Assalam-o-alaikum to everyone Plz read


New Member
Hoping that all of u will be alright by the grace of AlMighty Allah....Hmm I wanna share sth and also wanna ask....
Tomorrow,my result will be announce.I pray to Allah and asked Him to gimme success....I was feeling so nervous,my head was terribly aching as I was so tensed abt my result...Then I search a topic "Faith in Allah"...After reading that I was fully confirmed that I have faith in Allah (SWT) so I'll get my required %...
Now the thing is that my result is tomorrow I m not feeling a bit nervousness....Everytime when I think over this that my result is coming I say firmlt to myself that,"Allah is there for me He will surely listen to me.."
I don't how but for a second my mind warned me that,"I am over confident"......
I am repeatedly ignoring this and again and again and having firm believe in Allah...
Plz help me.........
And plz don't forget me in ur duas............And atleast once do dua in my favour......
Take Care
Allah Hafiz