Being Late for jumah?


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Yesterday like every Friday I wanted to go for Jummah prayer. Now since I work everyday, i also work on friday. but i take break to go to jummah prayer. this fiday happened that since i was working i had to come from one side of chicago to other side for prayer since only masjids i know are on north side. with all noon trafic and me trying to cut, i came exactlly when they finished fard prayer and were comming out. I was standing in front of the mousq:angryblue::SMILY23:

My quesstion is if you miss fard do you still go inside and pray like is jummah or i can go home and pray dhuhr. does it make sense?:angryblue:

THC isoc

New Member

may Allah accept our efforts

from what i know so far is that if you unitentionally missed Jummah then you have to pray dhur. wherever you pray your dhur whther in a masjid or at home you still wont get that reward of praying in Jammah but hey who knows maybe Allah will give you more reward for your efforts. look at imam an nawawis 40 hadith book the first hadith then you will understand what i am talking about.

and Allah knows best
