Am I stupid or what?


Junior Member

Everyone tells me that I am too much worried about anything.

Here is for example:

1. There is no good muslim people in my area, workplace and even my family. no one cares about salah, sunnah etc.

2. Every time i go to the mosque, there is no young lads but only old men.

3. I am a deaf and can speak. People always talking to me but when someone come, they ingore me they talks to someone. i am trying to talk to them but they are blank me.

4. I don't like my job, there is too much problem at work but i already passed my computing course, i have to use telephone manner , i can't phone because i am a deaf. i tired my best to find a new job , no job reply, maybe because i have my beard

5. I wanted play for football team but they told me i have to sit on beach most of time, i have play only few minutes only when my team winning.

6. Every weekend , i wanted go out with my mates, but they go to cimena, i can't but its very haram. so i asked them to play football or snooker, they refused , so i stayed at home all the time. I just want go out with my mates or brothers but no one wants go out with me!!!

7. My parents made arranged marriage for me in Pakistan (I'm Brittish), i married a great girl but i told my parents that i wanted marry a girl who speaks in English because i cant speak in Pakistani but she could'nt speak in English. we just quiet and look each other but we are happy.

8. I feel my parents let me down. it only 2 weeks we are married, when i go back to England and she will come to England very late....i miss her too much. my parents should tell me i should stay in Pakistan for more time.

9. My job is very little pay, i have to get a new house for me and my wife, i can't afford it but everyone have own house.

I am getting sad, worried and angry because i feel i'm useless because no care about me.

I pray 5 times a day, read the Quran every day and learn about Islam.

I know this is a test life, i need your answer, my question is:

Am i stupid or what???


Daud McGuire

Say he is one

Your just a stranger from the sounds of it. Just keep steadfast, and make your wife happy. Forget the politics.
NOT AT you're the epitome of a beautiful person. Don't let the little stuff in this life bother you. We all feel down sometimes but don't reflect and dwell too much on it. Remember everything happens for a reason, and Allah knows what is best for you and what is not.


"If you were to trust Allah genuinely, He would provide you provision as He does for the birds which go hungry in the morning and come back full in the evening"


Staff member
NOT AT you're the epitome of a beautiful person. Don't let the little stuff in this life bother you. We all feel down sometimes but don't reflect and dwell too much on it. Remember everything happens for a reason, and Allah knows what is best for you and what is not.


"If you were to trust Allah genuinely, He would provide you provision as He does for the birds which go hungry in the morning and come back full in the evening"


Well said....:hijabi:



Junior Member

About the job, they should go easy on this whole phone issue, they cannot legall sack you as far as i am aware....... if they do, sue the pants off them. As for findng another job, i works in your favor if you have a disability. Im sure there are organisations who can help you, not to menion your local job centre/CAB

Bro do you sign??????? Have you thout about getting a job in a special school to help kids with a similar disability???It could be very rewarding, for both, muslim kids need some encouragement.

When i look for a job and i know i am one of the top candidates, and i go in and i see the reaction on peoples faces when they see the scarf and the name on the job app is amy..... they have no intention of giving me the job........ i say to myself...well if you are going to be ike that, i dont want to work for you anyway.

Get to know your rights and also never fear because you have Allah and he will not let you down.

brother you will get more good and quickly your answer if you allready told these to allah after your pray.

allah can help you and can also give you better suggetion in your heart.


Brother assalamu alaikum!

1- if there is no good muslim in your area, you try to be as good as possible, perhaps someone will follow your example one day, inshaallah

2- Don't worry too much about how others react to you because of your hearing problem, there are many people with much worse problems

3- about your job, hmmm, try to get more skills if you can to improve your employment prospects, worrying about it doens't get you anywhere

4- at least you have the ability to play football. there are many people who can't even play it so look at the positive side of it

5- now that you are married, you won't have much time for friends anymore, especially when she finally joins you in the UK.
by the way, i like tennis and snooker too, if you live in Manchseter, perhaps we can play together sometimes

6- i am happy you married a girl whom you like so much. the language barrier is temporary and will disappear after a while

7- i am sure you will be very pleased with your parents' choice one day. if your wife is a good muslim, you shouldn't have worries. you said she is great and you miss her, so please celebrate this happiness, don't take it in a negative way

8- start thinking of buying a house when you can afford it. don't worry about it now and never let material things make you feel miserable, they are very little and temporary. i don't own a house neither.

And hey! don't feel down. you pray 5 times a day, thats great, but never enough to achieve the satisfaction and closeness of allah swt

Finally, you are not stupid, only temporarily down. you will soon be happy again inshallah. let me give you two advices

a, don't take little things serious
b, remember Allah

"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." Quran, Sura Ar Ra'd, Verse 28



Umm Zubayr

brother, you're not stupid, you're actually quite amazing, you're trying your best and carry on like this, everyone feels a bit down at some point but subhanallah remember that Allah swt is so merciful to us that He never burdens His servants more than they can bear it, always remenber God, He will be your best friend, and if you have faith, strong belief in God, you don't need anything else, you're a winner.



Long Live Palestine
Brother theonlystar,
your words are certainly those of a contemplative and sensitve man...

And remember, if u leave something for Allah, sure He will compensate you with something better...




When I was younger I was very upset and hurt once. My mother told me a simple story. Allah has given us the rose. It is a beautiful flower. However, when you see a rose there is usually a thorn. It too comes from Allah.
The thorn reminds us of how beautiful our lives are. The thorn reminds us how fragile we are and need Allah. The thorn protects us from evils beyond our conceptions. It protects the rose.
You have faith. You may be lonely. But you have your family here. You are given love..think how sweet the reunion with your wife will be.
I write on this site becasue, like you, I need to be near Muslims. This helps me.
You are as far from stupid as the sun is from the moon. You are sensitive and trusting. You are strong because you are faithful and trusting. When you put good out into the world...good returns to you.
Your sweet questions bring us we thank you for trusting you Muslim family on this site.

About the job, they should go easy on this whole phone issue, they cannot legall sack you as far as i am aware....... if they do, sue the pants off them. As for findng another job, i works in your favor if you have a disability. Im sure there are organisations who can help you, not to menion your local job centre/CAB

Bro do you sign??????? Have you thout about getting a job in a special school to help kids with a similar disability???It could be very rewarding, for both, muslim kids need some encouragement.

When i look for a job and i know i am one of the top candidates, and i go in and i see the reaction on peoples faces when they see the scarf and the name on the job app is amy..... they have no intention of giving me the job........ i say to myself...well if you are going to be ike that, i dont want to work for you anyway.

Get to know your rights and also never fear because you have Allah and he will not let you down.


Asalaamalikum sister,

Just wanted to say I love your confidence and trust in Allah. If an employer is ignorant and does not hire you for the right reason then you should just say to yourself "it wasn't meant to be" because Allah knows something about that job that you do not know about. Some things are not manifest to us and only Allah knows the wisdom behind things, and that is a great time to reflect and return to the Creator.

As a firm believer in education and as a Muslim strive hard to keep up with your education and take nightly classes after your work so that you can keep yourself busy and build new skills in such a changing and dynamic world.

Do not let any of your disabilities (speaking for any of us) limit or hinder your potential to become the best at what you do or what you love. Whatever you want to be in life, don't let yourself or anyone stop you from pursuing your dreams.


Signing Out.....

:salam2: Brother,

Always remember that our recompense is with Allah ta'ala. Whatever you may lose in this life, whether it's loved ones, health or wealth. If you are among the righteous, Allah (swt) will reward you with that which is infinitely better in the hereafter.

And that is true success!



Junior Member

you are as Allah swt made you. Which means you are perfect to Him.

You are NOT stupid. OK?? Repeat after me - "I am not stupid" I mean it - say it - you are far from stupid!!

Dont ever put yourself down - you sound like an amazing person actually - may Allah swt bless and guide you.

Be strong, be paitent and know Allah swt is with you.



Junior Member
:salam2: ..........

When i look for a job and i know i am one of the top candidates, and i go in and i see the reaction on peoples faces when they see the scarf and the name on the job app is amy..... they have no intention of giving me the job........ i say to myself...well if you are going to be ike that, i dont want to work for you anyway.

Get to know your rights and also never fear because you have Allah and he will not let you down.


Salaams sister

Well said!

Thats exactly it. Be confident be strong, be yourself.

( I have had the same thing - its their loss not mine is the way I see it!)



Junior Member

salam alaykum brother..

dont forget that u re alone, u have more than one billion brother and sister.

remember that there s always people with hard life than urs, so thank allah for what u have.

what we can do here to pray and ask allah for the best in ur life .


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu dear brother
Never compare yourself with others, because Allah Taala has made you and He knows what is best for you. Subhan Allah you have wife and family. Dont worry about this dunya. Ofcourse at times we feel hurt, it gives us pain but then again try to remember that you are far more better than people who are undergoing more suffering and pain.
We need love to survive in this world, thats why we are in one single family of muslims. But the most precious thing for you now is your wife, your family.
Rasul Allah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said "The one who is best to his wife, is the best of Muslims"
Allahu Aleem, I hope I am not mistaken in the hadeeth.
Make duas, prayers , be more and more humble to Allah. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
If you are toooooo hurt just cry lonely to Allah and ask His Forgiveness and mercy. It will help you.

haleema 2

muslimah 2
:muslim_child: brother have you tried meeting other deaf people who you can talk to more confidently and maybe get to know some deaf organizations that can maybe help with your job and housing situation i have deaf brothers too and i know it can be very hard sometimes to get people to understand you so its nice to have some deaf friends who you can have a laugh with:blackhijab:


Junior Member
I know this is a test life, i need your answer, my question is:

Am i stupid or what???


You're certainly not stupid brother. Maybe your friends are not worth going out with; Sometimes it is better to be alone.
Alhamdulillah you are married, do no worry too much about money inshaallah it will be ok.Millions of people cannnot afford a property, but they still manage ok.
Be steadfast brother, life is not meant to be without problems. Being deaf will be a blessing for the patient ones on the day of Judgement, so much so that many people would wish they were so in Dunya...

Take care brother,

Salam alaykoum,


Asalamu Alaykum!
asalamu alaykum brother,

you dont need to worry about the way you are because you are special and perfect as allahs creation. say allhamdullilah for what you have and seek allahs help and guidance for what you dont.
you are not stupid others around you are just ignorant.
:ma: keep up the good work inshallah.