British TV!


Junior Member
Had a really long day yesterday. Went to work, came home , got washed changed went to prayer, went back to work, got in late. Very worthwhile ,
but,- I thought I would just wind-down and watch TV for an hour.

I really wished I hadn't bothered. First there was Big Brother which now
seems an incomprehensible form of voyeurism . I don't think we were mean to look at each other with this kind of scrutiny. Also the principle behind they way in which these people are observed is just wrong.

Then I watched a programme called Eight out of ten cats. This was just plain "unfunny ". The panel of speakers were trying to outdo each other with making offensive comments . They swore badly . I couldn't help thinking these programmes are more indicators of a society which is disintegrating.

These programmes are not really interesting , not amusing and frankly pointless. - But then I had just listened to a sermon about some very real and valuable issues.


Penguin fancier
8OO10Cs is usually on after the watershed, isn't it?

You're watching at the wrong time of day if you want to avoid being offended.

Me... I watch Doctor Who :D


Junior Member
Muhhamad A - Salaam

Watershed or not , oh , maybe I'm just in the first stages of becoming a grumpy old man, but the point is this is a world away from the gentle
humour you get when chatting after Friday prayers.

Dr Who, now that is a watchable programme. First black and white ones terrified us as kids.

Could DW be viewed from a Muslim perspective , like a kind of begin non human Djinn / Angel maybe. Yes, I know it's not real, but it would be interesting to "think outside the box."

Last episode tonight.


Junior Member

Hiding something ?- No , I do a really filthy, sweaty job, even honest sweat
is not good in a crowded room. I like feeling cleaner , on inside and out.
Don't you?

Muhhamad - "begin"- meant to say benign!



Sorry :redface: I should have made myself clear, actually I thought there is a good news. I didnt mean to say anything about your job or the sweat. Sorry once again if I made it sound like that.
Actually you said that you went for prayers and I was pointing at that part.

Take care :)
Hiding something ?- No , I do a really filthy, sweaty job, even honest sweat
is not good in a crowded room. I like feeling cleaner , on inside and out.
Don't you?

Muhhamad - "begin"- meant to say benign!



Have you viewed American TV?
But I will admit once in a while Jerry Springer will make me laugh. The guests are paid to be on the show.


if you are a grumpy old man...i must be becoming the grumpiest old woman...but sometimes in life you need peace.


Junior Member
Moshin :

That must have sounded most grumpy as a reply. Is there an Arabic term for this condition ?

Let me give you an example of what brings this about: You get to a stage in life where you can do some things well. Once in a while you go out to a restaurant , you pay maybe $80 for a meal and you sit there thinking "I could cook this better, too much salt and cumin, rice over boiled , I hope they clean their pans..."

You watch a group of well meaning Brothers trying to fix a lock on a door with a rock and a broken screwdriver, when you have a van full of tools outside - you're thinking" I hope these guys aren't going to be surgeons when they graduate."

You "find" yourself watching TV and think," get a life, this is only so many steps away from being a guest on the Springer Show, Springer Special :
irascible older generation are given the challenge of having to sit and watch different teenagers try to open a carton of milk without it going all over the floor and not say a word."


Salaam Brother,

We could. We have reached an age where you can say a library of words with your eyes only.

Wisdom lends to telling the truth...why pay $80.00 when you could have made the meal for $20.00 and had left-overs.


Junior Member

That is clear Wisdom .

In the UK everything is very expensive. $80.00 is a very cheap meal.
Might be less now because I don't drink wine anymore , they can charge you $5.00 for a glass of water.

A TV licence, which you have to buy is $200, a year and a $2000 fine if you don't have one , and get this, even if you don't watch TV and have a TV
screen they will still fine you, if you refuse to pay it, they throw you in jail.

When the last teenager is out of the door , I shall take the TV to the local rubbish dump, it's twenty years old and probably a fire hazard- Then again, it still has a good picture.



Many years ago the tv was called a boob tube. It is in a very serious manner the work of the devil. You sit by and allow the foolishness of this world to filter to the core of your soul.
My poor sons are going to be upset because Mommy Dearest just threw out the tv set in their room and cut the cable channels just enough to have the internet on. For the love of creativity and the joy of work...the measures mommy has to take.
It will make men out of them, InshaAllah...the yardwork, the walking, the talking to each other...the time to recite the Quran..and maybe one episode of the Simpsons.


Salafi Dawah is the best

It's funny how T.V is this wretched horrible thing, but the internet is considered OK. It really does depend on what you watch on TV and of course what you look up on the internet. I'm not going to bash T.V while I'm watching the Simpsons



I can't help it. I will watch Springer for two minutes, the Simpsons for two minutes. What is funny is I have actually met a frequent guest on the Springer show. He is the one who told me about the money that is paid for appearing on the show. It is better than selling drugs in a very depressed area.
The Simpsons is more reality than we like to admit. Think of George least Homer admits he is stupid. All Homer wants is a beer, some ball on tv, and a couple of doughnuts with coffee in the morning. George Bush wants our blood.


Junior Member

Yes, the Simpsons are good, my kids grew up on them because they were on at meal times. I'm not sure of having all those cartoons for moral guidance in their formative years was really the best idea. Homer really was a good example of how not to be! Looking back , planting you kids in front of the telly whilst they eat was a bit of a cop-out, but lets get real,
were we ever going to have erudite conversations with our children night of the week over the evening meal.

" How's your day?"

" Huh? "

"... Your day?"

" Ok... can I have a drink now please...?"

Go on , make me feel like Homer Simpson. Tell me children born into Muslim families in the West sit around with their parents and have long intellectual conversations with their meals every night of the week, and watch limited TV.

George Bush,- has he ever had an intelligent conversation?


Junior Member

When the TV I have now dies, I do not intend on purchasing a new one!!!
Id rather have my little boy reading books and playing games with me rather than lacking an imagination through watching rubbish on TV!!

Alhamdulillah when we were growing up, we had a 14 inch colour tv with no remote control! 4 channels was sufficient even though 2 of them had bad reception!!
Bring back the old days I say!!




The world is not scary. He just does not want to share his toys with the world. He wants it all. He did not have to do military service..check out his record...he was too busy snorting coke...he was born with a sliver spoon in his mouth ( thats why daddy married mommy) and on 9/11 he knew what was up..he was too busy reading a primer to attend to a national disaster...he forgot his instructions..Mr. George when we come in to tell you that there have buildings that have imploded (key word)..your are to act surprised...Mr. President this is a good thing...get up and tell the country you will lead us to victory...Poor George, he could not remember what he was supposed to do..he carried on reading his book with the children.