Asalamoe 3aleykoem

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum sister,

Welcome to the forum!

And don't worry, I've deleted the posts for you ;)

Jazakillahu khayran


Allah ma3a sabirien♥
Aleykoem Asalaam

Thank you!
And you did, thanks again!
I clicked on Help and read everything but I couldn't find anything.
So it's a relief!

Djazakalahoe ghayran ought


Junior Member
Welcome..essallamu allaikum...
You're welcome
No, I don't know

If a person says "Subhanallah" سبحان الله 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim)...شكرا على الموعظة والدال على الخير كفاعله....Thank you for your advice and indicative of the good is like


Junior Member
العفو و أشكرك بكل تقدير و اخوة في الاسلام الحمد لله عل نعمة الاسلام و رزقك الله الفردوس الاعلى من الجنان امين......Pardon and thank each estimate and brothers in Islam Praise be to God on the grace of God Islam and sustenance paradise upper Jinan Amin


Junior Member
ممكن اسألك عن اخت مغربية زرتنا في الجزائر و بالضبط في مدينة قسنطينة و لها والدان و هي الان مطلقة من اخ جزائري


The best richness, is the richness of the soul.
ممكن اسألك عن اخت مغربية زرتنا في الجزائر و بالضبط في مدينة قسنطينة و لها والدان و هي الان مطلقة من اخ جزائري
أنا آسف، ولكن أنا لا أفهم
يمكنك التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية؟


Junior Member
Possible ask you about the sister of Moroccan visit us in Algeria and exactly in the city of Constantine and her parents are now divorced brother Algerian ...


The best richness, is the richness of the soul.
Possible ask you about the sister of Moroccan visit us in Algeria and exactly in the city of Constantine and her parents are now divorced brother Algerian ...

I think i don't know here, tell me more


Junior Member
C'est une marocaine qui vit en hollande divorce à 2 enfants son ex marie les arracher de leur grande père hodaifa et koutaiba...This is a Moroccan who lives in Holland divorce two children his ex marie snatch them out of their great father and hodaifa koutaiba