Beautiful Islam


Junior Member
It seems on the whole we as an ummah have forgotten what our Nabi (SAW) has strived to teach us.

Sometimes we get simple and wonderful reminders of the beaty of our gift, Islam

Yesterday I had the honor of being one a group of witnesses to be present when an elderly lady reverted to ISlam. What was so amazing was when the imam made duaa for her after she recited the shahada, she cried during the duaa, even though she, like us didn't understand the arabic. She wept even more when the Imam explained that at the moment of her reciting the shahada all the past sins have been forgiven.

We all take the shahada and other gifts so for granted.

After she embraced ISlam, the Imam proceeded to read her nikkah. No wedding gown, no massive fiest, no fuss and trimmings. Just the few of us that were attending haj classes were fortunate enough to be there.

Her husban was so poor that he didn't have anything to give as Mehr, Imam took out the R20 he had as the Mehr. With that everyone reached into their pockets and by the time Imam actually told the bride (Ayesha) what the total of her mehr was, she was given a mehr of R570. Both she and her husband Abubaker cried.

ISn't this what our Islam is supposed to be about. Being able to be part of something so special made me wonder why we put so much effort into looking for loop-holes to make Islam more westernised.

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Asalaam Alaykum

:allahuakbar: :allahuakbar:

That is so wonderful to hear....:subhanallah: allah (swt) has guided her to siratul mustaqeem..

Allah mentions that if people are too poor to marry, yet they ought to marry and then He will enrich....

If you are poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. (Surat an-Nur: 32)

We all should renew our shahada from time to time to make us stronger muslims...The month of Ramadan is a great time to renew your relationship with Almighty....ameen



Junior Member

Very touching story. Subhanallah Allah touches people's hearts every day.

I agree that Islam does not need "westernising" or "modernising". The Qur'an's law was revealed for the whole of mankind to stand for as long as this planet exists. If one can think rationally, then one can see that there is not a single law in Islam that goes against the nature of humans. Every law has its wisdom and is for the benefit of mankind.



Junior Member
Assalam u Aliekum

Masha'Allah that was beautiful & you were most fortunate to experience such a wonderful moment. May Allah guide us. Amen

WaAliekum Assalam

Late Learner

New Member

Touchy story BROUGHT TEARS IN MY EYES. May ALLAH SWA bless that so beautiful couple and give us good understanding of our beautiful deen.

Ameen !



Junior Member

:ma: That brought tears to my eyes. That is what Islam is all about!

Thanx for sharing that with us



New Member
subhanALLAH.... very touching, im about to cry but i cant coz there're a lot of people over here... thats islam about, ukhuwh fi llah