Did you waste any??????????????

Saifu deen


I made this thread, so that we can learn from one another, how to use our free time effeciently, how to avoid TV, and to keep yourself according your plans without wasting precious time in unnecessary activties rather than increase ibad'ah and Qur'an. Therefore, my questions are:

1)Did you waste any precious time this Ramadan not doing enough Ibada'h?..
2)Did you volunterily read non islamic books, and articles, rather than the Holy Qur'an, tafseer, and memorizing the Holy Qur'an?..

I personally wasted lots of time specially before the iftar in two or three hours, but I do listen to lectures by scholars on the TV, where it leads me to sit there and change channels till the *!*!*!*!an make me say after this programmme, after this programme, I'll continue reading the Qur'an, and other Ibada'h.. Islamic lectures are very important indeed, but the problem is that I can sit there all day and listen to scholars and learn something about islam for sure, but in this Holy month???.. (confused, what do you think???)..

I wanted to dedicate this months for Qur'an, iba'dah, and avoid TV but not sure whether to involve other ways of getting closer to Allah (swt) in this month. Alhamdullah, so far I am going according to my plans, but at the same time I am wasting so much time..

Share your expereince with us inshallah, so that we can learn from each other ..:)



I try not to waste any time, mashallah, its just too precious!! As a mother of three, there is so much to do so you have to have a balance inshallah. While they are in school, I try to watch a lecture, or read a beneficial book, etc.... when I go online I listen to Quran online while I check mail, forums etc... read beneficial articles, to always keep Allah in rememberance inshallah. I dont watch too much tv, maybe except for the news and thats everyday, I cut down on tv a lot, and my kids also, alhamdullilah!! When I cook, I put on a Quran tape or CD, its just so much that you can do, mashallah!! Ramadan Mubarak!!:blackhijab:


Junior Member

Ive wasted a lot of time, too. I am trying to be more constructive, though, and inshallah I'll be successful. I try to listen to the Qu'ran on the way to work, listen to lectures while at work and read productive books in my free time...the problem is with the books, Im still relaxing with a thriller from time to time, :astag:


abdul ghaleeb

shaheeda35 you are a strong women....

my mothers a single mom too....with 4 boys..!!!

may Allaah(swt) grant you a life of bliss in this life and in the next....

we selaam


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum,

I don't have any time left, busy, busy, busy, alhamdoulilah...
What i'd advise you is to always remember Allah, doesn't matter if it's by reading Quran, making dikr, cleaning the masjiid, helping someone... whatever you are doing remember Aallah ( and it cant be considered as wasting..)...

You are right, this month is too precious, 30 days a year, we must make the most of it, already 7days gone...

Allah Hafiz

the only truth

striving for jannah

wating time is a weakness we all seem to have...i have found the best way to beat it (i hope so anyway)...as soon as a bad thought comes to ur head for e,g watching tv...say auzubillahimina shaitanir rajeem bismillahirahmaniraheem...and turn urself away from the bad thing and engage in something good i.e reading the quran...slowly but surely insha-allah you will end up doing more good than bad insha-allah...
