:salam2: bros/sis
bro islamicfajr for all the help u been rendering since you found out i was keen to learn
Arabic.I was hoping to able to speak with the right arabic sounding words but even with
madinaharabic.com one still need to have
real live people to converse with.Listening is only one way you need to used it too.
Having live chat with Arabic speaking bros/sisters with the intention of learning the language would help one tremendously in speech and pronounciations.It also build up one confidence and one must be able to accept positive criticism if one want to improve.I guess i still have not been given the hidayah
when it comes to
Arabic. For i find it sooo easy to learn most of the languages when i was working at the only international airport in Singapore,CHANGI,picking up a bit of everything more in my working line,,,like numerals,, asking about where they fm or where they going to send their items . like letters or parcels and so forth...i just used whatever i could master and at times the customers correct me too when I mispronounced, although i go red in the face,, its the only
live lesson i could get eh
In Singapore,, we have four official language,,they are English used by majority of Singaporeans...Mandarin for the Chinese,,Malay for the Malays and Tamil for the Indians.
So now Im learning Arabic more by listening than having conversations...so its hard indeed to improve pronounciations/conversation wise.....thanks for listening to this old lady yakking away.I begged all for forgiveness if my bad English or words hurts any of you, for it was not my intentions.
Bro Islamicfajr pls dont stop the good work u been doing ..
:tti_sister: May Allah swt blessed you for your kind effort and contributions for
both Arabic and Islamic knowledge articles and
you be rewarded accordingly