Arabic rigorous law


Assalaam walaikum,

Sister, so what are you saying.

Most rape does not get reported. The nature of the crime is such that women do not report it. Most rapist are known to the woman.

I am confused about what you have written. Are you supporting Sharia or what are you saying?

Are you suggesting that maids are raped? Where is your evidence.

I am confused.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
My comment was in response to the statistics above. My point is that these statistics cannot be the end of the story and we cant say that the only reason for low stats is because of the Shariah.
YES, OF COURSE it plays a MAJOR part in reducing the crime rate but my point is that it is not THE ONLY reason crime may be low. One reason is fear of the system itself. A system run by man. Maybe in a few cases a woman does not report because she forgives him but rape is a heinous crime against a woman, probably the worst personal thing that could happen. Why wouldnt she want justice unless she was afraid?

Personally I fully support Shariah but thats not at all what i was presenting above..

I'm not only suggesting that maids get raped. They do. Have a look at the newspapers and see the reported cases alone. Then think about the ones that dont speak up (maid or otherwise).

To keep me from going off topic, I think i'll stop! :) I hope this clarifies what i was trying to get at...

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Please verify your sources.. lowest crime rape in the world - definitely not!Note that all stats are based on what is REPORTED...
In Saudi Arabia as well as other Islamic countries, in a lot of cases, the woman will be charged and lashed even tho she may be legitimately raped. This is well known and is a factor in why a lot of cases do not get reported at all. This is especially the case with maids in households.
I am living in the Middle East now and I hear (altho not always believe) of a lot of women raped but never reported out of fear of their own conviction.
So sometimes the law plays it the otherway... At the end of the day Allah is most just. Altho we have His guidelines, we cant expect human beings to make ultimate judgements without their own opinions/thoughts/experiences coming into it.
As for crime, I agree. Again a lot does not get reported but the Middle East generally has very low crime rate. But this is not soley attributed to Sharia law punishment. More than 50% of the Middle East right now is made up of cheap labour which is being used for these countries' development. In cases of crime, they lose their livelihood by being deported. Where I am, THIS is the main reason why crime is so low.
But yes, Alhamdulillah I have little worry about leaving my house open while I go outside.

You are saying, in non Islamic country rape case gets reported so the numbers look very high. My dear sister, when it gets reported, do you know what will happen in a civil court? The defending lawyer will try his best to embarrass and humiliate the victim by asking silly question like "how he did it?.. ahhh I don't want to say...! Eventually the rapist freed for apparent no enough evidence. At the end, the victim will carry all the shame with her.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
You are saying, in non Islamic country rape case gets reported so the numbers look very high. My dear sister, when it gets reported, do you know what will happen in a civil court? The defending lawyer will try his best to embarrass and humiliate the victim by asking silly question like "how he did it?.. ahhh I don't want to say...! Eventually the rapist freed for apparent no enough evidence. At the end, the victim will carry all the shame with her.

I agree with you. As compared to other non-muslim countries, yes definitely the crime rate is much much lower Alhamdulillah, because the Shariah is the right ruling. I am not saying that it isnt.
As i mentioned just now, my only point is that there are other external factors too that play into this reduced crime rate.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Assalaam walaikum,

The study and absolute clarification of understanding is important in practicing our faith. If we do not know we do not know what we worship.

Secondly, many of the comments we make on TTI are used on other forums. They find us to be restrictive and unforgiving. Because their knowledge is weak.
We have to secure knowledge. ( my name popped up on a forum I do even visit)

In matters of Fiqh we can not use our lack of knowledge we must be absolutely clear. We have to have evidence.

We are presenting knowledge to uphold and protect our faith. Let it be the best of knowledge available. If we use sound hadeeth and Quran there can be no judgments against TTI and its members being fanatical and unforgiving.

Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

I know and I agree, but asking questions about Saudi King or the system in Saudia or anthing related to the royal family is not welcomed and entertained at TTI as far as I have seen. So I was saying giving suggestions of making another thread specifically for this purpose won't work.


Assalaam walaikum,

And in agreement with you I did not want this to be derailed either. This is the more important of the ideas.

Sister, rape is a serious crime. But, it is underreported in the west. Why it is underreported is that the crime is committed by a person known to the victim. Often the crime occurs because there is a blurring of boundaries. And, yes the world is not sympathetic to women who are raped. That is the case in the US. have not described the external I miss your point. Is it Sharia or is it not? What else is there? Please educate.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Please verify your sources.. lowest crime rape in the world - definitely not!Note that all stats are based on what is REPORTED...
In Saudi Arabia as well as other Islamic countries, in a lot of cases, the woman will be charged and lashed even tho she may be legitimately raped. This is well known and is a factor in why a lot of cases do not get reported at all. This is especially the case with maids in households.
I am living in the Middle East now and I hear (altho not always believe) of a lot of women raped but never reported out of fear of their own conviction.
So sometimes the law plays it the otherway... At the end of the day Allah is most just. Altho we have His guidelines, we cant expect human beings to make ultimate judgements without their own opinions/thoughts/experiences coming into it.
As for crime, I agree. Again a lot does not get reported but the Middle East generally has very low crime rate. But this is not soley attributed to Sharia law punishment. More than 50% of the Middle East right now is made up of cheap labour which is being used for these countries' development. In cases of crime, they lose their livelihood by being deported. Where I am, THIS is the main reason why crime is so low.
But yes, Alhamdulillah I have little worry about leaving my house open while I go outside.

In addition, the corruption levels are relatively lower in the Middle East than other parts of the semi-developed world. I mean to say, you cannot bribe your way out of petty crime and usually there is zero tolerance policies to crime adopted by the police (but always there are exceptions if you know the right people).

These are factors apart from Sharia law.


Assalaam walaikum,

Slow down sister....what external factors..and what is a semi-developed country. Whose definitions are you using.

I think I understand that you may be looking at the rights of immigrant workers. If that is the case let us know.

I am still confused as to what you are saying.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
LOL :) its okay, my point is not coming across to you. I dont really know how to explain it more... Its not about rights, its simply that Sharia Law is not the ONLY reason why REPORTED crime rate is low.
Semi-developed - my definition :) I wouldnt call the middle east developed as they have a long way to go in order to offer the infrastrcuture, products, services and that are needed for business/smooth daily life in today's "age". But they are nonetheless getting there and quite quickly I might add (sorry, again my opinion - but I think that in view of the world economy, it might be a common opinion).

Now we are off topic :p


Assalaam walaikum,

We are not off topic at all. I cannot comprehend what you are writing so I asked for clarification so there would be no confusion.

You are saying Sharia is not the only reason why the crime rate is what are the other reasons...there have to be reasons that can be listed and supported. I just am curious as to what else is there that makes the society crime free.

You use an economic term without support for definition. The problem with your definition is who defined developed. And most importantly, where is that notion of development found is Sharia and the Quran. Or to put it this way..what are you comparing? Are you comparing the ease of consumer products or is it an easy life-style? What are you comparing developed with?

That way we can have understanding.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Sorry sister, I have explained it three times. I cannot in any other way, for me its clear what I am trying to say.
I was comparing corruption in the middle east to corruption in other parts of the world in the same/similar economic state. But not to do with Sharia or Quran because these two apply to ALL mankind regardless of state of economic development or any other kind of development.
I, in no way intended to define semi-developed. As i said clearly, it was an opinion based on my knwledge and experience having studied, lived and worked in more than 6 different countries.


Assalaam walaikum,

And I am simply trying to gain knowledge of Sharia. I thought that was the purpose of this post.

You are conflating two set of principles. The Absolute Law with corruption of the individual. Two different subjects.

I do not have knowledge of corruption of the law outside the US. Here the law is so corrupt that it makes ones head spin. It changes by the second. So I am trying to gauge what you are saying.