

New Member
This peom is called 'Remind Me' it is from a sister to the husband she has yet to recieve insha'Allah.

Remind me of Allah...
In the way that you walk when you lower your gaze
The way that you speak so firm yet so gentle
Remind me of Allah
Each time you stroke your beard in that sexy way you do
Whewn I see you walking down the street in those high waters you rock so
well on your way to Salat al Jum' ah
Remind me of Allah
Not just by looks but by deeds
Not just by the izar you press to a srisp or the oil that makes you smell so
good or the kuffs or thawb not just the miswak I smell on your breath or
the henna in your full beard
Remind me of Allah
with that faloos you stackin for hijra and hajj
with those tears you shed in the black of the night
Remind me of Allah
with that Quran that touches your hear
and the hadith that shows on your limbs
Remind me of Allah
with the compassion you show to your wife and children even with they
Remind me of Allah
When things seem hard and nothing is going your way
with the reflection you give before pointing the blame the self correction
you do
Remembering that before you can save your family from jahenam you must
1st save YOU.

author unknown.....
Just thought I would post a poem I read once hope you enjoy.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum sister,

masha'Allah, tabaraka'Allaah.....beautiful poem with an amazing title :) I LOVE IT!!


New Member
Jazak Allah Khair

well I am glad that you like it. I posted it in hopes that others would benefit either with just an enjoyjment or better yet even a reminder to look for a mate that reminds them of Allah either with their actions embodying the Sunnah or with their words and also to be reminders to one another. Because a true friend is one that reminds you to fear Allah and we should all be reminders one to another.