arabic names


Junior Member
Salam aleikum brothers and sisters,

My name is Elyse what isn't Arabic, but I am thinking about to get my name a bit more Arabic because I became moslim. On the internet I don't find what I am looking for, so please can you help me?

ma al salama,



Junior Member
Assalamou Alikom Warahmatou Allah,

As far as I know the name Elyse is of Hebraic origin: Elisheba and I do not think there is an Islamic equivalent to your name but if you want to, you can pick another Islamic name from here.


Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

Mashallah!!you want to talk muslim act muslim:)!!

i don't kno what you are looking for sister.there is this name's a muslim name i don't kno what it means though:shymuslima1: