Christian Protestors Throw crosses at Feet of Muslim Man Praying by White House


Junior Member

Our beloved messenger SAW faced worst treatment. We as Muslims are expected to receive such treatment from some non-Muslims. But what is important is how to react to them. I am glad to see this man was under control despite of the provocation.


John Smith wrote:
On the outside he is a very kind and trustworthy man but i cannot see into his heart wether he has alternative motives.

John, I think the word you are looking for here is *ulterior motives*. 'Ulterior' refers to secret, specifically *evil* motives. 'Alternative motives' is a much more morally neutral term; if he seems interested in your religion, but has 'ulterior motives', that would mean something along the lines of him secretly planning to attack you or your religion. 'Alternative motives' would simply mean that he was not actually interested in your religion, but that could just as easily mean he'd rather go into his basement and play with his model trains, than to hear about your religion. Obviously, being interested in his model trains, while not the same thing as being genuinely interested in your religion, is vastly preferable to making secret, evil plans regarding you or your religion.

But at any rate, what you say about this man, is true about anyone. Nobody can see into someone's heart. For all you or I know, that woman who gives all sorts of food and money to charity tortures cats in her basement, or the man who is a respected elder in his church travels to Bangkok once a year (while telling everyone he is actually going to Florida) in order to molest child slaves. We have no way of knowing, we can only judge people by what we do see and know.