Animal Testing


Sister in Islam

Today I saw some people protesting against animal testing and was curious to see what views Islam has on i found this...if you ever wondered!

What does Islam say about animal testing?

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his folk, companions, and followers

Animal testing is permitted when it fulfills genuine needs that cannot otherwise be reasonably fulfilled. When it is permitted, it should be kept to the extent of the need, and all reasonable means must be taken to avoid undue pain or ill-treatment of the animals.

And Allah alone gives success.

Faraz Rabbani

It made me wonder then why are these companies so brutal to animals??? I know there are bad things happening to humans, but I can't help wonderign about the animals as well.....


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

Its good that you point to this issue, sister, mashaAllah!

In many countries, muslim ones included, there are so much animal-tested makeup, and other not neccesary things, tested on animals. I agree, its animal cruelty, and people, specially muslims, need to wake up.

We cant make animals suffer. Imagine, even when we slaughter animals, we should not let other animals see one being slaughtered, as to cause fear... How can we sit and accept animal testing?


Sister in Islam
i felt sad when i saw the posters.

I had a think about it, and wondered that when we can cure cancer does that make it right? Its a tricky one.

I 100% disagree for testing for beauty products...there is no need for it.


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam,

Hmm looks like we got Legally Blonde Elle Wood's supporters here :D If we don't test it on animals, to whom do we test it on to?


Salafi Dawah is the best
Just my personal oppinion but I think we should be testing our products on murders like Bush and elmert (sp?) instead of letting cute little animals suffer in the name of beauty.:wasalam:


Sister in Islam
if people are so concerned with the pursuit of beauty they should test the products themselves!...theres a thought.

ps: I like Legally


Junior Member

Its a tough one.....I don't know. I have seen some awful pictures and stuff about what they do to the animals...for health care - cures for cancer and stuff I can understand but not beauty products


New Member
Staff member
if people are so concerned with the pursuit of beauty they should test the products themselves!...theres a thought.

ps: I like Legally

Assalamu alaikum,

There's nothing wrong with using beauty products anyway just as long they come from halaal materials and ofcourse using them only in private, like your husband.


Sister in Islam
I do use make up, stuff not tested on animals. Just hate an animal suffering for the latest mascara that pretends to lengthen your lashes! lol