Burkas for Babies!


Junior Member

By Mohammad Alyousei
Al Arabiya

A Saudi cleric has called for all female babies to be fully covered by wearing the face veil, commonly known as the burka, citing reports of little girls being sexually molested.

In a TV interview on the Islamic al-Majd TV, which seems to date back to mid-last year, Sheikh Abdullah Daoud, stressed that wearing the veil will protect baby girls. The Sheikh tried to back his assertion with claims of sexual molestation against babies in the kingdom, quoting unnamed medical and security sources.

Recently picked up on social media, Sheikh Dauod’s statement prompted wide condemnation from his fellow Saudis on Twitter. Some tweeps called for the Sheikh to be held accountable because his ruling denigrates Islam and breaches individual privacy.

Sheikh Mohammad al-Jzlana, former judge at the Saudi Board of Grievances, told Al Arabiya that Dauod’s ruling was denigrating to Islam and Shariah and made Islam look bad.

Jzlana urged people to ignore unregulated fatwas and explained that there are special regulations set by the Saudi authorities to administer religious edicts and appoint those who are entitled to issue them.

He said that he feels sad whenever he sees a family walking around with a veiled baby, describing that as injustice to children.

Can someone investigate if this is actually true? No need to bash the Saudees!

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

We all know that babies don´t need to use hijab/níqab.

Idea that they should use is just only insulting. Adults should control they sick sexual desires.




That particular Saudi cleric meant well. Its true anyway.
But at another point, we have to also see the safety of that babies.
In Islam,
when girls have reached puberty, it is a definite compulsory. But like here,If it a must for babies due to some circumstances,

I personally think the appropriate age if one must is as early at 4 years of age,as at this age are quite enough as they can take instruction and reason.

Do not overview because the disadvantages is drastic than advantages if babies and infants are make to use veils.

Babies can't stand the heat
and difficult to settle down,
babies sleeping with veil is definitely a 'No' 'No' reason;it would tangle and will suffocate the babies covering their nose and mouth causing difficulty to breathe
(~May Allah swt forbid this~Amin!.)

My suggestion to those parents is that they have to make their babies and toddlers be in decent clothes as possible and always
ensure that their babies are safe in whatever they are wearing and surround them.

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Thank you for sharing,
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member

That particular Saudi cleric meant well. Its true anyway.
But at another point, we have to also see the safety of that babies.
In Islam,
when girls have reached puberty, it is a definite compulsory. But like here,If it a must for babies due to some circumstances,


Sorry but I don't believe that :Allah: and Prophet Muhammad :saw: missed anything in Islam which cleric needs to add. Babies are pure and innocent and anybody who looks at them any other way that sick person should be treated and not the baby!

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
Walahi this is disturbing news! What they need to do if grown men are trying g to rape babies, is go after them and kill them and humiliate them publically. How is putting Hijab and niqab on a small child going to solve anything?! What is this world coming to?! Ya Allah. And this is supposed to be the Muslim country where Islam is practiced...


Junior Member
I guess there are many such clerics in the ummah who are far away, cutoff from common sense. Is it because of their personal prejudice or extreme imaan... lol... ?! Saudees need to issue fatwas against racism first.