Are numbers infinite?


I'm not what you believe
to everybody.have you ever tried to count the numbers?how many are they?as nothing is infinite,who can tell how many are the numbers,starting from zero and going to the number which can be pronouced?

as the whole universe is a creation of Allah and it one day will finish its time,can I suppose that the numbers will never finish theirs,because Allah Himself established for the sinners that they'll will go to Hell and stay there for the eternity or for a certain number of days,while for the good ones there will be the eternal beatification?
Thanks a lot for any explainations.


Junior Member
to everybody.have you ever tried to count the numbers?how many are they?as nothing is infinite,who can tell how many are the numbers,starting from zero and going to the number which can be pronouced?

as the whole universe is a creation of Allah and it one day will finish its time,can I suppose that the numbers will never finish theirs,because Allah Himself established for the sinners that they'll will go to Hell and stay there for the eternity or for a certain number of days,while for the good ones there will be the eternal beatification?
Thanks a lot for any explainations.

Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wabarakatuhu,

It depends on what you use to count sister. Infinity is just a symbol and theoretical. Infinity doesn't represent a number. If you add one to infinity, it will still be infinity.

If you use a computer to count it will depend on the configuration of the processor. If it is a 32 bit processor, it can count upto 2^32 (4294967296). Regarding pronunciation, I think people keep adding to the vocabulary when they need like zillion etc. etc. Also rather than denoting the whole number, they create a new unit if it is some measurable quantity for e.g if it is distance of pluto from sun, it will be too big to denote in metres, so they use lightyears. And they define a number for a lightyear.

Regarding the second question, my opinion is that numbers we have formed for our benefit and understanding and to keep count of things and quantities. In the hereafter, thats not how it might be working. Allah only knows what goes on there and He decides who will reside in the hell for how long.


Junior Member
It is quite interesting have triggered my dormant brain cells to start thinking a bit... :)

As the brother mentioned, that number are mathematical symbols used to help us understand what is around us in a clear way. For example, we use numbers to count things or measure distance, weight etc....

So if you think about the things we are measuring instead of numbers as a concept. For example, if we were to count the number of cats that has been created by Allah so far. The number of those cats are finite. The same goes for dogs, sheep, trees, planets, humans etc......So everything Allah has created is finite. However, the infinity of numbers, only exists in our brains. That is all....It does not exist in real life (creation)

Allah knows best....


New Member

Actually, I once have this question and I already answered this myself.

This is not the best answer though :)

As above post said, the concept of "infinite" is purely in our brain.
The "infinite" itself, I believe, is finite. The even have their symbol, right? The ∞? There is some mathematical equation that use infinite, too.
Because we still can "count" it, we still "can" add it, subtract it, multiply it, that's why infinite is still finite.
Question is, then how many is infinite? Simple. It is "too many". Too many to count, so we just call it "infinite" :D

The TRUE infinite, I believe we called it "undefineable". Like zero divided by zero. We simply call it "undefineable"~

So for your second question, it maybe little confusing. I believe that for us, human, we will life hereafter in ∞ days. For Allah, well, like I said even infinite is finite, when the time is up, poof, Innalillahi :D

Sorry for my bad English and all of my mistake.


I'm not what you believe
but if the infinity is in our brain,we humans are something finite as we have been created from Allah...maybe the infinity finishes when the heart stops beating and the concept of infinity remains only a word,because it will not exist anymore.the numbers "under the zero" are as infinite as those over zero,they don't start and don't finish,it's we who give them a beginning and an end...and Allah?He's infinte,He's always existed,while we exist for a little part of time and I suppose that the numbers are an important part of our existence,until we'll close the eyes.???????