Asallam Alakum


New Member
I'm Jason and I'm a recent convert to Islam. i've been getting my hands on all the materials that i can find and and I've lots of questions.

Happy 2BA Muslim

Assalamu alaikum Brother Jason113,

Congratulations on finding the right path to heaven - Islam. Welcome to TTI. We are all here to help each other. Ask any questions and we will try to answer with the best of our knowledge with Allah`s guidance.



New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam,

Masha Allaah bro. Welcome to the site. We'd be more than glad to help you out with your questions.


Allahu akbar
Most welcome brother Jason. It is a great news that Allah has directed the light of eeman to your heart. Indeed you should be thankful of Allah for choosing you among so many people for hidayah.
Feel free to ask questions. Hopefully there will be broethers and sisters to help.
We all learn everyday from eachother, insha allah

May Allah make it easy for you to practice his deen (religion) and keep you steadfast on the path of truth.

Your brother


Tamed Brother
I'm Jason and I'm a recent convert to Islam. i've been getting my hands on all the materials that i can find and and I've lots of questions.

Brother Jason,
AssalaamuAlaikum and heartly welcome to Islam as well as this site,

Learning about Islam is a gradual process. The Creator who has blessed you turn your heart, that same Creator will help you gradually learn InshaAllah. Please try to watch the videos at this website as well as I can refer you some:

The video lectures of few great scholars of this era:

Dr. Israr Ahmed: (English pages temporarily under construction)

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

Dr. Zakir Naik

Yusuf Estes:

WassalaamuAlaikum WRWB,



Junior Member
Welcome Bro,


Wecome to this great website.. May you acquire as much knowledge as possible about Islam.. Alhamdullilah.. May Allah guides us the way to jannah (paradise), Insya-Allah..





Junior Member
asalaamu alaikum
welcome to the site brother and insha allah u'll benafit staying here
allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar
gloryis to you, master of power,of dominion, of majesty and greatness.
you'v chosen true deen.
may allah guide us all to the path
ameen ameem


Junior Member
congrats big time bro and I welcome u 2 wid my whole heart

ask away bro so many ppl here r helpful I will try and help u if I can but coz I was bord a muslim I see da religion differenly I have differrent questions

proud of u bro