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Junior Member

Thank you for posting Because I was planning to post it .People are so ignorant about them .We need to Warn Ummah about them.


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

Another good and authentic source

How The World Has Been Intelligently Controlled?

August the 2nd 1990 Saddam Hussain's forces crashed the defenses of oil rich Kuwait in fear of an Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia. The United States and her coalition allies poured into the Arabian Peninsula to form a deterrent that would be known as Desert Shield. The result was a series of diplomatic talks, negotiations and count negotiations that rapidly declined into a no hope situation. On August the 17th 1991 the Desert Shield became Desert Storm.

The conflict was witnessed by millions through the IF, CNN and the BBC showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of Saddam's forces by a coalition far superior in technological, political and economic power. However what was little known was that from the outset the war was engineered, controlled and manipulated by an elite group. A group which had created the illusion of a man with power at the head of a million strong army on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control of the 1/5 of the World's oil overnight. However in reality he was merely a pawn in amongst many pawns. Just a puppet in a grand master plan with the Gulf War as a well orchestrated stepping stone. The orchestrates of the War were by no means strangers to controlling major World events. In fact they have done so for centuries.

From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush "What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order".

However the origins of this Global plan were not created in the offices of the White House. In reality their roots lay in another war this time the year is 1095 and the place Claremont, France. 11th century Europe was ruled by the church which held a firm grip on the hearts and minds of the people. This power enabled Pope Erwin II to wage war on the Muslim Caliphate and crusade in what he called a War of the Cross to recapture the land of Jerusalem. It had been under Muslim rule since the year 637 but in 1099 this rule was brought to a bloody and sudden end. In the name of the Cross women were raped and murdered, children were put to the sword and it is said that the blood ran in the streets knee high to the horses. Out of this land of bloodshed and terror a group of men arose which would stop at nothing to get what they wanted no matter what the cost. Twenty years after Jerusalem was taken the Dome of the Rock was seized by a group of warrior monks calling themselves The Knights of the Temple of Solomon or most simply the Knights Templers.

Check the website to read more.



Junior Member
Some people are such conspiracy theorists.

While some get into the esoteric cult side of it, for most blue-collar workers, it's just your regular ol' workers guild. Harmful? Hardly.


Staff member

its hardly a conspiracy anymore when my history teacher can come out quite openly and claim to be part of a lodge. but both sides to them exist, thats why. The overwhelming evidence against them and their involvement in various covert opts and governments means it cant be dismissed as theory, there is just too much evidence, and they are sometimes the only explanation for things, also, we see the evolution of a world where an agenda such as their own would fit only to perfectly.

Some people are such conspiracy theorists.

While some get into the esoteric cult side of it, for most blue-collar workers, it's just your regular ol' workers guild. Harmful? Hardly.

I would still consider them harmful yea...

wa-salam alekum


Descendent of Aadam
salaam allaikum

isnt it that dajaal is going to be in human form . maybe they will be the followers of dajaal but they cant be dajaal . i dont think so .. and allah knows best

salaam alaikum


Junior Member
They are not DAJJAL but FORE RUNNERS .In a hadith it is mentioned


So they are Not Dajjal But they will be the supporters and followers of Dajjal.
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