Another Sad Demise


Smile for Allah

Today I received a sad, shocking news. One of the daughters of my dad's colleague at work back home in India was in a car crash and died on the spot.

It still feels unreal to me. She was one of two sisters, both younger than me, but I felt like I've grown up with them. And now the youngest sister is gone. She was in her early twenties. The older sister is far away studying in Germany.. I can't bear to think what she and her parents must be going through. Her death has come so suddenly.

I ask my TTI brothers and sisters to please pray to give the grieving family and relatives sabr, and please pray that Allah may forgive her sins and grant her Jannah. It pains me that she wasn't very religious, but please pray for her and her family. :(


Assalaam walaikum,

Insha'Allah, I will make dua. Only Allah subhana talla knows the contents of our hearts.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum,

subhana'Allaah our TTI family is stricken with sadness after sadness. But what the families are going through are much more worse! I ask Allaah to ease the situation for the families. ameen

Dear sister, stay strong....and always remember her in your dua. We shall do the same.

inna lillaahi waina ilahi rajion....we shall all return to Allaah someday and stand before him. I ask Allaah to forgive her, and to grant her his mercy and Jannah. ameen

My sincere condolences to you and the family ukhti,



May Allah grant her jannah, ameen. Death is never easy, but its a part of life which we all will experience one day.


May Allah Forgive us

From Allah we come and Unto Him we Return. May Allah forgive her and separates her sins from her as far as the distance between East and West.


I'm not what you believe
May Allah cleanse her heart from the sins and may He fill it with forgiveness and peace for her good rest until He'll call her soul's a tragedy to my eyes.if I'd lose one of my children,I'd get mad for the rest of my life,but inna lillahi wa ilaihi raji'uun:tti_sister:


Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi raji'oon

Allah (swt) forgive her, purify her of her sins..bestow His abundant Mercy on her...& bestow befitting patience & strength to her loved ones..Ameen


Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illaihi Rajiuun


Al Fatihah.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illaihi Rajiuun

Dear Sister – my deepest condolences to the respective family,her parent and sibling,

May Allah(swt) forgive her and grant her a place in jannat. Amiin.

~May Allah swt help and guide all muslim~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam .


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi..

Inna Lillah Wa Inna Illaihi Rajioon.

Just makes one think about the fragile nature of this temporary life..

May Allah azz zawajal have mercy on her soul and overlook her shortcomings. May Allah grant her parents and near relatives sabr and peace. Ameen.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. . .

This is so sad.two young girls in less then three days.It's tragic.May Allah sobhanuhu wa taa'la give patience and sabr to the family.and may Allah accept our sisters' good deeds and grant her jannah Alfirdous.

Inna Lillah Wa Inna Illaihi Rajioon!!


Nothing but Muslimah

inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi Rajo'oon

I'll INSHA ALLAH make Dua for her...



Junior Member

My heart goes out to you and her family and friends. As Seeking said, two young girls in a matter of days is very sad indeed. May her trip through the seventh gate be quick and easy.

Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon


Junior Member
Assalaamalaykum waa rahmatullah

Inna Lillah Wa Inna Illaihi Rajioon.

May Almighty Allah have mercy on her soul and overlook her shortcomings. May Allah grant her parents and near relatives sabr and peace. Ameen.


New Member

:hawla:. :inshallah: She will be among the people in Jannah. May Allah give all her relatives sabr especially her sister in German.



Junior Member

Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon. May Allaah grant her jannah and give the whole family sabr, ameen ya Rabb.