
warda A


Since the brutal invasion of Iraq years ago, our fellow Arabs and Muslims have been suffering, humiliated and violated. We have forgotten about them even in our prayers .we have got used to the bombing, bloodshed…….all the atrocities the Iraqi children live everyday. The least we can do on the memory of the invasion, is to pray for them to live in peace and welfare and spend fearless nights and warm mornings.

Baghdad is calling
My kids are suffering and screaming
The slaughters' hands are stained
And the Arabs are cleaning?
The stream's colour turned red and no one is seeing
We are shouting for any help
And no one is hearing
I have been used to hunger and humiliation
I have been used to fear and deprivation
I have been used to thirst and differentiation
But to lose my family, my friends &home !! it's the culmination
Baghdad the ancient city of love and conciliation
Is slaughtered by the hands of terrorism and segregation?
My invaders were just cavemen on the peak of my civilization
Invade me uproot me and own me, only in your imagination
Mother you are not a liar, yet you keep on telling me
Peace will prevail and they will never hurt me
Why are you crying? Come on answer me
Your eyes are so still …oh not you …… why didn’t they kill me?

written by: Nermeen Abul naga


muslimah sister

New Member
It's true....we don't remember our sisters and brothers who are suffering in other parts of the world.

We intend to cry over our problems when they are nothing compared to what they are going through.

Thats why we should thank Allah for the life we have.
