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Junior Member
sis lana i still think that what the reporter did is appropraite, i mean so what as to what others think of Muslims..who cares?! we should only care what Allaah thinks of us. Anyway everyones entitled to their opinions.

No-one can speak against the crimes that Bush does but then everyones quick to snap one reporter who tried to throw a shoe at him but did not succeed. You say shame to him, i say 'good on you brother, you have guts that others can't even do'. Why ain't Bush being held in prison for his crimes??!!


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Assalam aliekum

Honestly, I think this is so appalling and disrespectful. Even my high school Kuwaiti students thought this was a stupid act by this reporter. In their words (15-17 year olds), basically it is just going to make the rest of the world laugh at the Iraqi's and think of them as being so backwards.

I do not promote violence by anyone, and that includes verbal. We Muslims need to stop putting an asterisk by everything that a Muslim does by saying, "yeah but someone else did it first/worse to us" - how about acknowledging that this reporter was disrespectful to the OFFICE of the US President (I don't care what anyone thinks about George Bush)?

And, the funny thing is, since it is a cultural thing to think of shoes as being a disrespectful item to be thrown, most of my friends just think it was completely funny to think of a guy throwing shoes - the guy's act did nothing to raise the awareness of the situation in Iraq to the Americans, it just made him look like a foolish person. And I am sure that all the comedians and talk shows are going to have a hay-day with this video for quite some time.

Personally, I say "SHAME ON YOU" to him, for the negative impact his actions could possibly have on Muslims everywhere.


**Note: Notice, I am NOT saying I support the war or Bush; that would be irrelevant to my thoughts. This is all I am going to say on this topic on any threads.

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion...it is a right..and nobody can suppress it...

But I think it is our duty to be considerate of the opinions of *others* as well...many people are in support of what this brother did...if you disagree...you may state so by all means...but you don't need to use words such as *stupid* and *shame* (at least be considerate of the harm this brother might be facing and the distress his family is going through..instead of turning him into a classroom laughing stock pray that he gets out alive!)...

And if the OFFICE of the President deserves respect...then Bush should've been the FIRST to think of it and act carefully as not to botch it!...we don't "astrerisk" actions for no reason...we only realize that *consequences* come linked together like a chain..one thing leads to ANOTHER..

Those empathizing with the war in Iraq completely understood why this guy interpreted his resentment in this act...mind you...many of *those* people are not even Muslim!...they knew that this guy wanted to direct an insult towards a man who tore his country apart..and made bloodshed become an everyday scene!

This brother spoke on behalf of Fatima who was raped and killed in jail..he spoke on behalf of Ammar the little boy was raped and killed by a soldier..he spoke on behalf of the masjid attendees watching soldiers martching in with their boots...he spoke on behalf of a resident of Nainawa who can no longer go to see his friend or relative in Basra..because he/she fear for their lives!..he spoke on behalf of my 8 year old cousin who tells me every time I call him how many bodies he sees laying dead in the neighborhood..and how so-and-so was killed in front of his eyes!...he spoke on behalf of the sisters..who lay asleep only to have someone kick the door of the house and drag them out of their bedrooms before they can even cover their heads...

He spoke on behalf of the wives with husbands showing up as a corpse in a near by street..he spoke on behalf of the sisters who lost brothers..he spoke on behalf of the men laid on the floor while a military boot stepped all over their face..he spoke on behalf of aunts..mothers..uncles..sisters..grandfathers and mothers..nieces and nephews..friends..and neighbors...

I am Iraqi...and for *you* to speak and say that he did something which will make the world laugh at us and think of us as backwarded...is transgressing in tone...and has offended me...and for the record...if the whole world..IF THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD LAUGHED AND SNEARED...and ONE IRAQI..ONLY *ONE* IRAQI..felt happy and pleased by Montadhar's action...THEN BY ALLAH..BY ALLAH..BY ALLAH...I WILL BE TOO...I WILL CRY THE TEARS OF JOY OVER *THEIR* HAPPINESS...and feel as if I own the world and what is in it!!!...and everyone else can laugh all they want!!!...whether they were 15..17..23..38..52..or even a 100 years old...or whether they were..students..teachers..ceo's..preachers..secretaries..ambassadors..or even presidents..kings..or amirs...

And don't you forget that Iraqis have displayed resentment and resistance to the unjust occupation in many different ways..this brother picked up the pen and wrote..and when nobody heard his voice..he picked up his shoes in an insult towards a man who never regarded or respected HUMANITY in the first place!!!

Again I say...I hope that when we express our opinions we be considerate of others...even from an emotional aspect...because we may say words which sound alright to us and we intend good by them..but once they fall upon the ears of those listening..they descend like spears ripping through the heart...

Jazaki Allah Khair either way and any way sister




Junior Member
Assalam aliekum

Honestly, I think this is so appalling and disrespectful. Even my high school Kuwaiti students thought this was a stupid act by this reporter. In their words (15-17 year olds), basically it is just going to make the rest of the world laugh at the Iraqi's and think of them as being so backwards.

I do not promote violence by anyone, and that includes verbal. We Muslims need to stop putting an asterisk by everything that a Muslim does by saying, "yeah but someone else did it first/worse to us" - how about acknowledging that this reporter was disrespectful to the OFFICE of the US President (I don't care what anyone thinks about George Bush)?

And, the funny thing is, since it is a cultural thing to think of shoes as being a disrespectful item to be thrown, most of my friends just think it was completely funny to think of a guy throwing shoes - the guy's act did nothing to raise the awareness of the situation in Iraq to the Americans, it just made him look like a foolish person. And I am sure that all the comedians and talk shows are going to have a hay-day with this video for quite some time.

Personally, I say "SHAME ON YOU" to him, for the negative impact his actions could possibly have on Muslims everywhere.


**Note: Notice, I am NOT saying I support the war or Bush; that would be irrelevant to my thoughts. This is all I am going to say on this topic on any threads.

Try having YOUR OWN son tortured and killed and your husband sitting in Guantanomo prison waiting for his next torture session, then REPOST your post above... Then let us read what new words you would come up with after this fact !!!!

There's an old arabic saying that goes "Whomever is taking the beatings with a stick is far-off-feelings from that who is counting the beatings"

YOU'RE arabic... You should know that saying....



Striving for Paradise
Sister Lana,

I think it is all Bush's fault. How? Well... He was in Iraq where he has already killed over a million Iraqis. Then he had an audacity to say that "war is not over yet, but it is decisively on its way to being won". Now imagine what Bush was saying, he was saying that he will continue to kill more Iraqis. That is what he meant.

This definetly has put this Iraqi correspondent over the edge and he did what he supposed to do. Which was the absolutely right thing to do. As a matter of fact I wonder about those other shameless, slave-minded and soldout Iraqis who were there but they didn't throw their shoes at Bush.

This incident has never damadge any image of Iraqis or Muslims around the world. The TV here played it over and over and all the insults are at Bush and not on any Iraqi. As a matter of fact this was a plus for Iraqis. It made everyone happy.

BTW I have heard that someone has offered to buy those shoes for 10 million dollars. Wow...

I guess those shoes do worth ten million dollars or maybe more than that.



Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

I was content with leaving this thread and others, but I think things have gone too far.. and people do not realise what they are saying! What they are doing! and who exactly everyone in Iraq is, not all of those people deserve our love or sympathy.. There are murderers, criminals, rapists and torturers who all claim to have your trust, will you give it? I am not talking about the obvious Americans, but of the Iraqis, the Shia who are led by people such as Moqtada Sadr.

Yet, people so quickly call them heroes and cheer their groups, just as happened with Lebanon war, and still, when people say "Hizbullah" are so good. When, in reality they have an agenda to weaken and destroy Islam with their corrupt ideas.

People who do Shirk and Bidah, who are enemies of Islam, can never and should never have any status in our eyes, nor our trust!! Who on the one hand claim to fight against the enemies of the Muslims and say they are our Muslim brothers, whilst on the other hand try to destroy Islam!

:salam2: he's being tortured now :( may Allah help him ameen thumma ameen!!


More or less than he and his teacher Moqtada Sadr tortured Muslims ?

Just because he hates Bush or threw shoes at him, does not mean he is a HERO!

~Allah forbid, Muslims are so silly as to call the biggest and most vile people HEROES! for throwing Shoes!!

I do not like Bush, Im not particularly concerned if he got hit by a shoe.. BUT, I am not someone who will give support total blind support to someone just because they threw a shoe at someone, whether it be Bush or anyone.

Because my Love of Islam comes first.. if these people are enemies of Islam and they do something to another, it will not lessen my disgust of them!

If only people knew how disgusting these people were! How many Muslims THEY, The Iraqi Shia rafida of the Moqtada Sadr branch of devils were!!!

They are people who drilled holes into our Imams, who burnt down our Masjids, who kidnapped and executed our brothers and sisters.

And they are the ones who grunt like wild animals about everything, just bcause it includes America and Israel does not make them gain any respect from me and nor should it from you!

why are muslims so quick to say and support the wrong people ?

i removed ur thread in support of that man, because he is not good. Yes, thats right. he is a rafidi and not particularly islamic !

how can u have respect for someone who says Aisha, the mother of the believers is a prostitute? or who belittles Abu bakr, uthman and umar Radhiyallahu anhum...

for that is what that man believes! He loves Moqtada Sadr, the man who has blood of 1000s of Muslims on his hands!!!!!!!

so what if he throws shoes at bush and spits like his teacher the wild, evil moqtada sadr taught him?

Moqtada sadr is his ally and friend, he killed many of our beloved Muslim imams, he had many Muslims tortured to death.

So, for this man throwing his shoes and calling someone a murderer, i say, it takes one to know one!

Where are our brothers and sisters campaigning and supporting our brothers and sisters in Gaza? tHEy are held captive! imprisoned in their homes, starved and made to suffer more than someone with a wild temper and who cares nothing for Muslims.

THey have much sabr and are great people, Allah help them so much! amin.

And above all, they love Islam, they follow Quran and Sunnah! and are good people.. who do not have the blood of other Muslims on their hand.

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