Asking for Divorce because she is more educated


Junior Member

Unfortunately, I could say the exact same post about the countries of the Middle East. Except #3 - many Kuwaiti women are not raising their own children, but not because of work, but because it is beneath them to change diapers, feed babies, bathe children - that is what they pay a "nanny" from poor Asia to do.

Kuwait is officially the fattest Gulf country (and percentage-wise is closing in on BRitain, who I last heard is 2nd to the US) - the divorce rate in Kuwait was reported during Ramadan to be 53%.
And while some of these things started in the West (Egypt has been making "soap operas" for as long as the US), one cannot completely blame the west. This happens all the time - Oh, our poor Muslims are being taken over by the western thoughts and problems!! But that is not true!! EVERY individual makes choices. I lived in the US and was not a Muslim and NEVER wore a bikini, NEVER got drunk, NEVER did drugs, was NOT promiscuous, NEVER wore tight and super-revealing clothes - and neither did the friends that I chose to keep. I made CHOICES - all Muslims everywhere are responsible for their OWN choices. Quit playing the blame game. The Amish live in the US without even electricty and they have lived that way for 200 years without being "corrupted" - are they stronger in their own faith than Muslims in America? If so, then it is not the influences to blame, but the people who cannot use self-control to do what is right.

Maybe Muslims in America need to get out of the big, impersonal cities, and move to the warm and inviting midwest US, where people pride themselves on being open to all and accepting of modest, moderate lifestyles.


Assalam,a country that allows,it `s bases to be used by the kuffar to attack another Muslim country is not a Muslim country for me ,it maybe a country of Muslims but not a Muslim country!

The ideologies of libertinage and marginalization in human relation, tradition and family values phobia, individualism, psychologism.,the merchandising of women, the creation of a spirit of competition between men and women instead of one based upon brotherhood and mutual promotion and assistance, are the root of evil ,everything depends on what purpose status and knowledge are meant to serve,if it is taught to women that it is a way,competing with men like the western medias tend to portray it than.welcome to hollyahood....As brother VE truly stated education doesn`t mean literacy.

See may be most of middle Easterners are not aware of what catastrophic effect ,feminism has had for the western world!they may never have experienced it not yet alhamdulillah,and their Medias fail to discredit it and denounce it!so until partner exchange houses are not accepted as a legal entity god forbid there is still hope,the comparison is a little precursory....

Am not blaming the west and it `s people as such but the ideologies that generated from there dear sister, it is the awareness that needs to be raised in the Muslim countries"look what this has produced,and try to avoid it!"instead of promoting too much pluralism and carelessness.I really believe that is important.There is another way for progress, modernity ,there is no need for the generalization of modernity it is not an absolute value ,trends come and go! Islam is not a trendy movement it can wait.

Individual responsibility as to what regards our deeds in front of Allah swt is an imperative awareness,but an individualism that produces an ensnaring effect of immobility and carelessness, is a marginalization of our god given
responsibility ,it is against our own and against the common interest.We are ordered to do good and to promote it,to avoid evil and denounce it where ever we are!
The fact that you haven`t touched drugs and alcohol ...etc does not mean you were not exposed to it maybe you were one of the lucky ones alhamdulillah,yet the crimes,prostitution,rapes ..etc did not diminish by that they are raising in the west we even had a women 6 months ago who has put her two babies in the fridge!and sex scandals involving new born babies,even canibalism !and that comes from the absence of perspectives of answers that no western system has been able to offer with all it`s triomphale arrogance has to attack the snack from the head if we want the venom to stop circulating.
With respect