Press, and he gives the illustration of the mountain in this book called 'Earth', as wedge shaped, and he says… ‘the function of the mountain is to stabilize the Earth's Crust’. And Quran says that. The same information in Surah Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, Verse No 31, as well as in Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse No 10, and Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No 15, that… ‘We have set on the earth mountains standing firm lest it would shake. The Qur'an gives the functions of the mountain 1400 years ago, which we discovered today


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)


In the field of ‘Oceanology’, the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse No 53, ‘It is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water one sweet and palpable and the other salt and bitter, and between them there is a ‘Barzakh’, a barrier, which is forbidden to be trespassed’. The Qur'an repeats the message in Surah Rahman, Ch. No. 55, Verse No. 19 and 20, (Arabic)… that ‘It is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water which meet and between them there is a barrier which is forbidden to be trespassed’. The Arabic word ‘Barzakh’ means ‘a barrier’ and the Arabic statement… (Arabic) … means ‘the flowing bodies of water, they meet and mix’. Previously the commentators, they could not understand the two opposite description of the two bodies of flowing water. It says, ‘they meet and mix’, as well as it says… ‘there is a barrier between them’. The commentator of the Qur'an could not understand, explain, what did this verse actually mean - It was confusing. Today we have come to know, with the help of science, that there is a slanting barrier between the two bodies of salt water and sweet water - between the salt sea, and the sweet sea. And whenever water passes from one sea to the other sea, it looses It’s characteristics and gets homogenized into the water it flows. There is a barrier - but this barrier is called as ‘a transitional homogenizing space or area’. Both the waters though they meet and mix, but their characteristics yet remain the same. Salt water remains salt, the sweet water remains sweet. And this phenomena can be seen in Cape Point, southern most tip of South Africa, in Cape Town - where salt and sweet water meet, but they are distinct - They don't mix. When they flow across, the water changes it is characteristics. Similar thing can be observed in Egypt, when river Nile flows into the Mediterranean sea. As well as, the example of Gulf stream, which starts in the Gulf of Mexico - though it flows for thousands of miles, both the water, salt and sweet water, they are distinct. And if you are traveling in a boat, and if you pick up water from one side of the boat and water from the other side, you will find that both the waters are different. One is sweet and the other is salty. Even the temperature differ. Even in the area of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean ocean, there is an unseen barrier, and this was confirmed. The phenomena which the Qur'an speaks about, was confirmed by Professor Hay, who is a leading marine of USA.


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)


The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Qiyamah, Ch. No. 75, Verse No. 3 and 4… ‘The unbelievers ask, that how will Allah (SWT) be able to reassemble our bones’. Allah says… ‘We can not only reassemble the bones, We can even reconstruct in perfect order the very finger tips’. When the unbelievers say… ‘After we are buried, after our bones have got disintegrated, how will Allah (SWT) on the day of judgment, reassemble our bones’. So Allah says… ‘He will not only be able to reassemble the bones, He can even reconstruct your very fingertip in perfect order’. It is referring to the finger printing method, which was discovered by Sir Francis Gold in 1880, and he said that - ‘No two finger prints, of two individuals are equal even in a million people’. No wonder the police, the CID, the CIA, the FBI - they use the finger printing method to identify the culprit. Qur'an speaks about that 1400 years ago… ‘Allah can not only reassemble the bones, he can even reconstruct in perfect order the very finger tips’. Allah (SWT) is asking you in Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4 Verse 82… (Arabic)… ‘Do not you consider the Qur'an with care? – Do not you ponder over the Qur'an with care? that if it had been from any one besides Allah, there would have been many contradiction - there would have been many discrepancies’. Qur'an is giving you a challenge - Here is the Holy Qur'an, try and take out a single discrepancy - try and take out a single fault in the Holy Qur'an. It is giving you a challenge, an open challenge…. ‘Why don't you analyze the Qur'an with care - had it been from anyone besides Allah, there would have been many contradictions’.


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Assalamu alaikum,

Jazakallaahu Khayr for the posts, I merged all of them in one thread since they all fall on one subject. Barakallaahu feek!