Appreciate Life

zainab bala

Allah is sufficient.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
''Verily, Allah is Beautiful and He loves beauty'' - At Tirmidhi.
To be truly happy, one should enjoy the beauty and bounties of Allah, material and spiritual within the context of Islam. Islam is about beauty, cleanliess and order. It is therefore confusing and strange to see some Muslims taking self denial and austerity to a level bordering on self-inflicted punishments, as piety is erroneously defined as poverty.
It will be a great disservice to Islam and Muslims project a beautiful religion as a dirty religion because of confused understanding. Unkept beard, grimmy looking turban, tacky looking hijab are not the image of Islam. A well groomed beard is a beauty to behold. A nicely wrapped turban can be quite dignifying. And a beautiful, well coodinated hijab is admirable.
All the beautiful things created by Allah are meant to be used and appreciated by human beings - Muslims inclusive. Appreciate life, be kind to yourself, and be good to others.