better late ....than never!

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Please dear brother and sister, can you listen to me.
One of these days, you will find out and see...

Each day will pass, one day you'll die,
yet you dont care, oh! Please tell me why.

Every day, we give you a warning.
But still you're the same,
each night, each morning.

In this world, you may have fun,
but from Allah, you cannot run,

When i tell you, you burst into laughter!
Its not that long until the hereafter.

You think your skilful, with songs and dance,
still you dont care to give, yourself a chance,

Allah is the One, that you should fear,
the One who is so great, the One who is so dear.

You will see, as you dont care,
you will be just beware!

Your healthy and wealthy, but still greedy!
You never stop to think about, the poor and needy.

Coming home, dirty with stink,
to find you've gone mad, with pints of drink!

With a shock, people stare,
and think, 'Isn't this man aware?'

Because life in this world, is too short,
soon enough Allah, will hold a hearing in court.

As you well know, life is a test,
only those who succeed will achieve the best!

How you want to live, you can choose,
but if you are good, then you have nothing to lose!!

When the Angel of Death,
comes for you....

tell me, just what will you do???



Subhana Allah!

:ma::ma::ma: nice reminder and nice poem, jazak Allahu khayra sister. may Allah bless u ameen



Servant of Allah
such beautiful words and so true. subhanallah, how can we ignore the one above? jazakallah sis, and if u don't mind i'll pass this poem. asalamu alaykum.