Difficulties with parents


Junior Member

Hope u are all in good state of health and imaan.
I have a sad question! I know parents are important in Islaam, but I can't live with mine.
My dad yells all the time. Even for no reason, it looks like that's the way he talks. =S And he gets angry for nothing all the time, like cursing in the name of God ...
My mum is even worse. She shows NO respect, drinks sooo much alcohol (so is drunk most of the time) and is too lazy to do anything.
They hate Islaam so are making it me really difficult especially during ramadan!
I can't look at them as the people who raised me cuz they didn't. They picked me up when i was 15 and then they started to command me. Like they ordered me!

Yet I do think they care about me.
I don't know what to do.. I can't stay friendly to them and I can't show all my respect as they make me soooo angry about lots of stuff. Espcially when it comes to Islaam!
What am I supposed to do?? :shymuslima1:



Junior Member
Bismillahi Arrahman Arraheem.

My Noble Sister, Verily this is a test for you. May Allah make it ease for you to remain calm

Try to be polite to them and never ever get angry. Just seek refuge in Allah when you are getting angry.

Better still stay out of their way and stay where you can do acts of ibaadah.

May Allah ease your affairs.

Ramadhan Mubaarak


OntheWayOf ALLAH
assalam alaykum warahmatullah wa barakatuh ya sister

MasaAllah you are still connected with Islam firmly as I guess. This is a big test but as you know each one has their own test and this is yours.. Test is equal to emaan of the mumin.. Your test is difficult because inshallah you have a powerful and strong emaan, belief..

For your family, try to increase your tolarance limit a bit more up.. and dont see their mistakes, dont hear their harsh words.. If they speak badly about Islam, tell them I am happy like that...and be really happy because Allah is with us always.. Turn your face to Subhan,Rahman and Raheem Allah and be patient.. Inshaallah as soon as possible, in the right time you ll create your own house, your own family and you ll reach the great happiness that you deserve..

Allah gives patient and power to you inshaallah ..

ma3assalama dear sister


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

Thank you both !
U are right this is a test and I have to put my trust in Allah subhaana wa taala!
I'll do my best to be more tolerant.

wa aleikum salaam


to Allah we belong
prophet Ibrahim (as) father was a hard-core polytheist. yet Ibrahim (as) attitude was gentle towards him.

so try to be tolerant towards them..and explain about Allah, jannah, fire, judgment day, reality of this life to them politely if possible. and keep making Dua for their guidance. mayb Allah one day will melt their hearts.

PS: but one question in mind, if a woman's family is against her Islam and she can live with good muslimahs far away, is it permissible for her to go away frm home? hope knowledgable ppl can answer this.