disrespect at masjid


waaleikum salam
Thats really surprising me
Why they dont answer to u ?
I always say salam first to everybody with big smile ,because I'm so happy when I see other muslim sisters:)cant help it
I been offended many times also ,I still come to the Mosque and Im sitting alone in a corner there ,coz everybody are by groups ,noone will even ask what's my name.

Salam sister,

how about you making the first move and approach them.


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq

I am sorry to hear that people do not return salaams :( . One lady the other night gave me a good idea..Well my friends and I were all jibber jabbering after iftaar and we didnt hear her give salaam to us so she basically elevated her voice until we recognized she was there. Definitely got our attention. Of course there were no men around, so she was capable of doing that.

Don't give up because in your heart you know what you are doing is right. Insha Allah who knows you might be influencing others with your kind manners and your endless attempts.


user expired!

Junior Member
ok brothers ans sisters i dont want to make any excuses for anyone but I think living in the west it is very diffcult to tell beteween non- muslims and muslims, we the muslims are practically imitataing them in all their actions and mannerisms so to get a salam u need t give one first as sum people dont want to get embarrassed.

As for the in the masjid, a lot of muslims in the west are suffering from poverty and tiredness working all day and sumtimes all night... the last thing on their minds is to smile or salam most of them have other things on their minds.

thats what ifeel when i look into their faces but alhamdulilah iget salams all the time i even got one today when i was in the psot office.

ps just incase u missed the top


Junior Member

I hope u all doing great.:mashallah: most of us are complainig the same thing, and also I'm tired the word, reverts and born muslims what is the different ?we all are muslims subxan allaah, and we all have the same duty as a muslim, so plz we should stop blaming fr each other. Saying to asalama aleikum bro/sis u will get rewarded whether they responded to u or not. So dont give up thats what makes u a good muslim.

At the same time most people who go to the their local masjid known each other, or they from the same countries, so they may feel close to each other than you, so dont let that discourage u. If u want to get to know yr local muslims get involved the masjid, halaqas, and some of the activities around yr muslim community and insha allaah u will find good muslim freinds. Insha allaah plz lets be patient and be greatful fr one another.



Striving for Paradise

Walaikum assalaam my dear brothers and sisters in islam.

Very nice discusssion and a very genuine complaint indeed, and here is my take on it.

The best genereation of Muslims according to our beloved prophet Mohammad (BPUH) were Sahabas, and Shahabas were all 100% reverts. So I can imagine that our revert brother and sisters expect the same level of "taqwa" and dedication as they have, from every single Muslim, or atleast from a majority of them.
Well... I am not giving any excuses but those who were born in Muslim families, and migrated to the west from Muslim countries, there they had Muslims living all around them. The cities and towns they grew-up probably had huge population with probably over 90% Muslims. I can tell you when you live in a Muslim country where nearly everyone is a Muslim you can't keep saying Salam-alikum to everyone, because at any given momemt there could be more than a dozen people (all Muslims) walking all around you. So you only say Salaam to those you know. And this becomes your habbit/practice which becomes very hard to change, and so when some stranger say to them Salaam Alikum "they look like a deer in the headlights."

But I totally agree that this should change, and regardless of our old habbits we should overcome these bad practices and start doing the right ting, and convert our old and bad habbits with new and good practices.

Thanks for reminding us all that we do not always follow the true spirit of Islam and say "Salam alikum" to every known and unknown Muslim. Hopefully we change our habbits towards good and in the process gain a lot of Hassanaat and please our Loard. Insh-Allah.
Asalam alaykum Brother

Here in England we have a large Pakistani community and many reverts warn me away from their Masjids as they find them 'cultural' and biased. I now attend a smaller masjid where we enjoy the company of many different ethnicities.
I know that the local 'pro-Pakistani Masjids' don't allow certain speakers due to this wholly unIslamic attitude.
Allah Blessed me with finding this small Masjid through my Mothers new husband, may Almighty Allah bless them both, and they are very friendly indeed. We enjoy the company of many Iraqis, Kurds, Arabs and a whole range of Eastern Europeans as well as English reverts.
In fact yesterday, I was unable to leave until I ate with them upstairs, despite having already planned dinner with my Mum, and had my first taste of Kurdish food and I can now say that they make a mean bhirriani!
As I see it, you can either take up the challange of reforming your Masjid, may Allah give you the strength to succeed, or just try a different one. If you choose to try and reform the Masjid, it may still be nice to find a more open minded Masjid to work from.
It's your choice Brother, may Allah be pleased with you.

Allah Knows Best.

Allahu Akbar.