Darkest before dawn...update


Seek The Almighty
:salam2: dear sister,
Alhamdu illahi Rabbil Alamin!
(Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds)

"Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful" (Qur'an:96:3)

"Nay. Allah is your Protector and He is the best of helpers." (Qur'an-3:150)

Happy to have known the great news sis. :ma:


Junior Member
Just remeber everyone even if you dont get what you want at the same time you should know that your Duaa will help you on the day of judgement. So you got nothing to lose you can only gain.


Roby Rahman

Junior Member

Subahanallah, walhamdulilah, walaeelaha illallah, Allahuakbar,
Sister you have been blessed by Allahs infinite mercy, I pray that Allah the almighty keep you under his protection and other the guided path.
I am very thrilled to hear you are moving to a community of muslims and that you will have a Masjid available to you for worshipping the one true god-ALLAH
wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge

DANG sister ShyHijabi! That is like SO cool, Mashallah! I'm OVER happy for you, may Allah Ta Alla bless you with with neverending happiness, love, serenity, and in his Mercy, for verily to him belongs all praise.

The main reason why I felt so happy was because when I read your post, I KNEW it was a sign from Allah Ta Alla, and Mashallah I KNEW it was his way of Mercy to you, and so THAT is why I have a lot of respect to you sister, for if you are a Muslimah who her Lord honours her and supports her, than that is a Muslimah who her Lord Loves, and THAT is why you are so great to me.

I hope that one day sister, you will have children that will grow up and be one of those that support the rise and growth of the Islamic Khelafah that WILL Inshallah develop one day, maybe after another twenty to thrity years Inshallah, and then you and your family will be able to live under the Khelafah were more of your children will be able to be raised up in, and raised up during it's growth.

LoL I feel SO releived that I was able to take my break from spending the 10-14 hours typing up a ten page research paper for my English class! I haven't been able to come here on TTI for a while due to school, and won't be able to be here anymore except for some times, because I'm trying to gather up a group of Muslim brothers at my school so that we can have weekly Halaqas (Inshallah) and get a lot of new brothers at my school to start practicing Islam and coming to the Masjid. I'm also trying togive a lot of Dawah about Islam to non Muslims in my school, and I also need to work harder to improve my grades. And I also need to try to improve in the rifts that effect my worshipping in Allah Ta Alla, and following Rasulallah (SAW) during any spare time that I have, so maybe I won't be able to be on except for a little amount of time.

But anyway, this is SO great, if Allah Ta Alla wills, then this will benefit you EXCESSIVLY sister ShyHijabi, and Verily, to Allah Ta Alla belongs all Praise.