Assalamu Alaikum


New Member
Hello friends.

I am new to Islam and to this forum.

I am from a non Islamic country and born into a Christian family. Reverting to Islam was, for me, kinda like climbing out of the wilderness. Inshalla I am wanting to learn more and follow Islam and take good example from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Welcome to TTI and also welcome to Islam. In the beginning it would be a bumpy road but you will gain the bliss and peace at the end of the journey inshaAllaah.

May Allaah keep us firm in His pathway and eventually leads us to Heaven. ameen

Do keep learning and hold on to His rope. InshaAllaah Allaah is there with you all the time. :)

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah

naz haider

Junior Member

:salam2::SMILY259: brother,
:SMILY206: to Islam. Though you are at a nascent stage and taking only baby steps, I am sure that you will soon learn more and more and be enlightened about the beauty of Islam.
I pray to Allah to make this journey easy and enriching for you (and for all of us)
May Allah bless you for every smallest good deed you do and forgive you fro your gravest sin... bless you.

Allah Hafiz... :SMILY259:


Junior Member
salam alikoum,
congratulations for becoming a muslim, may allh enlight your path and make you among those with whom allah swt is pleased, ameen
wa salam alikoum


ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
:ma: Congratz on bcuming a muslim:) Wish you a warm welcome to TTI. Inshallah you'l find many beneficial posts here.