
I am a asthama patient, lately i have had more asthama attacks than usual. i mention this cause this of month of ramadan, alhumdulillah and i want to continue my fast. but how can i keep my fast and still use inhaler if my condition is out of control. CAN I USE INHALER DURING FAST?

I READ SOMEWHERE THAT there is a conflict in scholarz point of view in usage of inhaler during fast?

If u have any suggestions and anythin on this kindly lemme know, however plz make sure there some islamic evidence to support it.

Desperately in need of help

Jazakallah in advance!!

Abu Talib

Feeling low

I am a asthama patient, lately i have had more asthama attacks than usual. i mention this cause this of month of ramadan, alhumdulillah and i want to continue my fast. but how can i keep my fast and still use inhaler if my condition is out of control. CAN I USE INHALER DURING FAST?

I READ SOMEWHERE THAT there is a conflict in scholarz point of view in usage of inhaler during fast?

If u have any suggestions and anythin on this kindly lemme know, however plz make sure there some islamic evidence to support it.

Desperately in need of help

Jazakallah in advance!!


Q: Asthmatics inhale some of their medications, does this invalidate their fasting?

A: The committee replies as follows:

Asthma medicine which a sick person inhales reaches the lungs through the windpipe and does not reach the stomach. It is not regarded as food or drink. It is similar to urethra drops, deep head and body wound medication, kohl, enemas and similar medicines which reach the head or the body but not through the mouth or the nose.

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Scholars have differed regarding the invalidation of fasting through using them.

Some scholars view that if a fasting person uses any of them, their fasting is not invalidated,

while other view that some of these medicines break the fast while others do not. However, all scholars are of the opinion that taking these medicines is not the same as eating or drinking.

However, if anyone breaks their fast by using them, it is considered the same as eating and drinking in view of that all of them reach the stomach voluntarily. It was authentically reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated: Inhale water well except when you are fasting. Sniff water well except when you are fasting. He (peace be upon him) excluded the fasting person from this for fear of water reaching the throat or stomach if one sniffs water strongly which can spoil fasting. This indicates that everything which reaches the abdomen voluntarily breaks fast.

Among the scholars who did not consider fasting invalid by this were Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah confer mercy upon him) and other scholars who had the same opinion. They did not validate the analogy between these medicines and food and drink because the evidence does not indicate that all that reaches the head, the body or the stomach or what is enters the body through an opening breaks the fast. Thus, as long as there is no evidence to the effect that these cases call for the ruling of nullification of fasting, it is right to suspend the ruling of invalidation of fasting. Moreover, deeming these medicines the same as water which reaches the throat or the stomach because of careless sniffing is not right because they are different. Water is a type of nourishment, and thus if it reaches the throat or the stomach, it spoils fasting whether it enters through the mouth or the nose which are merely passages. For this reason, fasting is not invalidated by Madmadah (rinsing the mouth) or careful inhaling of water for this was not prohibited. Hence, the mouth is merely a passage and this has no affect. That is to say, if water and the like enter (the throat or the stomach)
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in some cases and consequently it is the same as mouth.

All in all, it sounds right that inhaling the medicine in question does not break the fast because, as is mentioned above, it is not regarded as food or drink.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!
Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'


Junior Member
With asthma a person could die if they don't take their inhaler, I think that the answer given before was great, but also I think it should be looked on with common sense, the medicine lessens the swelling in your lungs and allows you to breathe. I have been told that for people that are on medicine or/with medical conditions there are rules that apply. My daughter for instance has a diseased kidney (she is only 3 right now) but I have been told that due to her medical condition she will be able to fast from food, but not water, because her one kidney is already doing 80% of the work. My neice asked the Imam at our local masjid because she was curious. The imam told her that you are not supposed to make yourself ill or put your health at risk when fasting, he said that if you know you have these medical problems and you fast anyway, you could end up putting yourself in the hospital or worse. Insha Allah I hope this helps.


Sister in Islam
Salaam Sara

The first point is why are you getting an increased number of attacks? Do you have a new cat, have you painted the house recently, etc? If you are only using a "reliever" inhaler - which opens up your airways, you may need to see your doctor, who may advise adding on a "preventer" inhaler, which should decrease the number of your attacks. This is usually taken every day, either once or twice, with the "reliever" inhaler used as needed.
Ashthma is still a life threatening disease in some cases - if you feel you are having difficulty breathing, do not withhold taking your inhaler.

Take care.