any english-french speakers???


Junior Member

someone e -mailed me this vid. , it's in french but i 'd love for everyone here to see it, so I am asking if any one can add subtitle to it or at least translate it for us,

jazakom Allah Khairan



New Member
liberty equality fraternity!

salam alikom

nice video editing that shows the reality of french media: propaganda machine against islam and muslims
this is an unpleasant tv presenter whitch contradict himself in two diferent issues of his borring programme...
one time his defending the liberty of expression and the right to caricature everybody even the greatest human this earth reached ever (sala llaho alihi wasallam)
and another time he's reproching a french humorist (his gest) for making fun of some extremist sionist colonists in his one man show, by the way his show was censord all around the country and he was harshly citicized by french media controled by the sionist lobby


Umm Zubayr
Yes, he is totally pathetic, and a double-faced person..DieuDonnee s'est bien defendu!! :) la video est tres bien faite, mashallah