Can you help me please?


New Member
Assalamu Aleikom everyone

I am in desperate need of some hardline evidence. Seriously! I need Fatwas or Hadiths or Qur'anic evidence and if anyone can provide this for me...I will forever be grateful.

Here are the things I am in need of:

QUESTION 1.)If you commit Zina and it results in pregnancy and you both repent sincerely, then marry while she is pregnant...Is the child considered his in the eyes of Islam?

QUESTION 2.) If the child is not considered his in the eyes of Islam, does the woman have the right to take the child away without any obligation to keep them in contact with one another?

*** The child IS his. There is no doubt ****

QUESTION 3.) Is this type of marriage valid in Islam?(marriage that took place while pregnant)

QUESTION 4.) Is a major sin being commited by staying married in this situation?

QUESTION 5.) If a marriage is done in secret and the woman's family knows, but the man's doesn't because his family is not accepting of inter-cultural this marriage valid in Islam?

QUESTION 6.) If both are Muslim and the woman decides to leave Islam and the man doesn't really he doing what is right by allowing her to do this?

QUESTION 7.) Is he obligated to leave her? (she still believes in God...just no longer considers herself a Muslim)

QUESTION 8.) How wrong is it that he keep this secret from his family? Is there some evidence as to the seriousness of the sin, if it is in fact one?

Thank you all for any help you can give me!


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Brother TTI is not a fatwa site .I advise u to ask the Imam in your Mosque and tell him all the situation and inshaAllah they can help you there ,just make a dua to Allah also and ask for guidance ....

waaleikum salam

ahmed m

Junior Member
AWW. pray all is ok. firstly, may Allah reward you for your anxiousness on knowin the answers to your questions in the light of the sunnah. Your questions can only be answered by someone with great knowledge, a scholar most probably.If youre in contact with a scholar, then plz refer these questions to him and inshallah he will answer them to the best possible manner. If yo dnt hav a scholar, then plz reply and inshallah i will get you the answers.

And Allah knows best.
